Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Okay, great. The Poison type assumed that glowing eyes were meant to be a bad thing, so she had tried to look away. But at times, she couldn't help but look back, out of a little horrible thing called Curiosity. And every time she looked at the enemy, the more her head hurt.

When she thought in her head, there was one more move that her new self hadn't tried yet. But she didn't know if it would work.
"You sure this stuff is edible?" The Vulpix was sitting with her partner, an Oran berry clutched between her paws, a bite taken out of it.

"You'be been eating that stuff for the past week."

"I don't know, I still feel kinda sick."

"You ate too much."

The Vulpix looked up at the Chespin, then said, "Yeah, it's right. No harm no foul."

"BYYYYEEEE!" Luna cried, waving to Golurk cheerfully. She was so honestly innocent, not many got mad at her. She was the towns sweetheart, the cute one everyone loves, and she knew most everyone in the town and Guild.

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A female voice then sounded from everywhere in the cave, but it wasn't from the Gastly, because he ghost type Pokemon was obviously male, and it really seemed to be coming from everywhere. "Is that really all you've got? Tch, you aren't Team Rogue material at all, now, are you?" The feminine voice laughed in a demeaning way, 
"Uh, about our team, miss Luna, how about Team Dracoleaf?" Rémieaux asked the Chikorita with a smile.
"What? Oh, Mr. Golurk isn't scary, he's nice. As long as you're nice to him, at least. Hey, uhhh, can I call you Rèmi? Can you so the writing for our papers?" Luna asked, putting the papers down in front of the little bat. "You see, I can't..." She looked down at her feet.

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Alright. Fighting Pokemon, turning into a snake, and now a talking voice. The Ekans had pretty much had it up to here. Due to this, she didn't seem surprised at ALL when th creepy voice echoed around the hall.

"Probably not." It was a simple response, she hadn't the need to say anything else. Her focus was till on the Gastly, and not the mystery voice.
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Gunther offered the vulpix a shiny red apple. "Here, I'll share my lunch with you since I want to make sure we're still friends."
"Oh yeah, sorry, I'm so scatterbrained that I forgot to tell you my nickname, which is, in fact, Rémi." He fluttered to the ground after taking a pencil from the registration table and started to write in his pretty calligraphy, beautiful despite writing by holding the utensil with his three claws. He wrote Luna's name in an almost cursive kind of print. "Très bon!" He smiled as he finished writing in his delicate script. 
"Gah, if you pass this test, I might consider it." The female voice laughed, the Gastly flying toward the Ekans, it's body expanding to be twice as large, using Night Shade
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"Wheeee! I'm so excited this is going to be so much FUUUUNNNN!" The little grass type cried, happily, waving the leaf on her head around.

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Well, time to try out that fourth move.....else, she was dead. Literally.

During the Night-shade attack, the Ekans was ready. It bowed low to the ground to avoid the darkish, outer edges of the Pokemon. There was only one spot where it could be hit by a physical attack, A physical attack that wasn't normal type, and well, that was it's face.

After the dark wisps subsided, The snake jumped once again in the air. Instead of aiming for a bite again, she looked to use her tail, which started to glow a ghoulish black. The Ekans spun in a circle and lashed out with her tail, using a move known as Beat-up. It would of been helpful in a different situation, but heck, it would do.
Deeper in the cave, a dark figure was leaning on a stalagmite watching the fight between the Ekans and the fake Ghastly.

He said with a small smirk on his face,"Honestly, I don't think the Ekans stands a chance. Your wasting your time Rokoure."

The figure then stood up and moved closer to get a closer look at the fight.
"I'm going to give her a chance." The Gastly immediately disappeared on contact, fading into nothing. "Hmm, so you were finally smart enough to use an effective move." The voice finally materialized. It was a Gengar, the final form of Gastly.
The Ekans was quiet... at least, on the outside. On the Inside, she was questioning how Bite was a failed move in her book. But... well, she wouldn't complain to somebody who looked like that. Who knows, maybe it DID fail, and she was just being sour.

