Pokemon: Knights of Albion

Elikacheese said:
What? I just got here. What're you two talking about?
Her character is a character from an anime called Kill la Kill and yeah that's about all we were discussing.
Aero said:

Everest glanced over at the arrogant knight who moved a seat and then ordered Titan a drink. She stared at him for a moment knowing the game he was playing. 'So the arrogant approach didn't work so now he's gaining favor with gifts. I do admit that is smart.' The brunette thought and then looked back at Titan once he answered her question. She nodded in understanding, having a feeling that was the reason for all the food he took in. "I see and a very good job you have been doing in the size, strength aspect." Everest said not sure what else to say.

The female knight let out a small, quiet sigh knowing that the arrogant knight most likely won his favor due to the drink. She would have to go and find someone else to join her. Or she would have to suck up her pride and join the arrogant one.
'I wish not to do the later choice, but if it boils down to it.' Everest thought and ordered another glass of water. Boy did she wish that she could just go alone and win the title by herself, but she knew the consequences of that especially with the war going on. Down by Everest's leg, Cubone still didn't trust Runt despite his owner hitting him to be nice and his apology. Still, Cubone mumbled his name as if to say 'you're forgiven'. @LB58 @Archdemon
There is no civil war yet, there are threats of a civil war but no actual conflicts have arisen yet.
yo everyone just letting you know that i`m going to bed right now but i will respond to anything you say in the morning.
Just a heads up, I work tomorrow from 12:15-4:45 so I'll probably be on around 5:30 ish? This is Central Time too(:
Wow. I'm gone long enough to walk and hatch two eggs and y'all have started without me. That's alright. My character can be fashionably late. Am I free to post? I assume no due to not being tagged in the intro post. :( My CS is lacking depth but all the required details are there. I will add more to it as I roleplay with my character and get to know her better myself.
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And I have nothing more to say, and dunno what to do since my character is listening to all of the conversations.
Elikacheese said:
And I have nothing more to say, and dunno what to do since my character is listening to all of the conversations.
I may have approached your character and Snorunt and asked for your names before my attention was whisked away by the other group! I think you should join us, haha.

( :) )
Yo everyone ignore that Titan grabbed Runt and Gastly. Just that Runt senses Gastly.
Ummm, I having slight writers block and probably won't reply until I can actually think of something. Im also confused in whats going to :1 so if anyone wants to run into kenji, then tag me. Not trying to be a meanie bean here but, I would like if you all don't tag me unless it haves something to actually involve my character
Acethekidd said:
Ummm, I having slight writers block and probably won't reply until I can actually think of something. Im also confused in whats going to :1 so if anyone wants to run into kenji, then tag me. Not trying to be a meanie bean here but, I would like if you all don't tag me unless it haves something to actually involve my character
Umm I already did that
Everyone just letting you know that i`m going to bed but i will reply in the morning to anything you have that involes me
Ohhh, battling. I'd really like to see how things turn out. (:3)

IrritatedMind said:
Getting off for a little while because I am going to sleep some.
Goodnight, sweet dreams!

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