Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"Hey! Uhhhh, wh-what do you think your doing!?" Bobby said, turning on the Houndour and growling weakly. He was only shaking a little, and by that I mean a lot.

Nikki meanwhile only stared up at Dominik, stunned into silence that the guy had... Become a Pokémon as well?

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"Excuse me?" The Houndour snapped as he sat up, a few inches away from Nikki. "What am I doing? What do you think you're doing growling at me!?" He bared his fangs at the Shinx.

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The Shinx immediately began to whimper with his ears pressed flat against his head, and cowering, "Nothing, nothing at all, nothing to see here please move on."

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"That's what I thought." The Houndour scoffed. "Hey, Nikki, dear, what are you doing hanging around these weaklings?" He asked, looking over at the pretty fox Pokémon.

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"Wha..." The Vulpix finally spoke up, and rolled onto her paws, struggling at first then planting her feet and plodding over to him. "What do you mean? These are my FRIENDS, Dominik. That Shinx has been nothing but hospitable to me since I got here."

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"So what? He has a heart of gold!" She said, glaring. The Shinx stared at the Vulpix, then blushed and looked down at the dirt, kicking at the ground with one of his front paws.

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The Houndour growled in just the slightest at the change of color on the Shinx's face. "Nikki, honey, I thought the fighting ring atleast taught you SOMETHING about living. Like, having friends that can defend you when needed, not hide behind your back, tail between their legs." Dominik said as he pat Nikki on the head with a paw.

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The color drained from the Shinx's face, his ears pressed back against his head, looking shameful.

"Dominik, stop that!" The Vulpix shouted, outraged. "The only thing I got from the ring was that you can't trust anyone! And you know what, I broke that way of thinking!"

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"Hmph, whatever." The Houndour looked down at his paws. The only person who could actually tame the beast inside of Dominik was Nikki, and she succeeded every time.

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"He's timid, so what! At least he's smart enough to not go running off into battle without thinking!" She said, letting her fur fall again as she calmed herself down. "Why are you here, Dominik?"

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"Huh....wait, damn it." The Ekans slithered into view shortly after the two had called her, shaking her head upon entry. One part of her brain... rather, the majority, had spent the night convincing her that this was all a whacked-up dream. But that was to fade as soon as she opened her eyes, back in this creepy cave with an even creepier team. But she was used to being waken up at the early hours of the morning. So far, nothing new.

"I'm up."
"What do you mean? I was worried sick when you left the ring, especially when you disappeared! I finally find you and that's what you ask me?" Dominik slumps over in a laying position, sighing. "Don't my feelings mean anything to you?" He buried his muzzle in his paws, defeated and turning the slightest bit pink. "I mean, nothing." He added stubbornly.

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"You went looking for me?" She said, getting only the slightest bit pink in the face.

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"Yeah, of course. I care about you, you know?" The Houndour said, sitting back up.

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"Ummm..." Her face got pinker.

Bobby, behind her, stared, with a beyond sad look on his face at Nikki's blush. His hopeless look betrayed how much he liked her, and then he looked away.

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"Tch, I can leave if you want me to, though." The Houndour broke his gaze on the fox in disappointment.

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"No, you don't have to, but I don't know where else you can go... Unless you have somewhere to go?"

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"I do, I'm part of Team Rogue." Dominik said, standing up onto his paws.

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"WHAT!" The Shinx shouted, suddenly paying a fair amount of attention, "T-Team Rogue?!"

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Chespin looked at the houndour. "You know... If you want. I could smack you down right here and now. I do have a rather large advantage."

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The chespin would shake his head. "Sorry but you're at a really big disadvantage. It'd be no contest for me really. I have a major secondary type effectiveness not to mention access to rollout which has much better accuracy than any fire attack you could use at the moment as well as protect."
"But you aren't fighting type yet, you idiot." The Houndour said coldly. "Plus, I'm a champion fighter who kills people for a living." He added.

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