Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Cayden saw the tactic that the Ekans was going for. Extreme Speed. He thought up the words in his head like a reaction. The world around him slow and all objects slowed to barely moving. The Ekans's Poison Needles stuck in air like there were glued to nothing. Cayden walked by them casually until he was directly behind the Ekans. Extreme Speed then wore off. Close Combat. Cayden then raised his fist with a glowing blue aura and brought his hand down on the unsuspecting snake.
One moment, they actually looked as if they would hit, but the next... well, you could tell. Cayden was right in front of the trainee, as if he just popped out of space and popped back in, ready to strike her with one freaking powerful punch.

She acted out of panic when it came down, and just like last time, her tail acted as a sort of shield to absorb the blow aiming for her. Luck or not, if that were to hit, she'd be knocked across the cave. Out of a natural reflex, she continued to wrap her tail around his wrist. And the Ekans prepared the Poisonous attack again.
Cayden was suprised. The Ekans' tail was very useful for blocking incoming attacks. He would have to revise his strategy.

With the Ekans wrapping around his hand he ran over to the cave wall and punched it with the snake still attached.
"Are you sure you're r-ready for this?" The Espurr asked Naomi. 'I just realized she hasn't even introduced herself yet, how rude.'

'See? She's not a good friend then.'
The Espurr thought to herself.


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A loud 'SMACK!' Resounded across the cave when the Ekans was smashed into the wall, and she spat out the poison needles in favor of, well, choking. But taking a hit does not mean that she would just crawl to the floor. The more the fight dragged on, the more she felt she had to prove a point.

She caught her breath and lunched forward, attempting to sink her fangs into his arm. It wasn't going to be anything crippling, but it was something,.
Marie climbed down to the bottom floor right behind Pantera, "Yeah but don't worry I'll be right behind you to make sure nothing bad happens!" The Fennekin grinned to her partner.

She turned and looked towards her left from the ladder.
"I think the rooms are down that way! Here I'll show you!" She walked towards the hallway to the rooms and stomped her feet for the Deino to see.
"Confess what?" The Vulpix was making her way towards the Houndour, curiously looking at him.

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The Lucario toss the snake off of his arm before she could sink her teeth into his arm. However his hand that he punched the cave wall with was sore from the impact, so Cayden used his opposite hand and opened it up. Aura Sphere. A bright blue sphere of energy formed into his hand and was ready to fire it at the Ekans.
(I'll post the app when I get home.)

"indeed lad. Confess what." a deep rough voice would come as the houndour might be aware of the rather large Conkeldurr who had a teapot over where the flames were coming from. He was sitting crosslegged and looked at both of them like nothing was weird about this picture. "Confess that you would care for some tea I hope!"

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The flames started to recede and fade around the Houndour."Uh, nothing!" He exclaimed as he spun around to avoid the Vulpix's gaze, though his tail moved around rapidly. 'Damn dog tail.' Dominik cursed to himself, his face a dark crimson.

"Oh, uh, thanks.." Surota smiled though staring at her hind paws. 'I still don't understand why she's being so nice to me when I practically almost made her brain explode by accident.'

"Oh, mademoiselle, which room to pick?" Rémieaux asked, in his usual French accent, to the Chikorita while flying in and out of the numerous dorms.

"Aww, thanks, Marie!" Pantera smiled at the Fennekin, her face turning the slightest of pinks. "Pick any dorm you like, dear."

The Gengar was satisfied with the battle and the snake's will to not back down. Sure, the Ekans had the strategy, but that's not what Team Rogue was all about. She needed power to survive, not useless moves without any effect, like the snake was using. "Alright, Cay, she's done." Rokouré finally spoke up after just observing.

(Okay, Air :3 )

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With the order from Rokoure, Cayden's Aura Sphere failed before he could fire it at the Ekans. He then lowered his hand and faced Rokoure with an annoyed look.

"Ahh, just when we were getting to the good part." Cayden said with a grin.
"We don't need a fainted trainee on our hands, now do we? Remember the level difference, Cayden." Rokouré said with her usual ghastly smile. "Now I wonder what's taking my little puppy Dominik so long? It was just a little observing expedition." One of Gengar's hands rose up to her face, in a thinking manner.

"Yes, l-let's." Surota said shyly, following Naomi.

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"eh?! My fire! Where did it go?!" The large conkeldurr says looking at the houndour. "The tea isn't quite done yet, how do you start that back up? We can't have half made tea. It must completely soak and boil first! This is the most important rule in the world!"

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The Ekans slowly lowered her guard at the call to stop their fighting. It was strange to fight at will and then stop on another person's command, but it was doable. At the question, to which was aimed at no-one, she gave a sidelong glance to the Gengar. "..I don't know about you, but I heard a huge thump outside while we were... 'training.' It might not have a thing to do with the subject... yet unless you get some serious weather here, then that isn't normal."
Naomi walked right into the guild and climbed down the later well more like hopped down the rungs of the later since climbing was basically impossible for her with paws but she went over to where the rooms were and was looking for a cozy looking one.
"Naomi, c-can we get one with a w-window? I mean, if you d-don't mind." Surota asked the Eevee in her quiet voice.

The Gengar's huge smile lowered into a intimidating frown. "I, in fact, did. It probably doesn't pertain us, though." Rokouré responded to the Ekans.

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"Do you want me to go investigate outside Rokoure?" Cayden didn't heir anything while fighting the Ekans but he hadn't seen Dominik in a while either. Probably got into some trouble along the way.
Naomi nodded."I would love to get a room with a window then i can look out at the Moon at night."She finally found a room at the very end of the hall that seemed just perfect((The room is the one used in explorers of sky and time and darkness))And she smiles."This is great."
"Alright!" Marie grinned. She looked around at each room trying to find the one with the best view though it's window.

She kept looking until she found one at the very end on the left.
"Over here Pantera! This one has lots of sunlight for us!" She said stomping her paws for her partner to hear.
"...Okay." The feeling in her gut made it clear that they SHOULD of went outside and investigated. She wouldn't question it, though. If they went outside, it might be for nothing. Perhaps it was just a meteor. Or a falling pokemon, but how ridiculous was that? Heh.
"Thanks." was the only way the cat-like Pokémon could think to respond.

"Awesome!" Pantera responded, following Marie's voice into the room. "Remember, I can kind of see, or picture, perhaps, the edges of objects, so I'm not completely blind, kinda." The Deino smiled.

"Alright, let's go." Rokouré dissipated, her body fading, leaving only her mouth, also eventually disappearing (picture the Cheshire Cat when he "teleports"). She then re-materialized outside.

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