Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"Oh, then why the wagging tail?" The Vulpix, looking unconvinced, then shook her head and sighed, "You know what, never mind. Why would you say that in front of everyone?"

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Naomi nods."Your welcome."She goes over to one of the beds or nest's really of like hay and lays down in one of them."This is surprisingly comfy."
Surota follows, also crawling onto one of the hay beds. "Yeah, y-you're right." She agreed.

The Houndour pouts, being incredibly stubborn and not answering the pretty fox Pokémon.

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The conkeldurr who was sitting near where the houndour landed looks at the vulpix and raises the teapot. "Since your friend stopped those flames do you mind finishing the tea off? Its not quite done yet."

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Further down the beach, there were the three Pokemon conversing. (I assume they're still on the beach?) The Ekans poked her head outside, looking at the burnt circle of fire and the dent in the sand.

"..So is that the Wolf dude you were talking about?"
Cayden, Rokoure, and the Ekans headed outside to investigate the activity. They came outside with Cayden behind Rokoure and Ekans behind Cayden. They saw that Dominik was sitting on the beach with two other pokemon. A Conkeldurr and a Vulpix.

"Dominik, what is going on here?" Cayden said to the Houndour.
"Oy Vey! You didn't tell me you were coming for tea! I worry now that I eont have enough!" the towns builder appeared to express genuine concern. "You ruffians never tell me when you plan on showing up! Truly tis annoying! I planned a full pot of tea and everything."

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(Yes, excellent observation Swift, my dear xD )

"Yes, he's an excellent fighter with amazing potential." Rokouré responds to the snake Pokémon.

"W-why are you so happy about t-this?" The shiny Espurr asks, sitting cross-legged on the hay bed.

"Nothing! God, why won't everyone leave me alone!?" Dominik yelled, huge flames shooting out the Houndour's nose, spreading out about 3-4 feet from the Pokémon and hitting anything in that radius.

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Yay, I'm observant! -throws confetti again-)

If anything, the blast of fire seemed to emphasize her words. "Point taken... wait, why is he having tea on the beach? I would think you would use Lemonade..." Did this world even HAVE lemonade? Probably not. So maybe Tea was a normal occurrence in sandy areas. But why did no one seem happy about tea?
"Dominik, don't become a stubborn bull, you'll never be allowed into that town now!" She shouted, stomping a paw into the sand. "God, I don't know WHY I put up with you!"

maybe it's because he's the only decent friend you have, besides Bobby

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"I don't care!" Flames appeared in the hellhound's eyes. "I just want to go back home, where I'm respected, not looked down upon!" Dominik slouched.

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Nick Roshi, the conkeldurr, would sit there and close his eyes, the flames wouldn't harm him too much as he looks at the pot when they die down. "Ah much better. The tea is done now." he poors some tea into a rather ornate cup and drinks, motioning to several other cups.

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There was a knock at the new team's room. Well, as much of a knock as there could be. It was more of the sound of somebody tapping their claws on the wall.
The Espurr's ears perked up, the cat Pokémon trying her best to control the psychic energy, adjusting it to merely open the door. Once it opened, however, Surota ran behind Naomi once she saw the Pokémon behind the door. (the Guildmaster is who it is, right?)

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Nick-Roshi takes a sip as he calmly explains, "He made Zenta mad it seems. He was thrown from the center of town and ended up here. Its a wonder the Golurk didn't kill him. You should teach your initiates first off who to stay away from. I'm older than anyone else and I can say from experience incurring that giant's anger isn't wise."

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The Guildmaster stood there curiously, his eyes glowing in the dimmer light. Sure the door made a slight smalling sound, but when he saw the two sitting there, not having moved a finger, he was pretty impressed. Espurrs tended to DESTROY things into shreds at first. It took a lot for that sort of control.

Hm... "May I come in?" Kiosk asked softly, looking the slightest bit awkward.
The Chikorita looked at Rèmi then covered her eyes again, "I don't care, just put me down pleeeeease!!"

Nikki the Vulpix sighed at Dominik and strutted straight through the fire, straight over to the Houndour and clamped his jaws shut with her two forepaws. "Would you stop that!?"

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"If you p-promise to be n-nice, I s-suppose." The shiny Espurr said quietly, hiding behind Naomi.

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"Alright, dear." Rémieaux responded, gently lowering the grass type Pokémon to the ground.

The Houndour looked away, his cheeks a bright pink. "S-sorry." He said to her.

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"...Oh. Uh... I promise to be nice, then." The Zoroark never had to promise anything like that, but as long as she was comfortable around him... he took a step into the room, ducking his massive head under the doorway. Maybe he really SHOULD expand this place... he brought one of those boxes he had been stacking behind him. It was smaller then a normal box, but it was a gold color. That had to count for something.

He set it down in front of his hind paws. "...I forgot to ask. Did you get one of these?"
"Ahh, how cute." Cayden said with a slight smile as he saw the Houndour blushing as he looked at the Vulpix.
"Shut up, Cayden!" The Houndour snapped. "Atleast I have someone!" Dominik's eyes widened as he turned as red as a tomato. "I mean, nothing!" He said, turning away from the Vulpix's gaze.

"W-what's that?" Surota asked the Zoroark.

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The Zoroark tilted his head. ". Well, you'll have to open it to find out. But it's like a welcome present, I guess." Kiosk smiled with a half-smirk. He had to maintain some mystery to all of this, it added to the excitement. Or so he thought himself. "..But don't fret, it's nothing bad. in fact, I think you'll like it."
Cayden continued to watch the 'tea party'. He simply just crossed his arms and grinned at Dominick's anger and blushing. 'I love messing with that guy.'

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