[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

ShadowedNexus said:
Just message me whenever you have a new version to be testes

ShadowedNexus said:
Just message me whenever you have a new version to be testes
Okay. That probably won't be for a while. Whenever the client tries to connect to the server, it gives me "java.net.ConnectException:Connection refused". But, unlike other errors, it doesn't close the program. It's just like "Nah, bruh. Can't do." and moves right along like nothing happened.

Can I post what I I've done in settings, and you can check it over there? Or would you prefer I message you? Also, if we're finished with our CS, can that be posted as pending now? I did read what was written, just want to make sure.
Kiwi said:
I would like to join, can I please oh please oh please
Welcome to the madness(:

Do I have to use the given layout or can I use my own? I appreciate it, but I'd prefer my own, respectively.
yaay, however, i wont be able to create my character this weekend, due to Independence Day, and going to a funeral, so ill be making it around late tuesday. afternoon
Did you have a question? Mmmm if it was in the previous page...my bad...I usually don't read the previous post and my notifs have been going bonkers. Mind repeating that? :D
@CalamariHero I know you're busy!

@LifeNovel Shared with you via PM.

@The Doorman I need Yo Guise to tell me if you knew whether or not I was required to use the given layout. That, and whether or not I need to incorporate contest halls or if anyone even wants that? I asked that yesterday, I just wanted to know if anyone was expecting me to do that or..
Answers to everything!!

@Raerae use what you desire and yeah put it as pending while you are working on it and you are welcome to change it once it is done since you are a game master

@Kiwi welcome! All are welcome to join. Sorry I wasn't here to greet you. I had work for hours

Thank you! I'm just a spazz is all. I did post my CS, so that's that. Can I message you what I have, or shall I just post it in the settings already?

I can add the Pokemon, but I don't know what I should write as far as levels and I won't even touch IVs lol
If it is wild pokemon no ivs needed and you can wait until we find where we place your area. Just go ahead and post it.
@DemonKitten - I had asked a few pages back if me running the item shop would be alright. Using monies players get in character to buy things from the shop.
@Nico yes it would be fine though for you to own an item shop you must make enough money to buy one. I will make a list
Say the player earns 500 monies in character. They can use that money and go to the Item Shop thread and purchase some Pokeballs. When the purchase is made they can then use those items in character.

Though actually it might be a bit complicated.

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