Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Naomi walked happily into town and got two big apples from the kecleon brothers and gave one to Nichole."Here you go."She swished her tail around happily with her ears twitching.
Naomi did not keep her apple seeds but instead she found a good place in the soil and buried them in the ground so they could grow and then she looked at Nichole."You know i had this Rescue mission i was going to do and i was wondering if you wanted to come with me."
Naomi smiled then she went to the road where it lead to just about all the different Dungeons."The paper had said Waterfall cave but i never knew there was a cave at the waterfall."
Nichole said"oh lets be careful though. Because the speed and force of the waterfall can knock you onto the rocks into the river below." Scampering after her.
Bishop had been watching the various trainees walk to and from the town. He watched them carefully taking in everything about each trainee that he could. As he watched he started to feel hungry and pulled out an orange Gummi. He continued to observe everyone as he ate.

(Can I point out that Bishop is sitting by the crossroads, so people who are in the town would've seen him.)

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Naomi smiled at Nichole then they both made there way to Waterfall cave where they both stood on that ledge as close as they could to the waterfall without being pushed back by it.
Nichole said"mmm we might have to run really fast to get through the force of the flow of the water to get to the cave." Looking at the waterfall. She ran back some biting her lip lining up with the waterfall.
Naomi nodded then she backed up quite a bit to get a running start and then she just straight up started running as she jumped to get through the flow of the water and tumbled into the cave behind it."That was NOT a very good landing."
Naomi shook her head and stood up then she looked around, her voice echoing slightly with the creepy cave dripping water."Well we made it in."
Naomi nodded."Very true it is creepy but it is a good place for a electric type to train since there are tons of water types here."She walks off farther into the dungeon and runs into a corpish who of course she wants to attack them so she calls out."Shadow Ball!"
Nichole said"great shot." She saw a wooper. "Hmm a ground/ water type. Quick attack! " Nichole shouted and ran at it and rammed it. "Thunderbolt! " she called out shocking it them attacked once more with quick attack. It fainted and Nichole smiled.
Naomi giggled."This is great!"She continues off farther into the cave and eventually comes across a pidgey."Oh hello, i am the one who has come to get you out of here along with my friend."
Naomi looked at the pidgey then she opened up that bag she had with her and took her explorer badge out and it teleported the Pidgey back to the guild.
"Ooh that sounds wonderful! I'll tell the trainees about it as a surprise after the tour! Now where are they..." Bonbon exclaimed.

"EVERYBODY! REPORT FOR DUTY PLEASE!" She shouted as loud as she could to get their attention.
Gunther, already being downstairs simply stood at attention. The aron jumped whenever he heard her shout, but kept his composure the best he could. "What is the issue?" asked Gunther.

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