[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

I'm still working!

Bout to kick the collective behinds of all of the elite four.

So... Nothing too important?
DreamBeat said:
Are you sure?


It's working for me, what did you put for the code?
DemonKitten said:
Yeah, 510 and 255 is the max you can put in one area. You can not put all 510 in one area, that is what I meant..
@Raerae What is with all the dice rolls? They looked right to me

Yall are so lucky yall cant see the deleted messages that stay there forever for me! I can't get them to go away
I was afraid of that. I'm so sorry! The first few times were just me experimenting, I absolutely didn't understand the whole... Exalted and whatever roll.

And then my phone (Cheap plan) kept switching from 2G-4G, which led to double posting, sometimes not posting at all, or my internet went off, or I hit roll/delete accidentally. That, and it's a touch screen.

I hadn't a clue it'd bug anyone, sure annoyed me though. Terribly sorry! I finally gave up, once my network even came back on.

Oh, and, hi everyone . Looks like I missed quite a bit :c
I am awake.

Just got done with fireworks.

I am going to clean up my program.

Everything seems to work smoothly.

Afterwards, I'll make my character and the PSS Dev Npc I'll be running
I'm awake. Me and my family walked around the neighborhood a bit, ending up hangin out with some neighbors we just met for an hour or so.

It was fun.
Didn't get to do any July 4th junk because one of the goats freaked out and got it's head stuck in the fence xD
[QUOTE="The Doorman]Didn't get to do any July 4th junk because one of the goats freaked out and got it's head stuck in the fence xD

Aw is he okay??

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