Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"The Merchant Guildmaster is just trying to bring a little order to the place. Um, would you mind stepping a few steps to the right? I mean, if you want tl join the Merchants. Left for Explorers. " Kiosk assumed the stomping made everything else a bit hard to hear, so the Zoroark tried to direct the Deino to her preferred line. He had said it plenty of times, and he would say it again. Thank God, Bonbon was his assistant. He'd snap if he didn't have the social Wigglytuff at his side, surely,

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
"Uh, I want to be an Explorer, so left?" She asked, stepping in that direction carefully but still bumping into a Pokemon by accident (this can be anyone). "Sorry! I can't exactly see that well." She apologized. 'I hate being a Deino!' She thought to herself, mentally cursing. "Thanks, Kiosk, for the help." She smiled at the fox Pokemon, her blue face turning the slightest of pinks that she was thankful the Zoroark couldn't see because she had turned away.
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The Vulpix and Shinx looked at each other, then ran off, "Hey, come on!" Nikki shouted at the Espurr, running off with Bobby to get in line for the sign ups. "Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!" Bobby was jumping up and down, excited beyond words.

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"Oh, uh, a-alright" The Espurr said shyly. "Why are y-you so excited?" She asked, holding down her ears so that if anyone bumped into her, she wouldn't blow up something by accident.

'Why are they so nice to me?

'Can't you see, you idiot? They are just trying to get close to you only to stab you in the back and use you! You can't trust people you just met!

'No! They're different, they aren't like the people at school! So go away, please!' She mentally argued with herself, hesitantly following the three Pokemon.
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Anna was stumbling over herself, attempting to make her way to the signups. "Oh...Why is this so complicated...I feel like I'm in a dress that's too long..." She mumbled to herself, looking at the different Pokemon around her. She had mixed feelings about it, specifically about how she could somewhat hear their emotions. Some where happy, others just neutral... It would take some getting used to...

Eventually, she noticed Pokemon lining up into two separate groups. She was nervous to ask which group was which, and took a chance by getting in line, the correct one unknown to her.
"Line up? Sounds good to me." the Fennekin went to the left line as she was suddenly bumped by the Deino who had a hard time seeing. I'm really tempted to yell at them...but then again it's not exactly their fault they're having trouble seeing. "Its alright." She smiled to the Deino. She continued to walk and went behind the others to sign up.
"I'm so sorry." She apologized again to the Fennekin. She then prodded at the ground again, making slight whimpering noises, as she was frustrated at her lack of sight. "You're going to be an Explorer, I'm guessing!?" She bounded, 'looking' around for the fox Pokemon, quickly finding her with her fire type scent. "So am I! I'm Pantera, by the way!" She stuck out a furry blue paw to the Fennekin.
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"Hey, you lost too?" It was another new voice that sounded by the Ralts, not from the Zoroark (Who suddenly remembered something about Explorer packs and looked like he was going to have a tinyyyy panic attack,) or the Murkrow (who was still mumbling to herself a tiny bit, looking at the floor...mumbling stocks???) It was a higher pitched male belonging to an Archen. He seemed just as confused as anyone else there,

"Man... it's a tangled mess! Then again, this Is the choice of a lifetime for most pokemon, right?" He asked in a friendly manner.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
"No really it's fine. Don't worry about me." Marie assured Pantera. She was glad she decided not to yell at her. She seemed to be quite polite towards her. Marie grinned at the question, "Yup! It seems like the coolest job around here so why not? I'm Marie." She stuck her paw out as well and shook it with Pantera.
"Nice ta meet ya!" Pantera gave a big smile to the Fennekin, revealing her sharp fangs in which she had no intent to use on the fox Pokémon.
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Anna turned towards the new voice, not certain if she should respond. She considered the options, now was a new time to start over, to forget the past of the human world for now.

"Um...yeah...It's really exciting...and a little confusing too, but exciting nonetheless." She replied nervously, attempting to pull a smile for into it.

"W...What's your name?" She asked the Archen, not sure if pokemon had names other then what they were. She noticed the emotions he emitted were those of confusion and happiness, although, she wasn't entirely sure.
A Eevee had awoken hours ago in the middle of the woods but almost on instinct she made her way out of the forest with her fluffy tail, wagging back and forth with her long rabbit like ears twitching every now and then since she was already used to her new body and quite liked being a Eevee since she used to play her friends old pokemon game before the accident and she gave a small shiver while thinking to herself."Dont think about the accident anymore, its in the past this is your new life now."

She gave a soft sigh before looking up at a sign that said that the nearby guild was accepting new recruits so she started happily making her way to the guild building but at the sight of the massive line, her small mouth dropped open and she groaned."Why......"either way she just started making her way to the line and stood at the very back of it with a frown and a roll of her eyes since she got stuck behind a stunkie.
The ralts acted a bit strange at first, but the rock type pokemon quickly shrugged it off... who could blame her? It was a new world, and it was almost as if if it were some type of dream....that they were all thrown into without a proper warning.

