Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Surota used her powers to bring the box closer to her, rather than having to be in closer range of the menacing dark type. She opened it, examining the contents.

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"Now Now!" Nick roshi explained. "You are late for tea, you must join us at once and sit down." He would motion to the right of him where there was a complete table that was adorned and the tea was poured. "Also, rather than chastizing your rookie, perhaps you could give him pointers on how not to get himself killed. Like not trying to pick a fight with the strongest Pokemon."
"Alright, Soaringsoul it is... Now we have to find a room, right?" She asked, smiling. "Since I came up with the name, how about you find the room?"
"Hmph. I know plenty how to do that." The Houndour said stubbornly, crossing his arms. "I used to be in a fighting ring, and I was highly respected as one of the top fighters."

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"What- Oh god..." Nikki looked up, registering all the of the Pokemon around her. Team Rogue.

This is bad. If I associate with this bunch it'll affect the entire group... Bobby and Gunther will go down with me.

The Vulpix began to back away from the large group of Pokemon, including the oddly Mad-Hatteresque Conkeldurr, looking around.
"I know but it's best we be careful about your sight just in case." The Fennekin smiled back to her partner.

"Alrighty! Is everyone ready for a tour of the guild?" Bonbon announced as she reached the hallway to the trainees' rooms.
The conkeldurr would shrug, "Who knows, but one thing is for certain, apparently no one warned him about Golurk and what exactly he does." The mayor of the town would sip his tea. "I tell you, things get stranger every day."
"...Heh, you guys kind or remind me of brothers." The Ekans... you know what, her name is Xhiva. We have a major obstacle cleared now. She looked to the retreating Vulpix in curiosity. "...?"


It wasn't a heavy case at all, but it's contents were more then simple. There was a brown leather bag on top of it all...holding an insane amount of pockets. Countless. It was almost frightening.


The Rock-type jumped up. "Alright! Now, let's see..." He started to walk in an aimless direction down the hallway of various caves. This might take a while, but he was confidant in his ability to not get lost.
"I. I'm sorry, Nikki. This is all my fault. I brought you in to this..." The Houdour had puppy eyes. "I guess I should have never looked for you...because I know you would have never loved me back anyways..." He mumbled the last part, hoping she didn't hear and sighing as he did so.

"Thanks, luv!" Pantera said while hugging the Fennekin, blush tinging her cheeks.

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Bishop was walking down towards the beach when he overheard chatter coming from the beach. "Making a appearance on Guild initiate day is very bold" Bishop thought to himself as he walked onto the beach. He saw Cayden and Rokouré along with an Ekans and a Houndour. "New members? Sweet. I do hope that Cayden told them to keep my identity a secret… if he's even told them about me." Bishop Smiled. It had been 6 months since he had joined Team Rouge, and since then he'd gained the trust of every townsperson. He had become the ears of Team Rouge and his membership was only known by the members of Team Rouge. Nobody in town knew of his true Identity, and he had made sure to keep it that way. "What's going on here?" Bishop asked arriving at the scene. He noticed an New face. A Vulpix along with Nick-Roshi, A person whom he had talked to on various occasions. "Did I not get invited to a party?" He was playing innocent, and his tone and body language was perfectly mimicking what a person in this situation would be like.
"Hey Bishop, would you like to join in on this very odd conversation?"

As Cayden was saying this, he slowly started to change back into a regular Lucario. The energy from the Mega Stone must've wore off.
Somewhere very, very far away, outside of a cave with a waterfall nearby...oh, it was Waterfall cave, it wasn't that far away.

A figure was sitting next to the waterfall and drawing on a older piece of parchment it had found. It hadn't a need for a pencil, it was using it's longish claws to create strokes and the like. While it was still nice and warm out, the Pokemon decided to sit in the shade of a nearby tree.

"I would like to know that noone else would traverse this cave. Not without consulting ME first." The thing mumbled to himself. Some horrors were best left unsaid, eh?


Kiosk spoke up again: "Yeah, that's a Explorer's kit. And on top is a bag... whatever sorcery they used to make that, I will never know. You can hold a TON of items in it, more then a normal bag. Under that, there should be a few explorer badges. To identify your team. And a map to find your way around." The Guildmaster smiled.
The fire fox looked around at the many faces, swallowed nervously, and continued to back away, then locked eyes with Dominik. A paw began dragging across the sand, as she stared at Dominik, then then glanced up and down between him and the markings, then turned and scampered away.

