[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Um, is it okay if I just play a traveling merchant in the RP instead?
You don't want to be a trainer?

So you don't want to be a merchant that trains and has a pokemon? or... That is where I am getting at
He's a trainer that trains and raises Pokemon but he has a profession on the side of being a trainer. A little extra currency x3
That is perfectly fine to strive towards, put that in your trainer type. I will grace you with a few items, but quest will be your main source of items and buying items from the shop when they are on sale like buy 2 pokeballs get one free. Just got to be a haggler
Alright. The idea still really isn't definite but I'll keep that in mind.
Okay. I think it would be a fun idea. Start out as a merchant work your way up to owning a shop in the city
I did it.

It took me the entire day, but I created client and server programs that communicate with each other.

Once I add the ability to save logs, and clean up the client-side program, I will release it.

But all of that will be far easier than what I just went through.

I would think so. Now take a bow and rest up, you programing genius you.

Let us work on stuff tomorrow. This kitten is ready for a cat nap
That, my good friend, is a great idea.

I do so need my rest. I had to rewrite the communicating lines of code about four times before it'd work. 3 parts. 547 lines of code, and still growing.

I'll probably finish it tomorrow (Or sunday, as tomorrow is the 4th of july)
I feel so stupid, but I don't actually know how to instigate the dice roll. Do I have to post first and then roll..?

I think I just answered my own really lame question. :P
Did you answers your own question cause it is best to roll as you are writing so say you write I prepared to throw the pokeball then you would roll to see if you made it and write for that
Yeah, and thankfully due to lucky rolls, I got pretty much what I wanted. I have a male Ralts (who I plan to turn into Gallade), with the hidden ability. That also means once it evolves to Gallade it will change to Gallade's hidden ability which I wanted.
I thought it was 255 max for each area? Yeah, I decided to give Evs at the start because it less stress on the player having to add more evs to previous evs every time the level up.

Awesome @ShadowedNexus I think other than my nature, my snivy is pretty awesome. I need to do ability. I had forgotten
Yeah, 510 and 255 is the max you can put in one area. You can not put all 510 in one area, that is what I meant..

@Raerae What is with all the dice rolls? They looked right to me

Yall are so lucky yall cant see the deleted messages that stay there forever for me! I can't get them to go away
So you have piplup. Piplup has one ability and one hidden ability that he or she can have. You roll a 20 sided dice and if you get 1-4 piplup will have the hidden ability. Hidden abilities in the actual game are harder to acquire.

Hidden ability Defiant- Boosts the Pokémon’s Attack stat when its stats are lowered.

Torrent- Powers up Water-type moves in a pinch.

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