Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Cayden went back to his resting spot and lay there with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed. A lot of interesting events happened. Riolu beat Dominik, but his hand was beat up from the bite he had taken. It was a very weird battle technique but you have to risk everything to succeed in combat. The mayor just left our cave. I have to say though, he can be unpredictable at some times. The battle that took place between Palkia (or was it Dialga?) seem a little far fetched. It's not that I don't believe him but it seemed to good to be true.

This land and the people in it were strange, but I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would be like.
"Eww, I had to be nice." Rokouré spat. "And he's so idiotic it makes me want to break things." She said as she returned to the more inner part of the cave.

"Hmm, I think nice looks good on you" Dominik said sardonically with a smile, laying on the cave floor with his head on his paws.

"Why you!" She glared at him with cold eyes, looking as if they could kill the little hound.
A sack was flung onto the beach, nearly hitting Cay, the contents of the sack falling out was the top became untied. Piles of jewels and gold tumbled out of the sack, along with a black and red Megastone. The shadow still did not emerge.

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"Dominik, you sure are making some poor desicions today. Messing with Golurk and now pissing off Rokoure. I would keep my mouth shut if I were you."
Bishop held his hand. the numbness had begun to fade and it now began to hurt. "Yeah, be careful what you say to your leader. Or next time She'll be the one who creams your A**, instead of me." He said sitting down on a rock. He could still feel the electricity running through his hand.
The Gengar appeared behind Dominik, hands at his throat. "I can kill you right now, you little fucker." She snapped. "Go. Ahead. I don't need to live anyways." He hung still, being pulled up by the ghost from his neck. "And you'll lose your amazing apprentice, the one in which you took in yourself because of his potential."
"Bishop, bring me that bag." Cayden was point to the one that a mysterious figure left but failed to tell anyone else of.
Bishop took the fist bump with his good hand. He heard Cayden and got up and went to grab the bag. "Potential. If that's what you call losing to me, then I'm the PokePope." He picked up the bag and slung it over his shoulder. "You can join us." Bishop said, knowing the person who threw the bag was still around.
"Yes, I did say potential, you mutt, and I'll clamp that muzzle of yours shut if you don't shut up" Rokouré said coldly to the hellhound, as she warped over to the shadow in a black wisp, letting the Houndour fall to the ground. "Alastor, stop hiding; we all know you're there."
The Absol stepped out of the dark, his scarred face leering at the group. He silently made his way to the group, then picked up the Megastone in his teeth, then tossed it up in the air. The little stone nestled into the thick fur on his head, and there it stayed. The Absol stared at Cayden and Rokoure, then spoke. " You having fun beating up the new pup?"

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The Houndour growled at Alastor, but stayed laying where he was.

"Yeah, he's a little cocky bastard." Rokouré spat, her ghastly smile returning back onto her face.
When Rokoure appeared Bishop walked back into the cave after he let the Absol take the Mega Stone. He set the bag down next to Cayden. "Shame the only thing he had on me was brute strength." He crossed his arms wincing at the slight pain in his hand. "I swear he needs a muzzle, so far he's angered all the wrong pokemon."
"There's another Mega Stone in there. Who's it for?" Cayden, Rokoure and now Alastor all had Megastones. Who else could use one?
"Fuck you, Bishop." Dominik said sharply, not even turning his head to look at the Riolu. "Atleast someone actually loves me and cares for me, you little bitch."
"If you're talking about the Vulpix, Im pretty sure she hates you. I mean she did run away from you on the beach." Bishop's naturally evil grin crept onto his face "But i guess if you need something to reassure you that every things okay, then go ahead." Bishop said to the Houndour. "I do have to ask something. Didn't you just say you didn't need to live?" Bishop walked over and knelt down, balancing on the balls of his feet. "If you have someone who loves you, then wouldn't you want to live… or is it that you've already realized that she's moved on, and your just trying to ignore that fact." Bishop said to the mutt.
"Yeah, wasn't that how I WAS when I showed up?" He said, moving over to Bishop, "Hey, you know where they keep the Megastones, go put this with the rest of them." He flicked the stone off of his head onto the Riolu's, then turned back to Rokoure.

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"Shut up!" He snarled, striking Bishop in the face with his long claws. He then stood up and walked out of the cave without looking back at the Riolu.
"It's a Houndoomite. I already found an Absolite a while ago." The Absol said, looking at the Houndour as he walked off, then shrugged and made his way towards the back of the cave.

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Bishop took the slash, after all he deserved it. He stood up and took the Mega Stone of of his head. "At This rate i doubt he'll get much use out of it." Bishop said taking the stone and the bag of treasure back to where they were kept. He returned a few seconds later having put everything where it belonged. "He'll get himself killed before he can evolve."
'Gotta find Nikki. Gotta find Nikki. Gotta Find Nikki.' He thought to himself as he actually regarded what Bishop had said about the Vulpix. 'That fucker better not be right.' It was nearing nighttime, so kind of hard to see a black dog at this time when it's getting dark. He quietly ran over to the guild entrance, making sure to go around the sentry grate. The doors weren't closed yet. 'Thank god, I'll have to hurry then.' He went through the doors and slowly climbed down the ladders, making sure to hide from everyone. It wasn't a smart idea, but it was his only chance. Dominik's fangs sparked with electricity as he touched them to a fuse, making the lights short-circuit. While everyone was distracted from the utter blackness and the slight sparks from the light fixtures, he quickly ran across the floor, to the rooms where he relied on his night-vision and bloodhound-like sense of smell. He located Nikki's scent, and where it was strongest was in a room. The lights still out, he lightly tapped on the door of the Vulpix's room, which was open just a crack, ans slowly crawled in, seeing the figure of the beautiful red fox on a hay bed.

"Well, Dominik does evolve in about 10 levels." Rokouré said to the Absol, peering out the cave at the hellhound. "And shut up, you blue mutt."
"I say what i know and right now…" Bishops antenna raised "He's gone. I can sense him, but barely. Ten Poke says he went towards the guild." Bishop leaned against the wall of the cave with his arms crossed.

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