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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 'The Wayward Tower '


The Born Again Novice

It's Midnight, and a cool breeze veers over the ocean. The sea is at rest and silent, not a break in sight. The moon looms above, casting a luminescent white light atop the vast body of water. Cloudless, the perfect weather was like that of a painting. Pristine and vibrant. The sound of light movement shatters the silence, as a blue shape slowly rises to the surface. With a dazed expression, a single Wailmer looks up to the sky. With a faint yawn, he began stretching his muscles a bit. The cool ocean breeze lightly washes over him, making him smile in comfort. It really was a pleasant night, yet again. The calm sea with a moonlit night was most assuredly the most relaxing sight to behold. For years, the ocean would welcome this pleasant omen with open arms. Nights like these were famous among most Pokemon of this world. Yes, in a world that only consisted of Pokemon, it was always quite peaceful. Yet, sometimes, the smallest of shifts in the wind can start a powerful wave.

An unusual shadow moves across the night sky, swift and silent it moved with purpose. The Wailmer, curious at first, watched as it hovered right in front of the moon's glow, casting a single shadow onto the ocean surface. Suddenly, a loud splash was heard below the shadow as it seemed to drop something into the depths. As quickly as it came, the flying shadow disappeared into the night sky, leaving what it dropped below. Whatever was left began to move slowly, before sinking itself under the water. Within a few moments, the sea was quiet once again. The water Pokemon, intrigued by this strange sight, decided to follow the shadow and it too sank.

Diving below ocean surface, the familiar cool feeling washed over the Wailmer. Submerged once again, he began to propel himself forward, looking for the dropped object. Maybe...they would want whatever it was returned? The Wailmer quickened its pace, trying to spot the object before it was lost in the depths. At the corner of its eye, it spotted movement. Wailmer turned quickly only to see it jet away quickly. This confused Wailmer further, somehow, the object kept moving. Not willing to be outdone, Wailmer began to stride forward with all his strength. He pushed against the water as hard as he could to catch up. For what felt like hours, both Wailmer and the foreign object continued to sink further into the depths of the ocean. With his struggles bearing fruit, Wailmer noticed the object duck into a crevice in the sea floor. Fatigued, the Wailmer did the same, but stopped at the entrance. It plopped into the sand, trying to catch a breath. A few deep wheezes later, the Pokemon peered into the large crevice under him. Is..this a Mystery Dungeon? Under the sea? He wondered to himself, feeling a bit disheartened. He shook his head rapidly, trying to find courage. I-I can't fall behind, even here! He took another much needed breath, and dived into the dark crevice.

[ BF1 ]

The inside of the underwater cave was dark and sinister, void of any sound. Strangely, though supposedly not for a mystery dungeon, the water only rose to the average adult human’s chest height. What the hell even is a human? The floor was sort of small, but still maze-like. It didn’t take long to find the path that led farther down.

[ BF2 ]

After traversing the claustrophobic passage, he emerged onto another floor, just like the last one. “I guess that’s what a mystery dungeon is like…” He wandered some distance, and eventually found the next passage. There was a small Carvanha guarding it… “Alright, put yer hands in the air and gimme all o’ yer fuckin money.” Wailmer was too scared to fight back. “O-okay...I don’t have much…” “Well I guess I’ll just have to take yer life then, won’t I?!” The Carvanha raced at the Wailmer, baring his teeth. “Please, no!” (Wailmer used Rollout!) He began to roll all around the room. “PLEASE NO DON’T HURT ME!” Throughout his wild and random rolling, he accidently crashed into the Carvanha, fainting him. “Oh...I’ll take my money back then..” He proceeded downwards.

[ BF5 ]

Wailmer had gone down through a few more floors. He encountered little resistance along the way, but it became clear to him that he would have to fight to continue on, so he did. He began to see beautiful, sparkling crystals imbedded in the wall… “These could be worth quite a bit.” He dug a few out of the wall and placed them into his pouch. Eventually, he found the next path, and continued downwards.

[ BF9 ]

Wailmer could see a light at the end of a rather straightforward floor. He proceeded towards it cautiously...

[ Coral Castle Outskirts ]

Wailmer exited the vast sea cavern, fatigue and exhaustion weakening him greatly. Wheezing, he halted his progression, floating in the open water. His fins were sore, and he could hardly pump forward any longer. However, he proceeded onwards towards the light.The curious Pokemon glanced below to find an amazing sight that took his breath away. An enormous coral castle lied below at the bottom of the large underwater basin. Huge shimmering pearls reflect light from the inner walls. Huge schools of Basculin patrol the area like clockwork, never leaving a single side unchecked. He also noticed two Caracoasta guarding a huge gate, both holding large and ornate spears.

