Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"I'll be back." Rokouré said with a hard look on the three as she disappeared like the Cheshire cat again: first the body, then the mouth, left there with the Gengar's creepy smile until finally fading. She followed the Houndour as he left, going through the walls of the guild and fading from view so she couldn't be seen by others. She hovered above him in Nikki's room, watching his every move with the fox Pokémon.
The pretty fox was fast asleep, having not woken up yet. Her breathing was calm, peaceful. She stirred, to roll over and then her head nestled into a crook in the hay.
"It's me Dominik...Now hurry and wake; I can't stay here for long." The Houndour nudged the fox with more effort.
"Alright people, if something goes down at the guild, we have to be ready to back Rokoure up. She doesn't get back here after 30 minutes, were going in."
"...WHAT." The Vulpix was suddenly wide awake, clutching at her body like she was pulling up covers, then suddenly realized she was a Vulpix and didn't wear clothes anyway. "Dominik, what are you doing here? If you get caught, I'll be in so much trouble!"
"Ok but remember, Im not a part of the team if that happens." Bishop said to Cayden "If I'm spotted with all of you them my cover would be blown."
(gotta go for the night, guys, but I'll be back tomorrow for sure, so don't panic without me :D )

"I couldn't wait until tomorrow night, Nikki." The Houndour made a little whining noise, hugging the Vulpix.
Nikki stumbled back and ended up falling on her back when Dominik hugged her, so the pair kind of collapsed, Dominik landing on top of her. The Vulpix shook her head, then looked up at Dominik, getting profusely red in the face.

Alastor looked at Rokoure and Bishop, "Who's this Vulpix our little friend here is talking about?" He said, plodding over to the Riolu and patting him on the head with a clawed paw.

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Bishop swatted the paw away and rolled his eyes at the Absol. "According to him, his "girlfriend"" Bishop raised his hands and air quoted girlfriend. "And it seems that what I said to him must've had some truth behind it." Bishop looked towards the guild, the lights turned off for some reason. "He probably went to see if I was right."

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Cayden was fed up with Dominik's careless decisions.

"If Dominik makes another act like this in the future he's off the team. Nobody like that deserves a spot on this team."
"Nikki...I have a question for you." The Houdour sat up. "You know what, nevermind.." He frowned. "That fucking Riolu was probably right."

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"Is this is about that love confession you refuse to tell me about, even though I overheard you about ten times before?"

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The Houndour's face turns a bright crimson as he looks down at his hind paws. "Uh, yes...it is." He says, embarrassed.

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"Dominik. You can't keep a secret from me to save your life." She said simply, then stretched out on the hay bed again, then rolled over on her stomach, tucking her legs underneath her. "Now look. I'm not about to shoot you down so indefinitely, but I don't LOVE you, persay. You were an attractive guy when we were humans, yes, and I like you. Just not love."

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The hellhound let out a slight whine of disappointment, frowning as he looked away from the Vulpix's gaze. "Alright then.." He tried his best to atleast create a semblance of an expression that was something other than heartbreak, but it wasn't working. "I, uh, guess I'll just go then." He said as he walked out of Nikki's room in a sulking manner, thankful that the lights were still out. He escaped from view in the darkness as he slowly climbed up each rung of the ladders, leading him outside. The gates for the guild still weren't closed yet, thank god, so Dominik left, making sure to go around the sentry grate again, rather than going straight through it. He ran through the crossroads until he hit the beach, where he slowed to a mere fast-walk, finally returning to the cave where his team had resided. Upon entering the cavern, he slumped down in his usual corner, laying with his head on his paws. He then turned his face to the side to look at the cavern walls rather than face his team, the Pokémon in which he knew would definitely taunt him, while finally adding in a pained sigh.

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"Dominik!" She shouted, then started to run after him, being as quiet about it as she ran and climbed her way up the ladder, looking around the figure. "Damn my lack of night vision, dominik!"

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Cayden watched Dominik from a cave wall. He sat down and layed there from his usual corner, he had recieved enough criticism today, so Cayden decided not to bother him.

"I'll do that tomorrow."
The Vulpix continued to look around, then ran a little way down the steps that went up the Guild. In the pitch black, she couldn't see, so she ended up stumbling around with no real sense of where to go. She found herself walking off into the town, and straight through to Sharpedo Bluff.

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Nichole groaned opening her eyes. She sat up and rubbed her head."where am I? " trying to stand. She felt around and saw she had golden colored fur, and paws! "Wah! What happened to me?!" She put on her glasses quickly and scampered over to a puddle. "I-im a pikachu?!" Nichole ran in circles panicking. "How did this happen?! I love pikachu and all pokemon but how did this happen?!" She said before running into a tree. "Oof!"
Something from behind caught the young Pikachu so she wouldn't stumble about after hitting that tree full-force. A pair of pinkish claws on her smaller shoulders, to be exact. It wasn't a good idea to be running around where you don't know.

"Woah there, little darling... don't run around like that, you might hurt yourself~" The bearer of the hands giggled softly behind her, gently urging the Mouse-pokemon away from the tree.
The other Pokemon was a Banette... well, a Mega Banette to be exact. One of those Ghost-types people tended to avoid because of the strange look they all bore. This particular one happened to be grinning ear to ear, as was common with his kind.

"Ah, sorry for startling you. It's not every day you see somepokemon passed out, though! Care to explain what happened?" The question of hers remained unanswered.
Nichole said"i-i dont remember. A-all I remember is waking up here and found out I turned into a pokemon." Rubbing her aching head. "A-are you a nicr banette?" She asked tilting her head. Her hazel eyes shining with curiosity.

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