Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

The chespin waved to Nichole. "Morning. Sleep well I hope?"

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Marie looked over to her partner, Pantera. "Hey you up yet over there? I can't really tell." She asked her from where she was next to her own bed.

Naomi finally got out of her bed and yawned, rubbing her eyes then she goes over to the espurr and gently shakes her."Come on wake up, this is our first day of exploring."
At the shaking, the Espurr jumped up, suddenly wide awake. "Huh!? What!?"

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"Alright, I guess?" Surota brushes her claws through her fur in an attempt to look atleast presentable. She adjusted the bow on her ear, making sure it was straight.

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Naomi just gives a simple shake to fix her fur then she walks out of there room and over to one of the boards and it is the one for bad pokemon and she uses a paw to take one off the board and smiles."We shall do this one."It is a pretty easy looking one and they have to go and fight a Pidgey who stole from another pokemon.
Bishop made his way out of the town and into the crossroad. Last night was interesting. The fight with Dominik and the whole guild visit was crazy. Bishop saw the well at the crossroads. He pulled out a white bandana and tied it around his neck. He took a seat by the well. "I need to think. To much action last night. Need to find peace. Need to get into character." Bishop began meditating.
Cayden walked past Bishop as he continued his walk to the market. Since he was undercover Cayden couldn't bother him, so he just ignored him. Going to the market was always a pain, because virtually everyone was watching you, giving you dirty looks, but even a guy that everyone hated had to eat right?

He had to suck it up, and go in there like any normal person would.

"This must be way easier for Bishop. Never thought I'd say this but I give anything to be him right now."
"Oh good. I think I heard Bonbon out in the hall. I'm guessing she's going to show us the rest of the guild." Marie said.

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"Oh, I g-guess so." Surota replied, following Naomi to the mission board.

"Alright, let's go...Well not like it will benefit me anyways." Pantera said to Marie.

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Nikki, Bobby, Remus, and Luna were all waiting in the main area of the lower level, Nikki half asleep sitting next to Bobby, and Luna and Remus with their partners. "Orientation day, this is gonna be SO much fuuuun!!!" The Chikorita squeaked, jumping up and down.

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"Oui, mademoiselle. Our first real day is very enticing." Rémieaux smiled at the enthusiasm of the Chikorita.

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Suddenly the Chikorita sobered, and sat down, looking around, "This is serious business! We have to be serious.... Eeeeeee!" She squealed, getting up against and running around Rèmi.

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The Noibat smiled as he lowered himself to the ground, standing on his toes. "Going "Eeeeeee!" doesn't sound serious to me." He teased Luna.

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Naomi smiled then clutching the paper in her mouth, she walked off to get outside the guild so they could actually do the mission with a muffled."Come on"
"Hey, N-Naomi? I don't want to i-interrupt you, but I think we should w-wait until after the t-tour to go on a r-rescue." Surota said nervously.

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The chespin took the Pikachu by the hand, "Come on. Its orientation day and we can help you get situated. Lets go see the others!" The chespin dragged the Pikachu along until he found Nikki, waving. "oiiii nikkiii!"

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Naomi turned around and looked at her partner and she set the paper on the ground."But i do not need a tour, iv been here for quite a while and had time to explore all around even inside the guild so i already know what the tour would tell us."
Van Dash got up and stretched. He made his way downstairs and checked the board, after seeing it was mostly requests for more experienced merchants he decided to go see what the guild was up to since he had a map of an area that supposedly had a great treasure.

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"B-but what if they t-take attendance during the t-tour? Then we will get in t-trouble!" Surota frowned while looking at her hind paws.

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