"Well, Egolix, at your service. " he smiled in a friendly way, trying to diffuse the situation. He didn't want to seem awkward, but he didn't really know how to talk to anybody else...

Besides his parents of course.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
The massive golurk watched as people formed into lines and was a little disappointed in the lack of interest in the merchant guild. He shrugged it off though, he would be able to pick up the slack for sure. That was until he became aware of an Aron that was in front of him and waved one of its tiny paws.

"Hello Mr. Golurk. I would like to sign up for the merchant guild please!"

The golurk looked confused, "You are signing up? That is good. We are glad to have you. I will fill out paperwork." The massive golurk said as he patted the small Aron. "Your name is...."

"My name is Van Dash and one day I'm going to be as strong as you."

The Golurk laughed a bit. "Alright. Welcome to the Merchant guild Van Dash."

"Look out below!" a voice could be heard as a green blur rolled down at the small group missing them and crashing into a stone, a chespin would be sprawled out clearly dazed and confused, looking up at what looked to be a vulpix.
"I...I'm Anna. But, if it's easier to call me Ralts, it's fine too." She replied, loosening up a bit. She was a little curious as to why no one wanted to join the merchant guild, but then again, she didn't want to either...

"So...Um...What makes you want to become a trainee?" She asked Egolix, trying to tune out everyone's emotions.
"Yeah nice to meet you too!" Marie grinned back to Deino. She surprisingly had already begun to like Pantera, something that almost never happens for someone as skeptical as her.

The pretty fox cried out as a Chespin crashed into her, being shoved onto her back. She wasn't sure how to get back up, so she did the only thing that seemed right; she began to flail her limbs wildly, trying to get back up again. When she finally did, she ended up cross legged and on her stomach, with her legs crossed beneath her.

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The Espurr was surprised and shocked from the entire situation, so her ears shot up and psychic energy surged through them, nearly hitting a Pokémon in the crowd, but destroying a huge rock by that Pokémon. The noise and shattering made all the Pokémon stare at the shiny cat-like Pokemon, tears welling up in her eyes as she ran off from fear and embarrassment. "I'm s-s-sorry!" was all she could get out before fleeing the scene.

"Wanna be on the same t-" The Deino's words were interrupted by shrieking. "Sheesh, what's her problem?" Pantera whispered to Marie, sensing the Espurr's departure with the noises she was making, in addition to her rapid footsteps.

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As all of the new Pokemon were sighing up for the Guild and the Merchant groups, a dark figure was leaning against a tree, arms crossed, on top of a small hill were he could see all of the activity. He had a look of interest and was thinking on his next move.

"This must be reported to Rokouré immediately." He said out loud.

The figure then ran in the opposite direction from the town to an undisclosed location.
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Marie nearly jumped at the sound of the Vulpix's shout. She giggled, "She needs to calm down. I'm guessing she's not used to be a pokemon either." She whispered back to Pantera. The Fennekin also noticed the Espurr leave, making her a bit confused.
"Back to what I was trying to say before, do you want to be on a Rescue Team with me?" Pantera asked in the nicest way she possibly could. She really liked this girl, as she could feel that her and the Marie were to become good friends. To empress her seriousness of the question, she flipped her black head fur out of the way to look the fox Pokemon straight in the eyes. "How about it?" The dragon's orbs were a bright mixture of red and purple, a black slit sitting in the middle, slightly twitching since the lens couldn't quite focus. Though glazed over and not seeming to concentrate on anything, they still made the dark type dragon look threatening and intimidating. The lens of the Deino's eyes gazing straight at the Fennekin's orange irises.
Marie thought for a moment about joining Pantera on a rescue team. So far, she was the only Pokemon who was willing to talk to her and was actually fairly nice. She reminded her of someone she had known before as a human. Her memory was becoming a bit clearer to remember she had a friend but nothing else came to mind. Looks like it'll be a long-time recovery then... Then she saw the Deino's eyes which looked rather intimidating, yet to her sincere. Marie had made her decision, "Yeah a rescue team with you would be awesome!" The Fennekin grinned revealing her fangs to her new partner.
"Awesome!" Pantera exclaimed, overjoyed that her offer wasn't rejected. "Wait, I do have eyes, right?" She asked unsure, sitting on her rear so she could reach up to her face using both paws without falling over. The Deino then started to prod around her upper half of her face with her front toes, trying to make sure they were there.
Marie giggled, "Yup you do. It'd be pretty weird if you didn't." She said. The image of an eyeless Fennekin popped up in her head. Just the thought of it almost made her shiver.

"Alrighty! Anyone who hasn't formed a team yet please step forward and sign up!" Bonbon exclaimed. She was looking forward to having new recruits and wanted to get everyone going.
"Haha, you're right, it's just because you never see them on a Deino." Pantera laughed, returning to her standing position. "Well a lot of Pokemon don't have eyes, so." She added, hearing the Wigglytuff speak as the Deino moved forwards in the line. "Like Zubat for example."

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