Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Marie gave a look of shock as the Chikorita and Noibat flew over her and Pantera. There was no way she was going to lose the best room in the Guild to them. The race was on now, "Crap we have to hurry Pantera! That Noibat and Chikorita are gonna win with their flying advantage!" She said as she picked up the pace and headed inside.
The Deino looked downwards, making a little yelping noise to educate her about her surroundings as she started to move her legs quicker to keep up with the fox Pokemon. "Alright." She said as they reached the grate in front of the guild.

"Reading footprint...Deino and Fennekin, members of Team Dragonflame. You may enter." The Diglett below responded.

"Wait, who was that?" Pantera looked around, focusing below her.

"Just the sentry Pokemon, my job being to make sure no suspicious Pokemon enter. You may carry on."

"Alright." She said as she entered the guild.
The Chikorita squealed, her limbs flailing, "I like ground travel better!" She squeaked, covering her eyes with the leaf on her head.

Remus meanwhile was being dragged by a Turtwig named Em. This was turning out great so far. "Alright, alright, I'm coming! Slow down, I'm a fish out of water here!"

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"But we can get a better dorm this way, mademoiselle!" Rémi responded as they flew into the Guild.

(a tour by either Bonbon or Kiosk would be great, by the way)
The small Cacnea awoke suddenly, rather confused, inside of a grassy ditch. The ground was warm, much to Lixon's liking. Why...am I outside? He thought to himself, scratching his head with his pointy arm. It took a minute to realize he has no hands, now just cactus like stubs. I-wait...what!? He looked down at his body, observing his new appearance. Large spikes protrude out of his body, and he's a mix of dark and lighter green. Where his legs should be two large spikes reside, now acting as his new legs. He wiggled them a bit, making sure they work and that this was actually real. Lixon felt around his face, as much as he could without having hands, to find five strange holes in his face. Okay, I know those weren't there. Hastily he got up, wobbly, trying to remember how to stand.

Lixon began to look around his surroundings, trying to understand where he might be. Large trees line area, VERY large trees in fact. That's when it came to his attention, he had become shorter. W-what? This was all very confusing, it was something strange, like in a fantasy book. Voices could be heard to the North of Lixon, they sounded cheery and happy. Townspeople? Others? Maybe he could try and get help from them. I hope they know why I'm suddenly a Pokemon. He began walking slowly, but eventually got running into a sprint, as fast as a little Cacnea could sprint of course. When he reached the area with voices, Lixon found himself surrounded by other Pokemon. All of them were talking so simply, he could understand what they were saying. Great, now Pokemon are talking. Could this get any weirder? He noticed a large Pokemon standing next to a sign, it looked like a huge robot. Woah...cool. Without thinking, Lixon straddled up to the construct and poked his leg a few times. "Ex-excuse me."
"Noooo put me dooooown!" The little grass type squealed, vines shooting out of the buds on her neck and wrapping around Rèmi's legs, trying to steady herself, and also trying to get him to put her down.

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"Whoa they have a sentry Pokemon here?" Marie said as she entered the guild.

As soon as they got inside, the Fennekin came across a ladder. She felt worried that it might be a problem for her friend to climb down.
"Uh heads up there's a ladder we have to use to get to the lower floors. Can you handle it?" She asked Pantera.

"Three on a team? Hmm I think you need to ask Kiosk about that. Oh it's seems others are headed in! I better give them a tour!" Bonbon exclaimed. She hopped after the others unaware of their race.
Gunther nodded as he went inside, "Well let's go then! We don't want to keep him waiting now do we?"

The massive Golurk bent over a little bit to look down at the cacnea.

"Hello. My name is Zenta. I am a merchant." It bellowed out.
The large robot, had a booming voice, it shook Lixon slightly when he spoke. This guy...is so cool. He realized he was just standing there starring at Zenta, so he tried to force something out. "Ca-Can I join you?" He managed to say. Lixon couldn't help but want to follow Zenta. He looked like a really powerful Pokemon.
"Uh, yeah, I think so." She said, aiming her voice in the direction of the ladder. The Deino reached out and grabbed a rung with her blue paws, as she slowly made her way down to the first sub-level.
the Golurk appeared to smile as it nodded.

"You may join us. Though it will be difficult. The life of a merchant is far more dangerous than the life of an explorer. You will have to be as strong as an entire exploration team to survive. Are you willing to put in that effort?"
Lixon felt joy well up within him, a sense of pride as well. "I-I'll put in a much as I can! No, I'll push even further!" The Cacnea yelled with his hands in the air, getting caught up in the moment. Wait. What's an Exploration Team?
"Alright you're doing good! I think there's only one more level from here!" Marie said to the Deino as she was right behind her going down the ladder.

"Tee hee! Wait for me everyone!" Bonbon squeaked as she made it pass the sentry Diglett and headed to the ladder.
The Aron behind the golurk stepped foward, clearly happy. "Yay! I'm not going to be the only newbie. Welcome to the merchant company! We'll be working hard to peddle goods from town to town making sure that no one stops us!" Zenta nodded. "It is a difficult life, but rewarding. It can and will make you very very strong if you can handle it."
Lixon was still a little confused as why he just suddenly join this merchant guild, but perhaps he could use this experience to find out why he was a Pokemon. He knew about the Pokemon Aron, the steel type was about the same height as him. Aron looked like a really nice Pokemon, it made Lixon feel a bit comfortable. "Hi there, what's your name? I'm really new to this wor- place."
The Vulpix and Shinx pair looked at each other, then rushed after Chespin. "So your name IS Gunther? I heard that right?" Bobby said, walking up on one side of the Chespin. Nikki the Vulpix came up on the other side, stumbling every once in a while and cursing her two added legs.

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The male hellhound emerged from the darkness of Team Rogue's cave, intent on observing the new guild trainees...and also finding Nikki, if she had turned into a Pokémon like he had, that is. He wandered at the crossroads and kept going straight, where the registration was. There was nobody at the table. He then saw three Pokémon: a Vulpix, a Shinx, and a Chespin. And there was Nikki's voice. 'Nikki?' He thought to himself as he whipped his neck around to the sound. 'Was one of these Pokémon her? A male Mudkip, no. A male Chespin, no. It must be the Vulpix.'

"Nikki!" He called out, hoping that the little fox Pokémon would answer.

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"NYEH?" The pretty fox suddenly looked up at the sound of her name, then promptly fell over as she put much momentum into the movement and falling on her stomach with her four legs beneath her.

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"Nikki!" The Houndour came running as fast as his little dog legs would let him. He then hugged her with full force, him on top of her, making his brown cheeks almost red as a beet. "It's me Dominik!" He said as he realized Nikki would probably have a panic attack at the random dog attacking her.
'Rokoure is never here when you need him.'

Cayden was getting ready to train the Ekans and he wanted Rokoure to watch and point out weaknesses in her fighting style. But being a Treasure Hunter wasn't just about fighting. You needed to know which items were worthless and which ones worth keeping. I would teach her how to appraise items later but Rokoure said I needed to train her in combat above all.

"Ekans, training is going to begin shortly!!!" He yelled.
"You called me?" Rokouré appeared in a black wisp. "Well, what do you want?" She asked the Lucario in a cold manner.
The Vulpix stared up at the Houndour, confused, then a spark flashed behind her eyes, almost like a lightbulb had turned on in her head.

"D.... Dominik?"

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He looked her in the eyes, a slight sparkle appearing in them while still over the little fox. "Yeah! When you disappeared after leaving the ring, I was beyond worried!" The Houndour's tail moved rapidly out of delight.

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