The Wailmer is completely taken aback by his discovery, who knew a huge coral castle would be at the end of this dungeon? It was beyond beautiful, and he felt a loss of words for what he was seeing. Suddenly, an explosion caught the Wailmer off-guard. Huge ripples of water began to pass by him, seemingly coming from the water palace. Once he looked closer, a huge hole had been blown through the side. The Basculin began to swarm in a panic, swirling into formation, forming a large spiral around the opening. But, they weren’t ready for what was coming. A bright white beam shot forth from the hole, hitting any and all Pokemon in sight. One by one, the squadrons froze and fell to the coral depths below.

Once most of the spiral had fallen, a figure emerged from the hole carrying some sort of glimmering item. A deep rumble was heard within the Coral Castle, and the water itself began to drop in temperature. Panicking himself, Wailmer fled back toward the dungeon entrance not wanting to see the end of this scene. He looked back once more, only to catch a glimpse of the dangerous figure. A long tail swished behind him menacingly as it seemed to grin with excitement. The rumbles grew stronger and a deafening roar echoed throughout the entire basin. Wailmer decided to ignore his curiosity and finally flee the scene, leaving behind the danger of this coral fortress.


Chapter 1: A Cry for Help

“....! elp…! Humans! Listen to me! I need your help! Something...disastrous is coming upon us. Something beyond a normal Pokemon's control. No...we need...those different than us. Strong, brave of heart and resistant to...the corruption. I have chosen you {INSERT NUMBER HERE} humans to come help us because you all possess special innate abilities. Another voice chimes in. “We can sense the power that hides within.” There is a short pause before the voice returns, coughing a bit. Yes...well, I’ll judge you each individually to decide what you should become. First I’ll judge...you, with the long brown hair. Yea, you, lanky. You have a strong fighting spirit. Rather standoffish, aren’t we? I think you’d be fine as a powerful and benevolent Gallade, but we’ll start you off as a Ralts. I think I’ll have a dawn stone ready for you when you turn into a Kirlia, though. Next up, I’ll take you, the blonde one with the wavy hair. You seem rather calm, but adventurous. Very calculating, and your care for the world around you is commendable. Not to mention, you have a mystic aura... I think you’d be a wise and noble Lucario, but we’ll start you off as a Riolu. Lastly...you...with the scraggly and curly black hair. Wow. You’re really fucking lazy, aren’t you? Like, damn. Kinda wonder why I picked you now. You...you seem rather chill and...you like thunderstorms? Completely opposite to one of my closer friends I know. You know what, I’ll have you be an Elekid, your laziness will drive the guy crazy! This...is important alright? I...we...need you to save us from the corrupti-... Guh..my power is starting to wane...I can’t...control...the transport…! Ji….help….GAAAH!”
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Cyan awoke with a start when a drop of water landed on his nose. His heart beating fast as he sat up with a rush. "OWwwwwwww... Why does my head hurt so bad." Cyan put a hand to his forehead. That's when he glimpsed what was amiss. "What the... Why is my hand..." Cyan began to look at his other hand and extremities. his arm had some weird blue fur on it and a strange stone embedded into his arm. His hands were more like paws. His feet were black and dog like. Freaking out Cyan looked around at his surroundings. There was Lake nearby that Cyan had rushed over to. Looking into the lake as though expecting to see something different than what he had already discovered. Looking into the pond he found that he had been completely transformed into a riolu. Rain began to fall. It distorted the image as Cyan looked into the water. What exactly was going on right now? Was this all just a weird dream? A wooper popped out of the water, startling Cyan. Cyan backpedaled until he hit a tree. The wooper began to talk "Sorry mister. Did i scare you? I was just coming to the surface because you looked... Lost? Is everything ok?" "Wait" Cyan responded "Why are you talking? Aren't you a wooper?" "I know i may be young'n'all, but that don mean i can't talk." The whooper looked a little mad, and puffed out its cheeks waiting for Cyans response. Cyan took a second before responding. "I'm... sorry? I'm not really used to... uh... talking pokemon." "You're weird mister." The wooper looked around and realized it was raining "You should come with me back to the town across the lake. I'll take you there on my back." With nowhere else to go, Cyan had no reason to decline a free ride. Maybe someone would know something about what happened to him in town anyways...
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"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-" A voice echoed continuously from within the cave, catching the attention of a group of Nidoran grazing outside. They all looked within the darkness of the vave, trying to see what could possibly make such a ruckus. One of the much larger Pokemon cautiously trotted up to the cave entrance, peering inside with a meek demeanor. Its nosed twitched with interest as it studied the opening. A low rumble could be felt on the ground and a weird hiss was be heard. It squinted its eyes, trying hard to find anything of importance. "S-see anything?" One of them asked, really hoping there was nothing at all. The large one took a few sniffs before side glancing back at his friend. He shook his head, raising his hand to scratch at his nose. "Nope...Nothing, its too dark." It muttered, a bit sullen. Without notice, a quick flash of light emerged from within the cave, giving the Nidoran a shock. They all turned tail and began fleeing, unsure what they were even running from. "O-O-OUT OF THE WAY YO!" A voice screamed, startling them even further. In a moment they were gone, scattered away from any danger. A yellowish figure jumped from the cave, flailing its arms wildly. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT". One of the aforementioned Nidoran poked its head out from the tall grass, just in time to catch a glance at the Pokemon. An Elekid sprinting out from the cave at high speeds, obviously quite frightened by something. It lowered its ears not wanting to get involved with whatever trouble the strange fellow got himself into. As if it was on queue, bursting forth from the entrance, a horde of Lairon quickly stampeded after it. Their eyes a tint of red, they chased after the small yellow Pokemon intent on trampling it. The Nidoran, not wanting any further involvement, quickly ducked into the shrub and scampered away to rejoin its friends. The Elekid ran with renewed vigor at the sight of the angry Lairon, picking up the pace and screaming his lungs out. "WHY ME!?"


