[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!


By the way, random thought, I accidentally left some crud in the equations in the program. Medium Fast xp results are about ×14400 greater than they should be.

I am noting this for two reasons, in case anyone tried the program, and so that I can remember to fix it in the morning. I'd do it now, but I would likely make another mistake, what with it being late 'n' all. Also I am using my tablet, which I can't program on.


ShadowedNexus said:
I'm back!
Welcome back, comrade.
All is well, calamari. I'm will work on some things in the morning as well. Bedtime for me now
Best of luck all of us, @Raerae you are apart of this team too!!

Also if any of you want to become game masters that play as the gym leaders and things just say something. I didn't want to start volunteering all of you lol
Of course @DreamBeat

We should have everything pristine for you by then! We will be open forever! Trainers never stop being born!

You can thankk Calamari for that. A true genius, that one
Thanks~ I might actually join before then, but it kinda looks confusing right now. Need to wrap my head around dice role playing during road trip or within the next three days.

Yes, he's been doing a wonderful job. I've actually tried using it. Cool~
Dice are really simple. You will probably have to look back every time to remember but it requires only knowing what your number means.

All the different numbers just stress people out but Hey, if you mess up it is an easy fix
DemonKitten said:
Also if any of you want to become game masters that play as the gym leaders and things just say something. I didn't want to start volunteering all of you lol
Could I take position as one of the game masters?
It took me only a couple of days! They are a lot of fun and we will be very helpful in supporting you

@CalamariHero of course!

I hope yall know how much I love having yall around and helping me. You don't know the stress Id be under lol. I'm a little red ball of stress

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