Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

The tiny chespin sat down and pulled out an apple. It was so red, beauitul and delicious. He began chowing down on it while in line waiting for his turn to sign up. If he was going solo, so be it! More experience for him. But he didn't mind having a partner to tag along with.


The Aron stood there, wondering who would want to join up with him. He wasn't that great of a fighter, but he really did enjoy helping and working with other people.
"Well..uh, what are you g-going to evolve into?" The shiny Espurr asked in her shy voice.

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.. Oh, god they WERE falling to the ground. It was either let go, or take your chances with the floor. Perhaps a stupid move for the Ekans, she took the floor. However, the Poison type used Bite on the Zubat's right wing, right before they slammed into the ground.
The Zubat was bitten on by the snake's strong fangs, making it...disappear? The bat had seemed to vanish in thin air.

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The Ekans had no time to be surprised, because again. The gravel wanted to have a nice reunion with her back... thank god, she was flexible.

"...Oof... what?" After a period of having the Wind knocked out of her, the creature rose up. "Where did that fangy guy go..."
The cave was a dark, shadowy place, well atleast it seemed that way. Ever since the Zubat had dissipated, the cave seemed to become creepier and creepier. Despite this, the Ekans had continued on in the cavern.

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"..I might as well." She had thought crossly to herself. There wasn't any OTHER place in the area, right? So despite her head telling her what a damned idiot she was, she straightened up and slithered on in to the Shadowed cave.
Her next obstacle was a Gastly. It had also appeared out of nothing, and it looked like it was going to attack

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".... I'm Luna. Hi, Rèmieaux." She said, sticking out a foot, saying his name with a perfect accent to it. She may not know what Kalos is, but she certainly knew what French was, (somehow).

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"Wait, how did you..? But I thought you didn't even know what hello was?" Rémieaux asked, incredibly confused as he lowered himself to the ground to shake the grass type's foot with three little claws on his wing.

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Again ambushed by darker types coming from who KNOWS where, the Ekans backed up and hissed in surprise. Perhaps it was her way of trying to look intimidating, or it was her way of saying 'I have to fight YOU, too?" Whatever the case, it led to a rather surprised look. But she didn't have to wait this time.

With all the dust collecting around the cave, it made for an area that made it hard to breathe. So coupled with that hiss, The snake had breathed in quite a bit of that dust.

And to add to all of this, she was tensed up. So when she coughed, you see... she used the move Poison sting at the exact same time.

(..what have I done oh my god.)
The Gastly avoided the poison needle, but then used its ghost powers to make a Thunderbolt appear from the ceiling of the cave.
"I'm pretty good at mimicking tone. Like this," suddenly, the normally high cheery voice of the Chikorita went down several octaves, and gained a metallic tone, much like that of Golurk. "Golurk is love. Shrek is love. Golurk is Shrek." Then it switched to that of Bonbon's voice, "Oh hi, you wanna sign up for the rescue teams? That's so great!" Then back to normal, "See? I can try you, if you want!"

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The thunder crackling overhead made the serpent look up. She had a feeling that she wouldn't be able to dodge this as easily as the other attacks beforehand, so instead of trying to run, her eyes glinted and she sped Forward. It was more an intimidation tactic then an idea to attack.
The Gastly levitated upwards, now readying a ball of ghostly energy in its mouth. It then shot the Shadow Ball at the snake.
Now ignoring the thunder with a flick of her tail, Ekans whipped the appendage in front of her and whipped the ghostly energy away from her face, using her tail in a whooshing arc. . It stung a bit to be sure, but it was nothing at the moment, she thought as she readied more Poisonous shots in her mouth, shooting close range to the creature above.
The bat Pokemon was astonished at this grass type's ability. "C'est très cool!" He exclaimed. "Uh, I mean that's cool" He gave a sweet smile. 
The Gastly had been hit by the weak attack, but not really phased because it wasn't that powerful of a move. The ghost had readied another Shadow Ball, and shot it, the snake now much closer to it.
The golurk, hearing someone sound like him, stepped forward, behind the chikorita, its massive feet causing dust to kick up as it looks down on the small quadrupedal pokemon.

"Is there an issue? Do I speak in an odd way to you? I am over one hundred years of age, language changes too fast."
The quadruped grass type got a little red in the face, blushing only a little, then replied back, "Thanks. Well, what's our team name going to be?" She said, looking up at the little bat curiously. .

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"Aah! Je suis désolé ! Ne pas nous faire de mal!" The Noibat shrieked, his wings fluttering to get out of the way of the huge Pokemon.

(Translation: "Aah! I'm sorry! We didn't do anything wrong!)

The Shadow ball had hit the confused serpent head on, causing her head to reel back and herself to make this odd bridge shape for a moment. The attack caused her head to spin (mentally, of course,) before she could get up again and clear it.

"That actually hurt!" She explained almost crossly to nobody in particular. Perhaps, in this moment, she finally realized that this 'Defending' and 'Random miracle' Gimmick wasn't going to cut it, for she paused in her tracks.

"That...actually...." The first two words were repeated in a daze of a voice. It was all she needed to spur into motion. It took another, more frightening hiss at the other,before she lunged forward. planning to use Bite right at the floating ball of gas.
The Ekans had went right through the Gastly, the ghost Pokemon giving a mocking laugh. It then looked the snake straight in the eyes, trying to use a Confuse Ray.
Then she heard Golurk approach and turned to look at him, then smiled a sunny smile, "Oh, no disrespect was intended, Mr. Golurk, I was just using your voice as an example. It's in the lower register, and it was the first voice that popped into my head... I'm not sure where that phrase came from though...." She said, scratching her head.

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The golurks sigh as his one-ton body moves. "Good, there is no issue then." It moves back to where it came from and stands by the sign.

The Chespin approaches the vulpix that it almost ran into. "uh, hey. Sorry for almost running into you! I hope we can still be friends."

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