Pokemon: Knights of Albion

CandiBarr said:

The beauty used the tavern as her runway. Her catwalk was full of seductive grace, hips swinging and tits bouncing. She was a full on display of elegance and grace smeared with badassery strength, then topped off with an aurora that she was a force to not be reckoned with. Her blue eyes casually glanced to every occupant observing and seizing up the crowd. Her powerful gaze settled on a man, a farrier perhaps, who had just received a pint of ale. She walked towards him but used her peripheral vision to view the commotion that was occurring among the knights that had gathered. The man noticed her right away and she knew she had him under a spell. The wonderful thing about a women's beauty is that she may use it for good or for evil, but most importantly it can be used to distract the enemy. Her blue eyes connected with his as she grabbed his pint of ale, tipped it back and drained it to the last drop. "Ah, now that was refreshing." She replaced the empty glass back in front of him and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. Her voice was like liquid honey with a hidden posion from her lips as she whispered in his ear. "Thank you handsome."

Although it would appear that her attention was only focused on the man, that was far from the truth. She has used the time to keenly understand the situation on the Knights. It was an outright display of immaturity, both from the Knights and their inability to control their Pokemon. It was difficult not to hide her disappointment. Smh. Did these guys want to play grab ass all night or go out and fight for their country then take on the grand master? It was obvious that these kids needed a true leader, and boy could she swoop in and save the day. The things she would do for her teacher. The man before her was still in awestruck. She winked at him, gave a playful smile then waltzed to the bulletin board. She took a large piece of parchment from her pocket, unfolded it to display a large signup sheet, then took a large dagger from her other pocket and loudly hung the sheet up with a large thud. Turning, her presence demanded the attention of the bar. She was the epitome of a battle hungry Knight who didn't want to waste a second longer to start her quest to become the very best.

As if on cue, her majestic Pontya kicked down the tavern door and with a mighty rear he pranced into the tavarn. He stood beside her, his flames blazing brightly, also commanding the attention from everyone. Her voice boomed over the crowd. "My name is Azrael Aitziber. When y'all are done playing grab ass and wish to act like a true Knight, feel free to add your name to this list and join me on a quest to take on the grand masters." Her demanding gaze traveled over the group once more, lingering on the ones who held her interest. The brute obviously, the loner in the corner, and the brunette as well. They weren't half-bad. The rest one first glance were less impressive but perhaps they would earn her praise on the Battlefield. Fighting would always be her one true love, next to Pontya of course. Her gaze settled upon him and it filled her with pride. She placed a hand on his shoulder and he playfully nudged her in return. They would become a Legend....no matter the cost.

Once again her gaze turned to the crowd and she spoke once again. "We leave at dawn to travel to the nearest battlefield. It's time to prove that you have earned the title of a Knight." Alright, speech over. Hopefully, they would take the bait. She was positive that some would, and if they didn't well they would be missing out. Azrael had already beaten three of the seven battlefields, illegally at first but she obviously had experience that the others truly lacked....and maturity which some of this lot didn't know existed. She walked out of the tavern, catwalking all the way but Ponyta slowly follow. His menacing gaze traveled to everyone, Pokemon including, showing his dominance. Silly Pony. She whistled and was surprised when he broke into a canter and ran to her side. She quickly mounted him and they galloped away from the tavern. The mighty duo would return at dawn to gather the Knights and begin the journey.










@Zy That Guy




Battlefields are not the equivalent of Gyms, that is what combat against two Knight groups is called. Now the equivalent of gyms are called Masters, for they are the masters of the battlefield. Also you don't just defeat them on your own, as the masters of each city are all groups of powerful Knights, and you must have enough renown for them to call you out for a battle.
@Archdemon I apologize for the misunderstanding. I will edit about the gyms/masters. But the reason I said she had defeated three is because I mentioned in her back story that she had illegally become a Knight and worked with a group of them for several years before getting caught, then finally finding a master who would teach her and help her become a Knight officially. This was also to explain why she is a couple years older than most of the other nights. If this isn't ok, then I will change her backstory and edit that part of my post as well.
CandiBarr said:
@LB58 Lol I was hoping someone would be kind enough to return that dagger to me...but nevermind. Lol
Elikacheese said:
I hate Daggers man, i HATE THEM SO MUCH MAN!!! Sorry about Candi didn't know that you wanted it back.
@LB58 Lol no worries. I didn't really want it back, only left it there as a motive for someone to start a convo with Azrael other than talking about the group
CandiBarr said:
@Archdemon I apologize for the misunderstanding. I will edit about the gyms/masters. But the reason I said she had defeated three is because I mentioned in her back story that she had illegally become a Knight and worked with a group of them for several years before getting caught, then finally finding a master who would teach her and help her become a Knight officially. This was also to explain why she is a couple years older than most of the other nights. If this isn't ok, then I will change her backstory and edit that part of my post as well.
Oh sorry I forgot about that.
CandiBarr said:
@LB58 Lol no worries. I didn't really want it back, only left it there as a motive for someone to start a convo with Azrael other than talking about the group
sorry about that, i didn't know that but i will use my character and tell people what he did and when Azrael comes back what he did. Titan will try to convince people to Join up with Everest and Azrael so they could all be a Group. @CandiBarr
@Archdemon Lol It's no biggie

@LB58 That would be awesome and a great way to get everyone on the same page! Again, I wasn't trying to make a separate group unless it's preferred. I just did it to get the ball rolling
@Archdemon I guess what I was trying to do got lost in translation. Like I said, I had no intention of creating a second group. You had mentioned here in OCC that you hadn't posted because you were waiting for everyone to join and get on the same page. Everyone was kinda scattered so I thought if I created a sign up sheet and left, that everyone would sign it, therefore everyone would be on the same team and page, and then the plot advances and we can get moving to the good stuff. I apologize for the confusion. Just disregard my post then and Azrael will return once everyone is on the same page.
CandiBarr said:
@Archdemon I guess what I was trying to do got lost in translation. Like I said, I had no intention of creating a second group. You had mentioned here in OCC that you hadn't posted because you were waiting for everyone to join and get on the same page. Everyone was kinda scattered so I thought if I created a sign up sheet and left, that everyone would sign it, therefore everyone would be on the same team and page, and then the plot advances and we can get moving to the good stuff. I apologize for the confusion. Just disregard my post then and Azrael will return once everyone is on the same page.
Oh! Nah it's fine you don't have to apologize. Also I want you guys to look at the rules if you haven't already and tell me if I should tweak the combat.

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