Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"Ooh yes please!" Marie exclaimed as she stared longingly at the parfaits.

"Why how very sweet of you to make some snacks for us dear!" Bonbon smiled.

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"Alright let's go. No time to loss. Also I haven't seen the Ekans so it just gonna be you and me." Cayden started to walk towards the cave exit.

"Try to keep up."
"Merci merci!" Rémieaux bounded, fluttering to the floor as he took one. "Thanks!" Pantera exclaimed, sitting on her hind legs and gripping the parfait with get front paws.

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"Thanks!" Marie smiled and began eating her snack.

"Thank you dear!" Bonbon got her own and starting to eat along with the others.
Bobby and Nikki looked at each other, then shrugged. They'd eaten earlier, so it didn't really matter.

Luna however squeaked happily and munched on her parfait, smiling.
"...Right, right, I'll keep up." The Ekans neglected to comment that she was new, not slow, and followed behind the Lucario. She casted a glance to Dominik in slight curiosity, just for a few seconds until she turned her head back around.
The Ekans tilted her head and looked back. "...Well, no. I would doubt you could help me with thoughts." She replied to his venomous tone with a sharp, clipped one-liner, proving her disinterest in his attitude.
"Then don't look at me then, snake." The black hellhound added, continuing behind Cayden.

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"....Pfft." For whatever reason, Xhiva only responded with a chuckle under her breath. It was because she was thinking of how his Love-life was wrecked a few minutes ago, and that was probably why his tail was in a twist. Oh, but she didn't need him yelling at her at the moment, so she held her tongue for the most part.
The chespin sat down and happily munched on the parfait. "This is really good Nichole!" The conkeldurr mayor nodded, appearing beside the chespin. "Indeed it's *bleep*Ing AWESOME." it should be noted that even as he spoke, the mayor was bleeped out in character, a rather odd phenomenon.
"Yeah it is awesome...wait how did he get here?!" Marie asked with surprise. A Conkeldurr showing up was one of the last things she was expecting.

"Oh don't mind him. It's just the way he is." A Gothorita appeared beside him and she spoke with flat tone to her voice.
"Thank you dear." The Gothorita gently took the parfait from Nicole and began to delicately eat it.

"I suppose I should mention who we are. That's the mayor and I'm his assistant." Gothorita said.
The conkeldurr munched on the parfait. "*bleep* yes I do. For some reason I seem to appear out of nowhere. Thankfully continuity errors seem to be a-ok. However due to excessive language I have had to have a censor installed that prevents me from saying words like *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* * bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*tree and water closet. Oh wait I can say that again! Hell yes!"
Marie gave out a small giggle as her partner jumped into her. "It's just the mayor and his assistant. Although the mayor is pretty weird..."

"Uh that's great sir whatever that means..." The Gothorita mumbled. She then kept on quietly eating her parfait.

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