Drip. Drip. Drip. Water touched McKie's face, awaking him from his slumber. Slowly at first, his eyes fluttered open, only to be welcomed by surrounding darkness. With a low groan, he began sitting himself up, trying to ease the pain in his head. He raised a hand and began stroking the bridge of his no- Wait. Where's my nose? He began to wonder, as he continued to poke and prod at his face. "What. What...WHAT." He voiced, raising in volume at each word. "MY NOSE. MY BEAUTIFUL NOSE!" Panicking, he jumped up trying to stand on his legs. After a few shaky moments, he finally managed it and began to stagger around. Somehow, he had forgotten he was in pitch black darkness. "WHERE AM I? WHAT'S GOING ON!?" He continued to ask no one, yelling to himself seemingly. His voiced echoed as he yelled louder, alerting him he was inside...somewhere. "In..In a building? A...room?" He murmured to himself, trying to make sense of his location. Without stretched hands he tried feeling around, maybe he would be able to find an exit. Or at least that was the plan. After walking forward aimlessly his hands met the cool feeling of a wall. A bit excited at first, it slowly diminished as he touched the surface more. It was like that of stone, damp,rough and uneven. "I'm...in a cave maybe?" He asked himself continuing to feel around. "Maybe if I...?" He muttered, walking along the walls side. Slowly, he slid along the wall's surface for a few moments before finding a peculiar indentation. His hand slid along the cone like surface before resting at a tip. His finger poked at it, unable to decide what it was. Curiously he decided to tug at it, hoping it could be a lever or switch. A gust of air hit his face however, startling him. McKie's body went numb as he peered into the eyes of a beast before him. Surely it was large and not very happy. To his surprise several other eyes illuminated behind that one, frightening the small stranger further. "Oh...No..." Gently he released the horn and backed away slowly. After taking three steps McKie quickly spun around and began sprinting in the other direction.


Alex looked around. Nothing but cold, snowy, barren wasteland. As a matter of fact, it was STILL snowing. "I am in the middle of a god damn blizzard. Holy balls it's fucking cold as shit." The sky was a dark grey. He could barely see five feet in front of him. The storm was actually quite thick and violent. He needed to find shelter, and quickly, else he would quickly freeze to death. Alex began to walk. It was a difficult trek. He walked for quite a while, but found nothing. "It's so...cold..." He looked back. His tracks were erased almost as fast as he could make them. "So...cold...I can't...urg..." The soft thud could barely be heard. He could do nothing more than lay in the snow. "Suddenly taken from my nice warm bed and plopped down in this frozen ass fucking wasteland...why..." Blackness. He passed out, right there in the snow. A few moments later, a figure floated by, and a feminine voice could be heard. "Oh? That's strange. Snow isn't green and pink." She picked up the green ball, and was surprised to find a small white body attached? "EH?! What's a Ralts doing this far up north?! Oh dear, he's passed out cold!" The floating figure picked him up in her arms, and quickly...ran? (god dammit I'm too fucking tired for this god damn shit.) home.

