Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Marie laughed with her, "Well better keep that in mind next time right?" She lead the way out of the room for her friend to follow, making sure she could hear her footsteps.
Bishop uncrossed his arms and looked at the Houndour. "Quick attack" Bishop dashed forward and stopped when he was beside the houndour "Force Palm" His hand glowed with blue energy aimed straight for the side of the Houndour's head.
The Chikorita looked around, then moved into a Grassy room. "Hey, this looks nice! Plus, it has a bunch or roots on the ceiling! You can hang from those! .... That is, if you do that. I thought bats did that."

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The Noibat laughed. "Yeah, I do, actually, merci-vous." Rémieaux said to Luna. "That means thank you, by the way." He added, flying into the room.

The Houndour quickly ducked as he bared his fangs, aiming a bite laced with electricity at Bishop's ankles. "Thunder Fang"

"Yeah, of course I will." Pantera smiled, following Marie out the door.
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Bishop put his other hand on top of the Houndours head and vaulted over him. when he landed he quickly spun and aimed his attack under the Houndours face "Blaze Kick" Bishops leg burst into flames as it was on its way to its contact point. Under the Mutts head.
Dominik was thrown backwards, but barely phased by the attack. "Fire Blast." He thought as he released an array of flames in a star shape, flying towards the Riolu. He then howled, raising his attack power while blowing out more star-shaped flames.
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Bishop sighed. "Spamming attacks now? Im pretty sure your getting desperate." Bishop ran backwards away from the flames until he found what he was looking for. A large slanted rock. Bishop jumped at the rock and kicked off it, sending him into the air above the attacks. he saw a large Stalactite hanging from the ceiling. "Blaze Kick" He aimed it at the thick base of the rock. It broke off and began to fall. Bishop aimed another blaze kick this time weaker, so that he could change its trajectory without breaking the rock. He kicked it, and sent it sailing towards the Hooundour. "Swords Dance" a gleam happened around him as he dropped to the ground. He watched as the rock hurtled towards the mutt.
The rock wasn't coming at him too fast, giving Dominik time to make strategy. He then came running, avoiding the rock and using Smog both as an attack at the enemy as well as using it for cover as he used Howl again.
Bishop cracked a smile. He sprinted around the smog that prevented seeing the mutt. "Quick Attack." Bishop ran to get closer and the jumped "Force Palm" He aimed the attack at the Houndour's head
The Houndoom was struck by the Riolu's palms, hitting the ground hard, making him yelp a little. He got up slowly, his fangs crackling with electricity, as he started to run towards Bishop.
Bishop saw the hound our running towards him. "Running out of ideas, now are we… well then." Bishop went to jump backwards out of the way until his back hit something. Bishop turned his head and cursed himself. "The rock. S***. I didn't think it would fragment that much." He had nowhere to run. Bishop braced himself for the oncoming attack.
Marie exited the room as Bonbon was continuing getting other teams out for the tour. She came up to the room of the Chikorita and Noibat, "Hello! Are you liking your room? The tour's about to start so come on!" The wigglytuff said in her usual cheerful tone of voice.
Dominik then released more star-shaped flames in the Riolu's direction. 'Fire Blast!' Staying behind the attack so he could physically attack after the flames had impacted, he charged at Bishop, fangs laced with electricity.
This fight was starting to get interesting. Bishop and Dominik were ... somewhat equally matched. Bishop had more experience in combat, but Dominik's brute force alone was enough to have a fighting chance. So far it seem the battle could go either way, but Riolu was smart so he could get himself out of a jam quickly. (Im still woundering where my freakin popcorn is? This is movie theater-quality stuff here!?!)
Bishop braced through the Fire Blasts, each hurt immensely. "Push through it, wait for your chance." Bishop moved one arm farther out than the other while he took the attacks. "Come here mutt, come get what you deserve." He could see the Houndour running towards him behind the Fire Blasts.
"Perfect" He thought as the Houndour bit down on his hand. Fighting through the shock, Bishop stepped down hard on the Houndour's Paw, holding him there. A smile crept onto the Riolu's face "Enjoy this." Bishops hand became surrounded by blue energy. "Force Palm" He aimed the attack at his face at point blank range.
Electricity surged through the hellhound's fangs, somewhat electrocuting the Riolu. Dominik was then blasted backwards, hitting the ground hard. "Tch!" He spat out blood as well as a tooth, which would soon grow back. He stood up weakly, somewhat gasping for air. "You think you're so tough, huh? W-well you aren't! Anyone who relies on things to their advantage to win, like typing, is fucking weak!" He stood, letting out more star-shaped flames. "I think this is going to be my last attack, so better make it count." 
"Oh, right, la visite guidée!" Rémi exclaimed, flying out of the room. "Come on, mademoiselle Luna!"

Translation: "the tour!"
"Ill give you one thing." Bishop said rolling diagonally out of the way of the Fire Blasts. "Your Persistent, but that only get you so far." Bishop started towards the Houndour. "If you were to think even a little bit strategically, you might've won." Bishop said to the Houndour. "Quick Attack." Bishop sped towards the Houndour's side. "If You would've Thought at all This wouldn't have even Happened!" Bishop jumped and spun in order to bring his foot down on the Houndour's back. "Blaze Kick!"
"Finish him. I'm not going to stand here all day." Cayden was getting slightly annoyed and was wondering where Rokoure had gone off to.
The chespin nodded at the considerate offer, "That'd be nice. But to be honest im okay with roughing it, so if we can't get a bed please use them." it was at this moment he heard of the tour. "But first, lets go on that tour!"

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The Mega Gengar appeared, moving the Houndour out of the way. "He's done, can't you tell?" She sneered at the Riolu.

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"Oh! Alright!" Luna said, following Bonbon, "Hello ms. Bonbon!" She said, waving at the Wigglytuff. She walked along with Remi and Bonbon.

"Alright then, lets go." Bobby said, smiling, before turning and walking out of the room.

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