Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"Alright this will be Day 1 of training. We will focus on your battle techniques. So, your first objective is to hit me once."

I then got into a battle stance facing the Ekans across the room.
Chespin shrugged. "I have access to rollout which has immense base power plus perfect accuracy. Also you don't look that strong. Otherwise you would have attracted the attention of that guy." Chespin would point to Golurk a bit a ways away. "If you want to test how tough you are you can fight him"
The Shinx locked up and fell over.

"Can we not do this? I mean, really?" Nikki stepped between the two Pokémon, trying to stop a fight.

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"He didn't have anything to do with this fight, you ass." The Houndoom growled. "Again, I KILL PEOPLE FOR A LIVING, and I'm not afraid to do so to you, you irritating gopher!" He snarled, but stopped as soon as the Vulpix walked in front of him.

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"Alright I'll be right back everyone! I'm going to go see what's holding up the others! Remember to find a room!" Bonbon shouted down to the trainees ahead of her. She climbed back up the ladder with a smile still on her face.

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The golurk suddenly heard the I kill people for a living and walked over, the ground shaking as he does so.

"Is there a problem puppy? Are you threatening people?" It looks down towering over the houndour.
The wigglytuff found the group and heard the Houndour threaten the others. "What in the world is going on over here?!" She exclaimed.

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(Oh, I'm soooo sorry Lunar! I didn't even notice the Fennekin responded until now sorry!)

"Alright." Pantera responded, slowly climbing down the ladder to the last level of the underground building.

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The golurk looked at the chespin. "He came over here and apparently is a part of team rogue." The golurk walked forward and loomed over the houndour as it pointed towards the door. "Go. Or I kill."
"But...before you do, I have to have a change in venue."

I then pull out a tiny shard and clutched it into my fist. I could immediately feel the power coming from the shard. From my right hand, a sphere of color erupted and grew larger until it covered my entire body. I could feel my body changing into my true self. As quickly as the sphere formed, it disappeared, leaving me in my same position before. I was now transformed into Mega Lucario.

"Never gets old."

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(He isn't in the building, by the way, Air)

"Uh, no, I came here to find a friend." The Houndour said as he patted Nikki's head protectively, growling in just the slightest.

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The golurk bellows as the ground begins to shake as he goes to grab the houndour. "Even your boss knows not to incur my wrath. Do not try your luck little one. One swipe of my fist would be ample to send you to your grave! You are to leave this town so long as you are a member of that group who only wishes harm!"
(It's fine ^^)

"Alright we're almost on the last floor..." Marie said climbing her way down behind Pantera.

She didn't see the other teams moving, "Yes there's still a chance of us being first!"

"TEAM ROGUE?!" Bonbon was shocked that a member managed to get on guild grounds. "Get out! We do not allow members of Team Rogue here!" She snapped. From what she had seen of them they were not to be trusted.

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"Please, Golurk! Threatening him will only make him more stubborn, please, just let me deal with this!" Nikki shouted, shaking Dominik off.

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"...... Holy. Mother of..." The Ekans was pretty confidant... at first. You see, Hitting a target sounded like Child's play. but then the Lucario used a mega stone to turn himself into this power house. It was more of his potential then what he looked like that startled the Ekans. And what caused her to back away. Well, she was going to have to plan this time, too.


While the group crowded around the intruder, Kiosk did not join. He stayed on the tall rock, seeing as how there was no need to form an even larger crowd...Plus, if the small Pokemon managed to get the bright idea to come this way, he was there.

"... I have to admit. He has guts admitting that in the open." The Zoroark sighed and shrugged one of his furry shoulders. "..A whole lot of guts. Perhaps they took his brains with them."
"Go ahead, hit me."

Cayden gave the Ekans a stern look. Even though in his mind he was laughing from the Ekans reaction, he was dead serious on the outside.

He needed to keep his focus and not let his guard down.
"Gah, let go of me!" The Houndour managed despite being squeezed. He then started to bite the hand gripping him.

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The golurk looked at the small dark type who was biting it. It was clearly far lower level and wasn't harming the golurk. It nodded. "Very well" It leaned back and threw the houndour to the beach, it landing in the sand relatively unharmed, but it would have been well launched over a mile. Zenta dusts his hands as he goes back to his sign. "All better." The chespin looks at the golurk his mouth wide open. "Uh... Okay then."
"Fucking DAMMIT!" The Houndour cursed. "All I wanted to do was talk to Nikki, and I get thrown? Who does he think he is anyways!" Dominik growls, sitting on the spot where he had landed.

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"Thank goodness Zenta was here! I didn't want to resort to violence..." Bonbon sighed.

She immediately started to smile again, "Alrighty! Is everyone done with signing up then? Let's head inside and I'll finally give a tour!" She said.

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The Vulpix sighed and looked at Bobby and Gunther. "I'll be back, I just have to talk to him, okay? I'll be right back." The pretty fox ran off towards the beach.

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The golurk looks over everyone as it bellows out. "No one threatens in this town. I deal with those who threaten people. There will be none taken lightly." It returns to its peaceful looking stance, hoping to attract the eye of wannabe merchants.

Aron looks at the golurk and walks over to the newcomers. "Uh sorry about that. Golurk has a pretty vivid history with Team Rogue. They have frequently tried to attack his caravans, thankfully usually to no avail. He really is scary when he gets mad." The Chespin catches the vulpix before she runs off and hands her an apple. "Here, take a snack! Tell him no harm no foul from me." The Chespin waves as the vulpix runs off.
The Deino then reaches the bottom floor, relieved to finally have her feet on solid ground again. "Finally, we made it. That'll take a while to get used to." She says.


"What the hell gives him the right to touch me!" The Houndour snarls, stomping around on the sand, little flames shooting out his nostrils. "Grrr!" He blows flames all around him and then sits in the ring of fire, arms crossed. "All I wanted to do was to make sure she was safe...and maybe even finally confess to her." He sits, pouting, flames circling all around him.

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As soon as those words were spoken, the serpent readied several poisonous stings in her mouth, simultaneously spitting them upwards in an arc.. In the direction they were going, they looked as if they were to miss. Nevertheless, she moved off to the side and shot a few more, this time in a straight line. Such a poor attack...?

...As if. To be honest, those needles were going to arch directly for his head, the first round she had shot. The second was a mere distraction.

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