Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"Hmhm? Well, whilst that certainly is a mystery, it's nice to know that you are not alone. But does your head hurt too badly?" The older Pokemon stepped a few steps to the side to look at her head beneath her paw. "I wouldn't want you passing out of blood loss. Heh...."

The next question had him tilting his head, and to most Pokemon, he was tilting it to a murderous degree. "That would depend on your explanation of nice." He lifted one hand and held it, palm up, to the empty air. "Some would agree to this notion." And the other hand followed suit. "...Many more wouldn't. I'd like to think I am though, mind you!"
Nichole winced and said"p-please dont yell. Oh." She saw her satchel. She scampered over to it."huh?" She tilted her head and pulled out a small basket. "I dont remember making macaroons..." opening it.
"....?" The stranger stilled for a moment while she examined the basket, but instead of looking at her, he was just staring into space. What in the Pokemon world were Macaroons? Oh well, probably another human thing they had. They had some cool things, mind you.
Nichole tried one and her cheeks sparking happily. "Yummy! Wanna try one mister?" She asked holding up her basket. She looked up at him with a kind smile.
"Don't mind if I do!" the lunatic mayor said as he took one, suddenly making his presence known to all of them. "Its a real shame you didn't bring crumpets. Crumpets are CRUNK!" he said munching on a chocolate macaroon. The slightly mentally ill Conkeldurr looked at the Banette, "Good to see you again. We still need to finish our epic battle. Anyway. Good to see a new face. I am Nick-Roshi! Mayor of this proud village."

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Nichole blinked and said"h-hello. Its nice to meet you." Bowing some and stood. She cleaned her glasses and put them back on. She was getting confused. "Where did you come from?" Nichole asked and looked around.
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Snap! And the Banette was snapped out of that strange daze he was in a few seconds ago. "Ah, Nick-Roshi! It's been a while since I've seen you last."

Now that was a serious understatement: The traveler had barely any time to stop by the village due to all the caves he had himself wandering in. It left the Banette little to no time to visit the village and finish that Battle they were having. It lasted a full 48 hours straight when they cut it off for another day... right?

"The town nearby, little lady. This forest just happens to border it." He smiled again and gestured to the Pikachu, then an unavailable direction through the trees. "Right over there, where all the Explorers and Merchants gather... and a few shadier types. But who am I to judge on Shadiness?"
Nichole blinked and nodded. "O-ok." She scampered in the first direction and stopped to look around. She found the town and her tummy grumbled. "Hungry.." Nichole said rubbing her stomach.
Before she left the conkeldurr looked to the sky and said "hmmm. Considering my character application hasn't been accepted or even made yet that leaves two options for where I came from. Either I am a point of discontinuity from the future or the poster is just lazy and at work. Either way it seems like my role is one similar to comic relief. "

The conkeldurr nodded as a banner somehow popped up saying Achievement unlocked. What is the fourth wall'

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The Mega-version of Banette took a shard of the fourth wall in his claws. He looked at it, then the mayor, then back again. "I believe the creator of this world approves of you, whether intentional or not. There wasn't any objections, am i right, friend?" He threw the shard behind him and watched as the glass shattered into even smaller pieces.
The conkeldurr shrugged, "Either she is completely done with my shit and had officially ragequit or she is laughing too hard at the stark contrast between the two factions that are fighting and the batshit mayor of the town. The audience needs a good sigh of relief in roleplays as tense as this one!" The conkeldurr nodded. This clearly wasn't a George R.R. Martin story so they couldn't get away with nonstop suspense and action. They had to have character development as well as sighs of relief built in for the audience. "You are definitely right Mr omnipotent announcer man." The conkeldurr said out loud. It was a wonder he hasn't been locked up already.

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"Exactly. Nothing but fighting and drama makes the plot go by fast, but it gets tedious and confusing. I'm sure she'll be back to facepalm over this whole mess." You know things were starting to get weird when Pokemon such as these started to notice an invisible presence in the air. Insanity? Mentally Unstable? Who knows, but in any case-

"We know your there. You can't hide forever." Again, the map-maker called out the the empty air in a normal occurrence to him, but not this particular subject. And should anyone know the very foundation of words and movement alike, then the entire place would fall apart.

Is there such an institution for the critically insane in Pokemon?
Gunther, the small chespin, was out wandering enjoying the night whenever he came across what looks to be a lost pikachu, "Hey there friend! Do you need some help finding your way back? It's alright if you're lost, I get lost a lot too."
The chespin took her by the hand and nodded, "This way back to town, come on! I'll show you." The chespin tugged the pikachu along, heading back to town and to the guild. "You can have my bed for tonight, it's okay, really."
Nichole said"a-are you sure?" Tilting her head. "I wish I could repay you. Oh!" She took out the basket of macaroons. "Have as many as you like. thank you very much." She saod blushing.
The chespin nodded as he sat down beside her, "Thanks! My name is Gunther by the way, what is yours?"
The Next Day...

Cayden raised an eye as he was still laying in the position from last night. Rokoure was no where to be found, Dominik was sleeping in the far corner of the cave, Absol was no where to be seen and the Ekans was sleeping near the entrance of the cave. Bishop left a while ago after the whole fiasco at the guild. A lot of new recruits this year. Well, let's start the day and get to business.
Naomi covered her eyes with her paws when the bright morning sun hit them and decided to wake her up and she frowned before rolling onto her stomach in her nest like bed.
The Ekans was ALWAYS sleeping at the entrance to the cave. in fact, it got to the point where she would just hang upside down like a snake-ified Vampire bat, and frankly it made the cave look either creepier, or cluttered.

Other then that, nothing was going on. Except a Familiar Banette outside of the cave, crossing his arms. He seemed to be waiting, rather impatiently...even with that eerie smile on his mouth. Waiting with some sort of map in his clawed hands.
Marie basked herself with the light shining through her window. Being a fire type she appreciated sunlight much more. She rolled out of her bed and got up.

Bonbon was awake before everyone else at the guild. She had been preparing for what she planned on saying for the tour and felt ready and excited for it. Of course she took the duty of waking the rest of the trainees up. "Good morning everyone! It's time to get going you all have a big day ahead!" She shouted to everyone in the hallway.
"Ekans, come with me. You and I are going on a Treasure Hunt. Time you see what your up against." Cayden walked over to the cave entrance and began to travel to the Market.

"Hurry, we need to get supplies."

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