Instead, she gave a slight glance to the other in the room, a Lucario, before responding: "Terribly sorry. I missed the whole 'This is a secret initiation' Memo." Her voice was slightly sarcastic.... hopefully it wouldn't turn out to be offensive.
The Gengar's huge, normally smiling mouth lowered into a frown. "Well if you payed attention to the flyer, you would notice at the bottom that it says "your initiation would start immediately upon entering", or something like that." The female Gengar said.
"...Flyer. There was a flyer. A flyer for... this." For a sad, insane moment, the Ekans laughed. Shortly, and it could be asked if she was in the right state of mind at the moment. But she quickly regained a sense of normalcy.

"... If I get out of this alive, Remind me to stay away from menacing caves while lost." The serpent commented. She relaxed her stance, as if she was just giving up on the confusing adventure.
"What in the heck i... you know what." The Poison type stopped herself from asking the question. Perhaps she would look up one of the flyers, then find out what in the world she slithered into. "..Never mind....Thanks. I think?" It was like receiving some mysterious, great compliment coupled with an Insult.
((Wow I come back to 7 pages ;-; Luckily my partner is the one who isn't talking xD . Anyway... Time to talk to Egolix, Swift Beurezu.))

Anna looked to Egolix, feeling they could potentially partner up, as he was a nice guy so far.

"Hey...I have a question...Um...do you want to team up, potentially? You can even make the name if you want...If that's okay with you, of course." She told Egolix shyly, hoping he would respond positively.
"You'll need to double your efforts during training, though." The Gengar smirked, looking up at the Lucario admiringly. "Because if you don't, we'll have no choice but to kick you from the Team, right, Cayden?"

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Ashley was busy setting up shop and was happily smiling and wagging her tail while doing so. The Skitty was proud of her work when all of the decorations were set up just right, she was enjoying the day and the sunlight on her face. She really did enjoy living at this place as weird as it was she never misses her old life and nobody even knows who she used to be anyways so who cared. She gleefully chimed her bell telling everyone that her shop was now open for business.

Xero walked around town bored with nothing to do he saw Anna and Egolix and he smiled. He always liked seeing new teams forming... even if he had lost his own that really didn't matter anymore, he was a legendary rescue team without there even being a team anymore. Team Rogue was disbanded a long time ago but he was still doing jobs today and he'd never for get the stories... it was really all too bad they had to leave him. They went to go fight by themselves and didn't let him go... too sad really.
-triumphant Fanfare-)

The Archen looked back at Anna with a hint of surprise, but that quickly turned to an emotion akin to...happiness? Something similar to that, at least, for he had one of the biggest smiles on his face. Something that just showed all of that excitment he had held up a few moments ago.

"Well, You seem like a fun person to talk to, so I don't see why not! In fact, I think it'll be fun." On the potential of a name, his eyes widened. "O-of course, you can help choose the name though! Like...a team effort. I think." He nodded to himself, then to her. Nods all around.


Kiosk had walked back outside with a armful of...boxes. Yep, big boxes full of items that would potentially be important, of course. While setting down the squares, he spotted a familiar face through the crowd. If his assumption was correct, it was that Gallade, Xero. He used to visit the guild often... well, until that incident happened. Team Rouge and all that. Being his quiet self, he waved to the Legendary traveler, nodding in what seemed to be a friendly way.


"...Well, if you put it that way, I can try that." If she could get used to having no arms, of course. But during those battles, she got the jist of how to move, and that was better then steering in a constant circle. Trust her, it got REALLY annoying, especially when you dug deep enough to sink.
(Sorry, had to eat dinner. I'm back though.)

"I agree. You will be put to the limit if you want to stick with us."

Cayden crossed his arms and continued.

"So on terms of what you want to be assigned too, what will it be? Bounty Hunter or Treasure Hunter?"
"Tch, definitely not a Bounty Hunter. No way." The Gengar laughed at Cayden's question.

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Naomi smiled."I was thinking of evolving into a Umbreon since they just seem so cool with there dark colors and glowing rings but first i would have to find a Lunar scarf since then i need to train like crazy."

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