Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Rémieaux followed the Chikorita, awaiting the tour. "Alright." He said as he spotted a Shinx and Vulpix. "Bonjour!" He said to them.

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Bishops Leg connected with the ground after the houndour had been moved. Bishop stood up straight and took a deep breath. "Yes, Sorry Rokoure." Bishop calmed the anger inside him, and returned to a calm state. He looked a the Houndour and walked back towards Cayden. "Relying on things is what wins you the fight. If you can understand basic type match ups, then you'll never win." He thought as he stopped next to Cayden.
The quite loony mayor who had made his way into the cave nodded. "Indeed! Plus your initiate used howl and followed with a special attack instead of a regular one. Such a foolish mistake." The conkeldurr nodded as he looked around. "Also im lost again which way is town? I can't seem to remember where I live..." the conkeldurr scratched his head. Though he might be strong, at times his head was as empty as a coconut. Some might claim the centuries would be catching up to him. However anyone who actually knew the mayor would tell you the same: he's always been this spacy.

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Nikki didn't really hear Remi, she just made her way to the room Bobby and Gunther had chosen, and collapsed onto a bed. She was beyond tired.

Bobby watched her walk off, and sighed, "Don't mind her, she's just distracted. Hi." He said to Remi.
(I made him use Howl when he could so that Thunder Fang could be stronger)

Rokouré warped over to where the mayor was. "Excuse me mayor, are you lost again?" The Mega Gengar remained a semblance of kindness, something that was never seen in the ghost.

"Distracted because of why or what, may I ask?" The French Noibat asked kindly in his extremely evident accent.

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"Oh her boyfriend or something just showed up and apparently is in Team Rogue. It probably upset her or something..." He sighed, looking at the ground.
The Noibat's eyes widened slightly.

"Hmm, Team Rogue? Isn't that the dastardly group who's goal is to put an end to Rescue Teams?" He asked, making sure not to reveal anything about him being in the group.

'Doit avoir été que sale chien, Dominik!' He cursed to himself in his native language.

(Translation: "Must have been that dirty hound, Dominik!")

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"Yeah, I don't know... she seemed to like him..." He sighed, kicking at the dirt. He shook his head, "Well, as long as she's happy, I guess." He said, looking straight forward.
The conkeldurr's expression changed to stern and serious. "I am afraid so. You see I was locked in an epic battle of space and the megaverse. It was with none other than the great Palkia. Unfortunately he didn't take losing very well, especially whenever it came down to three pieces left and I had him king me. He then consigned me outside of our dimension to one where humans inhabit it. Fortunately I used futuristic technology to send me back here. Or at least to a similar universe. But I am afraid my sense of direction is messed up. That Palkia really needs to learn to play checkers better! No wonder Dialga makes fun of him."

It was nigh impossible if the mayor was spouting nonsense, or truly had an epic cosmic checkers battle.

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"Seems you like this little lady, non?" Rémieaux asked. "Oh before you answer that, I've been so rude asking you all these questions without you even having the slightest of my name." He added as he did a slight bow, slowly fluttering to the ground and sticking out his wing with 3 fingers. "Rémieaux, the French Noibat, at your service, monsieur." He said politely.

Monsieur - male equivalent of mademoiselle

"Uh, alright. Well, I suggest going to your Mayor's hall and take a rest from your vicious chess match. " Rokouré said, trying to remain nice to the, obviously scatter-brained, town mayor.

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The mayor looked indignant, "Checkers. You know I can't play chess and im fine. This is nowhere near as intense as Charades with Arceus, or shuffle boarding against the unova dragons. Last time kyurem nearly froze a continent. "

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"Well, sounds like you guys get pretty aggressive, huh?" Rokouré asked the mayor.

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"Hello to you too!" Bonbon smiled and waved back to the Chikorita.

"Who are we missing?" She looked around to see which teams hadn't arrived out to the hallway yet.
"I-it's n-nothing!" Surota exclaimed, trying to calm herself. 'Do it!'

'No! She's the only one that's ever been nice to me!'

'She's not your friend!'

"Yes she is!" Her ears shot up, destroying a desk in the room.

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Naomi put her paw gently down on one of the Espurr's ears so none of the physic power released from them hits her."It is apparent that something is wrong and i want you to tell me what."
"You're g-going to think I'm c-crazy." The Espurr's voice shook as she flinched at the contact.

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Surota gave the slightest of smiles at the Eevee's comment. "Okay, sometimes...actually, way more often than that...I tend to have arguments with myself. The one who always argues with me is me, but that side is always 'm-mean'." The Espurr confessed.

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Naomi smiles then took her paws off the Espurr's other ear."Hm, that seems to happen with alot of people i know but i do not think its weird or crazy."
"And that voice insists that you aren't my friend...it even told me to h-hurt you.." The Espurr flinched a little as if the Eevee was going to hate her from her comment.

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(Eat his...what? xD )

"And it's also always really mean to me...always calling me stupid and pathetic because I'm so shy..." Surota sighed.

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