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"Depends Cay." he said hearing the Lucarios statement "How weird might this conversation be." Bishop quickly shot him a look reminding Cayden that he was undercover. "Im guessing it has to do with you and your Team's torturous initiation… Im guessing those two are your new members." He pointed to the Ekans and the Houndour. "And if thats the case…" Bishop's (whatever those things on the back of a Riolus head are) raised up to sense aura. They lowered. "That the houndour is the one your messing with." He noticed the Vulpix inching her way towards him. He walked forward and tapped her on her back. "You're gonna bump into someone if you keep that up." He whispered to her. Bishop put on a sincere smile.
"Yeah, I'm messing with him, but not to much." He then looked over were the Riolu was.

"And where do you think your going Vulpix?" Looking at her as she was backing away from the group.
The rather imposing mayor looks up, "Well I assume she is going back into my town. Unless you are planning on stopping her, in which I remind you that tea time is treaty time." The conkeldurr would calmly sip its tea. "Please, refrain from violence."


The golurk leads the new recruits to a rather large, imposing building that was several stories tall. "This is where you will stay. Floors 3 through 5 are for living space. The first floor is for work, the second is leisure and eating."

The small Aron looked up and was amazed at the size, then again being a merchant meant Golurk had much deeper pockets than anyone else.
Nikki stopped when she was tapped on the back, expecting it to be Dominik or something, but no, it was a Riolu. She began to growl, "F*** off." She said, shoving him away with a paw, and continuing her walk away.

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"Im sorry to have offended you." Bishop said to the Vulpix "I will do as you wish." Bishop walked over to where Nick-Roshi was at "May I?" Bishop asked gesturing to the table that the mayor had set up. He had become good friends with everyone, even the mayor.
"Don't act all innocent to me... You smell like them..." The Vulpix growled, glaring at all of the Team Rogue members, except Dominik, "You think you're clever, but anyone with a decent nose can smell them on you... Especially that Lucario..." She growled, stopped as she glared.

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Naomi was naturally curious so she looked at the contents in the golden box and pulled out two Explorers badges, a Dark purple bow that looked as if to be radiating energy, a brown bag like a tote bag with the same emblem that the Explorer badges look like and another scarf that was black in color but with glowing swirls throughout the black fabric in a yellowish color and she gasped."Oh my goodness, A Lunar scarf this is amazing. It is the item i need with me when i am ready to evolve."She wrapped the scarf around her neck and smiled then she put the Bow on the Espurr's right ear.
"Who Cay? Ah no we knew each other before he went and joined Team Rouge." Bishop said to the Vulpix. "I feel as if we got of on the wrong foot. Im Bishop. Im like a guide around here. I help all the newbies to the guild get accustom to the town and the guild. some weird things go on there.' He smile a true smile this time. He wasn't lying. He helped the trainees around the town, and helped them with missions. But he left out that he did it to keep the trainees trust. Even the guildmaster send Newbies to him time to time to get them informed on a dungeon they might be going into. "If it makes you feel any better. The reason i smell like them, is because they kinda forced their initiation on me last month. I barely made it through, and when i learned what reward i had earned i instantly say no. I mean only a person who only wanted power would join." He said "I'd rather see people happy than hurt." Bishop looked hatefully at The members of Team Rouge. "Unlike them who only want power and dominance over everything." Bishop looked up towards the guild "Wait… You're a trainee!" Bishop said delightedly "Shoot that means you're gonna be late for the tour. I'd get going. I wouldn't want to spend another minute around them." Bishop pointed back toward Team Rouge.
It didn't have to be mentioned, but lately the Lake where Pokemon used to evolve was now dead and lifeless. However,t hat didn't mean that it wouldn't recover it's former powers at a later time. It just meant that the Eevee could not evolve at the moment.

"Mmm. The dungeons are pretty dangerous these days, but I get the feeling that you two should be fine, given a little training. Perhaps you should take Bonbon's tour before that." Kiosk stepped off to the side. "..If I have any advice to give at the moment, just do the best you can." It was unknown why Kiosk had started talking so sullenly. Perhaps it was a rumor getting to his head. A dangerous piece of gossip.


The Ekans tilted her head at the sudden personality change of the Riolu, but spoke nothing more. It was strange, almost as if his silver tongue was faltering ever so slightly. Perhaps it was just her paranoia, but she knew that something was up with this Trainee. His connection with Team Rouge went deeper then what he told.


After about..thirty minutes of walking in complete circles and flapping his wings in frustration, the duo finally found a vacant room right next to the area where they started. It was actually a nice place, the window overlooking the town and even reaching to that little corner where Sharpedo's bluff was. Other then that, it had the same layout of the other rooms.

"Well, looks like this is where we'll start!" Egolix spoke in a voice akin to determination. Excitement. The prospect of some sort of new adventure with a Pokemon he didn't know very well. But that's why they were on a team, He guessed. To make friends. It was cool, in a weird way!

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