Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

Cayden pulled out some seeds from his bag. "Here, use these Blast Seeds, quickly." After he handed half of his handful to Dominik, Cayden threw one and it exploded, mid-flight in an area of Geodudes.
(Okay, what the heck happened. Seriously I keep compensating the idea of leaving the site when I have no clue that goes on. -kicks not, box-)

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
I probably couldn't leave. Too bored... I might rage quit though and bite the tablet or something. And thank chu-)

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
"Eeep!" Was the only sound the Shroomish heard as the little pink cat-like Pokémon skittered away.

"Alright!" Dominik threw the seeds to where most of the bats were, causing an explosion.

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Seamus cringed as he heard the screech. He sighed then continued on his way. Even as a mushroom, it seemed he didn't have much social skills- or perhaps it was why he lost social skills.
"Hm what kind of job should we take? Maybe we could catch an outlaw!" Marie asked as Rémieaux flew up the latter to their floor.

Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay
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The remaining Zubats and Geodudes retreat while the rest layed passed out on the cave floor. Cayden walked over to one of the Geodudes and picked up an item. It was an Escape Orb. "This will come in handy."
The chespin looks around, "I think Nichole and I will sit out on the legendary sword, instead we'll go on a standard exploration and maybe take a job since we're a new team"
Bonbon nodded, "That's perfectly fine! The job board is the board on the right over there dear!" The Wigglytuff happily responded and pointed over to the right of the room.
Gunther looked at the board, "Let's see here... It looks like we could go on a rescue mission in the mountains."
The Chespin nodded, "I got the snacks and everything stored up! I'm ready when you are ready! We're probably gonna be gone for a while though."
"Yes, it will be helpful." Dominik responded as he followed Cayden further in the cave.

"Let's do an outlaw." Pantera gave a devious smile at the Fennekin.
"Aw yeah that's the spirit!" Marie grinned back and looked up at the outlaw board.

The Fennekin scanned the outlaw board to see which one would be suitable for them to go against at their skill level.
"How about this guy? It's a Poochyena in Drenched Bluff" She pointed out.

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Xhiva... after vanishing to hells knows where, finally returned with the Duo back in that cave. Do not question the absence of a previously normal member. The Ekans was just... gone, then she was back, alright?

Good. No questions <3
((Just gonna poof up Naomi))

Naomi finally awakens from her bed and she looks around like."What??, how long have i been sleeping!?"
"Alright, nice for you to finally join us Ekans. Now stay down and keep quiet. We're approaching the final floor." Cayden then turned to the staircase and started to climb the final steps.
"Assssss long as we're not dead or sssssserving some sort of dark lord? Okay." She muttered in a quiet grumble. These steps were starting to get hotter and hotter, the air humid, and it made the snake Pokemon a bit cranky.

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