*Several hours later...*

"Urg...my head...wow, deja vu." He looked around and noticed that he was now resting in a nice warm bed in a small cottage. A fire was quietly burning in a fireplace across the room. "You're awake! I was beginning to wonder whether or not you were ever going to. I have no idea how long you were buried in that snow." Alex couldn't see the figure currently speaking to him. She was behind. a curtain. It looked almost like she was stirring something in a pot. She placed a lid on it, and came around the curtain to talk. "I carried you all the way he-" "HOLD FUCKING SHIT A FROSLASS WHAT" "Uhh..Yes? I am indeed a Frosslass." "Why...Why are you a frosslass? Pokemon...They're not supposed to exist outside of games...! Why..." He looked down at himself, and saw that he had no clothes, his body was tiny, and his skin was ghostly white. "URGH!" He shouted in surprise, and ran to a mirror he saw next to the fire. Thankfully, the mirror was full length; stretching all the way down to the ground, because he was only a foot and a half tall. "WHY...WHY AM I A FUCKING RALTS?! I...I...MY HAIR! This...green shell looking thing on my head...Well, at least it feels and behaves like hair. And it's even longer than a normal Ralts'! What about this pink thi-" Upon touching it, a wave of pleasure coursed through his body like electricity, and he blushed heavily. "Well, I guess that would be an erogenous zone..." But along with the pleasure, he also felt power. "I see...If I'm a Ralts, that means...I must also be psychic!" He tried to lift a stick out of the fire, but didn't even know how to access his psychic abilities. "Are...Are you quite done yet?" Alex turned around quickly to face the Frosslass. "Oh, my apologies. I got so absorbed in...this. So uh, why are you a Frosslass? And why am I a Ralts?" "What? That's quite rude. You don't just ask someone why they're a Frosslass. And I'll have you know, my name is Alice." "Oh, uhh...Sorry, Alice. It's just, I'm not a Ralts. Or at least, I shouldn't be. When I went to sleep, I was a human, and pokemon only existed in things like video games and anime." " A human? I've never heard of those before. And what are video games? And anime?" "I see. This is turning out like... OH SHIT. THIS IS JUST LIKE POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON!" "Mystery Dungeons? Yea, there are plenty of those around places nowadays. But you never answered my question. What are these video game things? And anime? And humans?" "Oh, well, as you might have guessed by now, I'm not from...this world. I come from a place called 'Earth'. The only sentient species on Earth are humans. They look sort of like...Mr. Mime I guess? I would have to draw one for you. Here, can you give me a piece of paper? And a pencil or something?" "Oh, uhh...we don't really have anything like that. You can use uh...here. I have some charcoal. You can just draw on the floor. It'll get clean eventually. So tell me, what are these video games? And anime?" Alex began to draw a human. Strangely, his drawing skills were increased exponentially, likely thanks to his newfound psychic abilities. "Well, where I come from, video games are a sort of thing you do when you're bored. For instance, the DS is a thing with two screens. These screens give off light, and constantly change to reflect what you're doing. It's kinda hard to explain. Anime is like theater, only it too is on a screen. The only difference is that you don't control what is on that screen, and it's drawn instead of real people acting." "Ohh...That sounds...Interesting?" By the time he was done explaining, he had expertly drawn a typical human anatomy circle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/96094556.jpg.b4cf3b833c3a36a53c1ec339291a5a2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/96094556.jpg.b4cf3b833c3a36a53c1ec339291a5a2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Ohhh?! I've seen this in books before! Long ago, there was a person similar to you that claimed he had come from this "Human world." His book was filled with stuff about his life in the human world, and all about what was in it. That was...almost a hundred years ago. If you're lucky, I think he's actually still alive. He founded Academy City, the most advanced city in our world. I planned to head there and apply for the university there. It's not really a big city, but I hear that it's amazing. Actually, how about you come with me? I'll bet you want to meet him, and he'll probably want to meet you." "Well, I have nowhere else to go. I don't even know where I am, or how I got here. The only choice I have at the moment is to go with you." "Great! We leave in a few days, then! I know it's not much, but enjoy your stay, and I hope we get along well! Oh! And I noticed you're not really able to use your psychic abilities yet. You'll want one of these, then." She handed Alex a long shard of ice shaped like a beautiful sword. "That's a Nevermeltice. It will never break, it'll always stay razor sharp, and it will never melt, hence the name. It'll be just about the only thing you'll be able to defend yourself with. The local wild 'mons have been acting really aggressive and strange lately." "I see. Do you have another one of these laying around? I could function a lot better using two at once." "Well uh...hold on a second." The Frosslass placed her hands in front of her and blew lightly. Slowly, another Nevermeltice sword began to form. "Woah, that's incredible!" Alex said. "Here ya go. One Nevermeltice blade, made to order!" Alex stood in silence. God damn, Pokemon were fucking amazing in practice. He gave the blade a swing. It was extremely light, almost like a feather. He stood and walked to the middle of the room, turned the sword in his left hand backwards, and quickly spin-attacked to the right. Surprisingly, he created lift and came several feet off the ground. "Oh fighting with these is going to be fucking awesome." Suddenly, he felt dizzy, and began to see spots in his vision. "Ugh...what is..." he fainted, and fell backwards.



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