Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"Oh yes, and yet so friendly to them. I see..." The Vulpix narrowed her eyes, and walked away, not really wanting to pursue the subject, just get out of there. And hope that the jumble of letters she'd left for Dominik in the sand hadn't been messed up.

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"Well, I think it is time that me and the recruits should go, I am sorry for my rudeness Dullahan. You two, let's go." He signaled Ekans(sorry I have to write it down or something) and Houndour to go back into the cave.
"This is what I get for being friends with you Cay." Bishop said sighing "Having you as friend is taxing. Sorry for that little outburst at the last second there Nick-Roshi. Im still mad at Cayden for joining that Team." He looked at the mayor smiling. "I should make sure all the recruits make it to the tour." He bowed. "Maybe we could have tea latter." Bishop set off towards the crossroads.
"Ohay... um. Enjoy your tea. I'd love to talk to you later." Seriously, this,..Mayor... should get some sort of top hat placed on his head. Xhiva reared up, findingnit a faster way to turn around, and started to slither back to the cave.

That was a tensions moment with the crushes and that newcomer, but hell if it wasn't fun to watch,

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
Anna followed her partner Archen for what felt like forever, wandering aimlessly. She didn't mind it, but in the end they were near where they arrived. As she entered the room, she looked the window, amazed at the view.

"This place...it's perfect for us..." She replied, looking at her partner ((I'm too lazy to look up names xD ))

"It's so nice...I can't wait for us to start training..."
The old mayor took a sip of tea, looking at the others. "Is he really thinking he's fooling the mayor of this fair town? He should know better than that. Oh well. Everyone knows tea time is diplomacy time anyway, I think I'll play along for a while. Speaking of playing, it looks like we're getting a lot of new people. That's really good news huh?" (Also that's not dullahan, that's Nick-Roshi)
To add to the scenery, there was another gold box in the corner. However, unlike the other box a couple rooms down, this one had a note on it. It just said: "I'll stop by after the tour,"

Ooh, mysterious.

Egolix nodded in agreement to Anna's statement. "So, what are you planning to do here? Personally..." The ever excitable Pokemon paused in his admiring stares to look to his partner. "... I'm interesting in exploring new areas. But i think everyone has their own reason."

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
Van Dash, the chespin looked to his room and managed to settle down in it. He made himself a makeshift bed and let the other two have the actual beds. He didn't mind sleeping rough. So long as he had someplace to sleep it was fine by him.
Cayden retreated to the cave feeling disappointed about himself.

"That could've gone better." He said with a slight tone of sarcasm in his voice.
Bobby looked at Chespin and said, "you know, you don't have to sleep on the floor. We can probably arrange for another bed you can sleep on."

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(Oh, and Lunar, go ahead, Bonbon can do it whenever :3 )

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Surota was shocked at the Eevee's action, attaching then bow onto her ear. "Oh, uh, thanks." She gave a slight smile to Naomi.

'Now she's touching you without permission? Some friend would atleast ask first.'

'Well what do you want me to do?'

'All you have to is raise your ears in just the sliiightest..' The voice in her head dragged out the word.

Out of nowhere, the little Espurr curled up in a ball, body shaking rapidly, her eyes closed and her paws holding down her ears with obvious force. "No, no, no, please don't make me do that!" She yelped.

(Oh my god Lunar, I totally ship them ^u^ I'm sorry but it just happened )

"Yeah, we totally are!" Pantera bounded, her face slightly red as the fox returned the hug. She then crawled up on one of the hay beds (if I remember correctly, they did find a room, right?), snuggling in it. "These are surprisingly comfortable. Come on, Marie!" She said as she patted the bed next to her, signaling the fox to atleast sit on it.

Before the Houndour could read the message in the sand, it was gone, just a jumble of lines. "Fucking dammit." He snarled, getting up and following the rest of Team Rogue back into the cave. When he got in the cave, however, he was pushed to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Rokouré asked coldly. "You see how much attention you brought us, you idiot?!" She readied a Shadow Ball in her mouth, intent on teaching the dog a lesson.

(And yes, I know it's not very effective of a move; the only effective moves she has to use on him is Focus Blast or Thunder, and I really don't want to kill him, because that's what the moves would do)

"So which room, my dear?" Rémieaux asked now that the Chikorita was on the ground, intent on actually finding a room before the day ended, or before the tour, of course.
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"Rokoure, Dominik did mess but I think I can come up with a more ... suitable punishment."

Going into the center of town to try and see someone where there are a lot of guild members wasn't the smartest move in the world, but I would find other ways to break him and teach him to think before acting
The ghost Pokemon raised an imaginary eyebrow, intrigued, as her Shadow Ball started to recede. "What is it, Cay?" She asked him, leaving a foot on Dominik so he couldn't leave.
"His "training?" But he already has been training with me?" Rokouré asked the Lucario, interested to understand what he meant.
Bishop made sure that nobody could see him went he slipped into the forest. He ran though the woods silently until he reached the wall of the cave, whose entrance was a bit behind him. He walked up to a rock and pushed it out of the way. Behind it was a little hole. He entered it and started walking deeper into the cave. He heard voices up ahead, so he picked up the pace. He walked into the part of the cave where everybody was and leaned against the wall. "Looks like we've got quite the recruit here." Bishop said from the shadows "Just gonna ask this, but was he always this stupid." Bishop smiled "I mean Anyone with common sense would avoid pissing off Golurk."
The Houndour jumped up, fangs bared, snarling at the Riolu. "Why don't you shut up! It was the smart-ass Chespin's fault I got angry."

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(Omg really? xD And yeah they did find a room ^u^)

Marie looked over as Pantera got onto one of the room's hay beds. She shrugged and decided to sit on the one next to the Deino. "Huh you're right! Who would've thought hay beds would be this comfortable?" She giggled.

"Alrighty! How's everyone liking their rooms? I think we'd better start up my grand tour of the guild!" Bonbon announced looking through each trainees room entrance for them.
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"Again, Shut Up!" The Houndour yelled, growling at Bishop. "I don't have a temper!" He added stubbornly. "The Chespin just wouldn't leave me alone!"  
"I could get used to this." The Deino smiled, snuggling up in a little ball on the hay bed.
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"Sounds like you do, but continuing on this path is fruitless." Bishop walked towards Cayden "I overheard training. Would you mind if i lent a hand?" He asked the Lucario.
"Yes, you may help. The Houndour needs to be punished." Rokouré the Mega Gengar spoke up, allowing the Riolu to start.
"Yeah me too." Marie smiled back to her partner.

Then she saw Bonbon look through their room's entrance and make an announcement about the tour.
"Oh right! We should probably get going if we want to see the place with Bonbon." She told the Deino as she got up from her hay bed.
"Alright." Pantera said as she tried to get off of her bed, but miserably failed by tripping and falling on her face. "Well shit, these beds were taller than I thought!" She laughed, getting up and slightly blushing a bit from embarrassment.

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