[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

I want to add in a volcano with a lake inside named Kerid, it's really, in Iceland. Perhaps we could name it Dulcet, which is music related.


[QUOTE="The Doorman]


This could be a spot for Spiritomb, and/or ghost types. Perhaps a quest spot. Or something else entirely. Also, if you want to PM me about that Fairy gym leader, like what you wanted him/her to be specifically? I'd work on that. I'll post my progress tomorrow when I can get it typed up, long day.


I absolutely don't mind placing Pokemon here. But they'll be suggestions, and I won't have NPC trainers or levels to offer.
I just got my hands on the pokemath calculator and it works awesome and its shinny (*U*) "ahhhh" but it led me to the question of how we are going to monitor it? I cant think of a good way to verify whether or not some one actually hits with an attack. at first I thought screenshots would work but there's nothing to stop some one from just re running the program till the succeed on the calculator and then screen shooting that particular attempt. We could work off the honor system but that can get pretty sticky when your dealing with trainer battles. Just giving a heads up I don't want this to cripple the rp later on.
That is a good question. I assume we could monitor and most likely we would notice if something was wrong with most attacks. Accuracy is the only one that might be an issue.... I would assume people on here would have no need to cheat, but then again you never know
I agree that accuracy is the real problem i can see. Dmg is pretty static given the stats any one can run the dmg and it will come out the same. True i can't see a reason why some one would want to cheat and constant abuse wouldn't be to hard to notice but there will always be a level of uncertainty.
Did you guys create your own program for it? I thought I seen that mentioned...

*totally not stalking the thread*
Atom said:
Did you guys create your own program for it? I thought I seen that mentioned...
Yes. My own creation! It is still an early build, and it has a few bugs, but it is still a work in progress.

@DemonKitten and @sambodean, I may be able to monitor the program's usage. I will essentially need to add lines of code that send data, and then I'd need to write a program for me to receive it. It wouldn't't be too hard, I'd mostly just have to remember how to do it.
Should we allow more Evs? I noticed that the evs I put in of just 51 only raise the stat by 1
CalamariHero said:
Yes. My own creation! It is still an early build, and it has a few bugs, but it is still a work in progress.
@DemonKitten and @sambodean, I may be able to monitor the program's usage. I will essentially need to add lines of code that send data, and then I'd need to write a program for me to receive it. It wouldn't't be too hard, I'd mostly just have to remember how to do it.
Hah that's awesome

I was about to suggest a global log actually Lol

Like RPNs dice roller has.
CalamariHero said:
@DemonKitten and @sambodean, I may be able to monitor the program's usage. I will essentially need to add lines of code that send data, and then I'd need to write a program for me to receive it. It wouldn't't be too hard, I'd mostly just have to remember how to do it.
That would solve everything. You truly are a wizzard, sorry for adding to your work load I'm just trying to come at the rp from as many angles as i can and make sure this things air tight.

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Man you guys are working hard. I wouldn't say I'm a big pokemon fan but I've played and enjoyed a few games, you guys might manage to pull me in xD
sambodean said:
That would solve everything. You truly are a wizzard, sorry for adding to your work load I'm just trying to come at the rp from as many angles as i can and make sure this things air tight.
Don't worry about increasing my work load. I have plenty of free time, and I like to put in effort for this rp. And anyway, it is something that does need addressing.
DemonKitten said:
@Atom Don't make us blush. To have a veteran like you would be a sign of greatness
Veteran? Pffffft, I haven't even been on here a full year yet cx
DemonKitten said:
@CalamariHero What about the Ev thing? I mentioned above
Yes. About the Ev thing. I don't entirely understand the math behind Eva's in the first place. If I could find an equation, I would be able to give a legitimate response to your question, as to whether it should be raised or lowered. So, on that note, I will go try to understand evs.
No need. I think I figured out what Nexus messed up at. Evs have a max of 510. The 0 was missing so I had 51

I study evs somewhat so all should be well now

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