[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

I wasn't going to make math for it. I was just going to outline how it works. But then again, it looks like you have thought about it more than I. It probably be best not to dwell on it and not overcomplicate it. I suppose the efforts I intended on putting toward it are now null, then?
Omg, all y'all and your fairy types.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again; bug types are where it's at.

All I had in mind was exceedingly bare, due to my efforts being focused on Netbeans.

It involved friendship levels, with values akin to XP (though, these values would be vastly lower than those of the actual XP levels. Certain lay no 14400 friendship points to get to level one. That'd take forever with no math)

And certain actions, and their derivations, would be assigned a value. Completing these actions would give friendship points.

Not very well thought out, and as to be expected from me, focused on numbers. In reality, the method should not be this, because too many number focused things'll drive people away. I thought of this method only to cover up the chance that something like. "I have eevee. We are gud friend... Sylveon."
Or maybe it could be something simple like you need to use the Pokémon in a battle 50 times to evolve via friendship :D
In reality, I kinda wanted my efforts in that area to be null, because my idea is pretty bad, and the post count idea covers the flaw I was focused on.

Both reasons shown above, thank you @Bunny and @The Doorman, prove that my idea is bad and not well thought out for the friendship thing.
lo, Calamari, you are a total math wiz! I will go with the post one.

I also need to make a basic for quest making, but apparently I'm too tired to think about it.
DemonKitten said:
lo, Calamari, you are a total math wiz! I will go with the post one.
Thank you. Unfortunately, sometimes math overcomplicates things.

DemonKitten said:
I also need to make a basic for quest making, but apparently I'm too tired to think about it.
I forget, what does the term "Basic" meanIn this context again? I feel like I'be been told this before, but I cannot remember the meaning.
Slowly inch towards friendship, lol.

Bunny said:
I had a sudden urge to play Pokémon.
But I can't find my 3ds :I
That sucks *Strokes shiny sylveon's head* *evil giggle*

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