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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

" I want you love your attention I want you" Des said sounding almost like she was begging, and she was well aware of the double meaning of her words unlike she might have been if she were still her old self but this new her knew all about such things and she did want them more than she ever had as the old Des " Please make me perfect love me" Said
Cecilia gasped at his words "We can't kill her but I can get you to her if you give me a moment I just have to find where her presence is" She said as she started to pick up on the presence. Before she could track it something spiked in her mind as she winced on her side of the phone, "Dammit, Psychi it's something else. Silette is something different than before her presence has grown stronger it's power increased. It.... evolved" She said before pausing yet again. "I know you're against this but meet me in my office as quickly as you can" She said before waving to her group and hanging up the phone. Teleporting into her office and going to a cabinet pressing a button that was hidden as it removed itself and revealed long pit of a drop.
Sil chuckled a bit "Why don't you go freshen up and put on your make up, its all in the bathroom and ready for you."

Evylon looked around even more confused "Where did she go?" she whispered "Oh well more fun for us" she said giggling, her mood completely unwavered by the disappearance of her lover.
Psychi hung up and found himself at a loss, desperately trying to catch his breath. It came in slow heaves, and he couldn't stop shaking- small, uncontrollable movements from this human body completely borne of anger.


He slammed his hand into the wall, smashing it inward and creating a small crater within the interior of the dorm. His hand dripped with blood and began turning purple in color, but he knew he couldn't waste time tearing apart the room, regardless of how much he wanted to do it. He needed to do something about the situation, regardless of how he was currently feeling.

Despite Cecilia's reproach on his comment, he was going to kill her if she did anything to Desdemona.
"Ok sis" Des said sounding a little disappointed to be separated from her sister for even a moment she just felt a strange desire to always be right next to Sil to never leave her alone.

Still Des went into the bathroom and started putting on makeup with skill that she had not possessed before. Sil had added many things to Des many skills that would be useful in making her the prefect sister

A few minutes later Des came back out wearing makeup that looked like it had been applied by an expert instead of Des who had rarely use real make up before. " Do I look pretty?" She asked.
Des smiled" Thank you sis it is just for you that I look so good" Des said almost giggling as she beamed happy to be praised almost as if she was a pet rather than a lover or a sister. " What else do I need to be prefect?[/]" Des asked.
Cecilia jumped into the tunnel as she ran over to a computer accessing it "Command?" It asked her, "Bring me the tests ArZ, MT1 and MT2. Also bring up Skeletal Z9" Cecilia commanded as the side of the metal wall opened up revealing cages that started to rise from the ground and a stand of armor that was familiar to someone. She surrounded Psychi in a white sphere and attempted teleporting him to her as the sphere started to remove itself from whatever was inside while in her secure area.
"Your doing so well, maybe I should give you your gift now. First I need you to busy yourself with something while I get it ready."
Psychi remained stoic and pensive, glaring down at his trembling hand. More and more anger pented up inside of him; it took every ounce of will power to not break down and affect the environment around him.

Even as the white sphere surrounded him he was silent, never breaking face.

I promise I'll take good care of you.
ScaraByte said:
Cecilia jumped into the tunnel as she ran over to a computer accessing it "Command?" It asked her, "Bring me the tests ArZ, MT1 and MT2. Also bring up Skeletal Z9" Cecilia commanded as the side of the metal wall opened up revealing cages that started to rise from the ground and a stand of armor that was familiar to someone. She surrounded Psychi in a white sphere and attempted teleporting him to her as the sphere started to remove itself from whatever was inside while in her secure area.
(( Random science numbers ))
Des nodded obviously excited at the idea of a present, though she didn't know what to do, well the house was rather messy so she would clean. She might have had a messy Kitchen in her dorm but that was because she normally cooked every night but the rest of her dorm was normally fine. So Des quickly found some cleaning supplies and started cleaning.
Cecilia looked at Psychi before putting a hand on his shoulder. The sounds of two screeching creatures sounded behind her as she looked at Psychi and ushered him to the stand which held something that he should remember as the creatures behind her continued their rage before she stared at them and they silenced instantly. "I'm sorry that I lied to you and Des. The mutants are mine but we have a bigger issue now" She said turning him from the beasts to the suit that she had improved recently.


(Okay, had to repost but sERIOUSLY. HOLEY SHOES.)

Psychi hadn't even noticed Cecilia's appearance; he had been so intensely concentrated that he jumped slightly when he felt her touch on his skin.

As she moved him forward to show him the display, he instantly stopped, his heart freezing painfully in his chest.

He turned to Cecilia accusingly, his voice low and piercing like ice, "What the hell are you implying?"

He was trembling- from fear, anger, or a mixture of both, he couldn't tell- but he already had a feeling as to what she wanted him to do.

Memory after memory flashed mercilessly in his mind's eye that involved that suit of armor. Locked up like a labrat. Being watched like some sort of nonsentient experiment. Being poked and prodded at, played with. It was evidence enough that he wasn't organic and he loathed that with extreme passion.

"I thought we were going to find Desdemona," Psychi growled.
Cecilia looked at him "You don't need to worry I modified it so that it would be under your control. There's an overdrive mode but it's a bit buggy and it can kill you. When we find Sil and her hostage, Let me and my creations handle it until you're fully ready with the suit" She said before turning to the computer "Release the subjects you've sent me" She yelled. "Affirmative" It said as the two creatures lumbered from their cells and over to the two before looking at Cecilia.

"Psychi my dear friend we will find Ms. Des. I won't allow one of my staff to be harmed or a student, of course Sil is now to old to be a student seeing as Darkrai apparently grow stronger with time." She said before pausing and the claw of her ivory pet hit the ground the other one beside it. "Now then, are you prepared for this?" She asked as she rubbed her pets claw pointing with her other hand to the suit.

Silette later returned with another, smaller being. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/giphy.gif.9a61f59ba0211d0e4d9d6b99339f0a38.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/giphy.gif.9a61f59ba0211d0e4d9d6b99339f0a38.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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" Celebi ?" Des asked when Sil came home with the smaller figure. Celebi seemed odd darker somehow like something was wrong with it.
Sean fell out of the second story window when some force knocked him out of the glass as he went spiraling towards the ground. "I fucking hate that thing" He yelled out as he looked at the near approaching ground and readied to use his mega stone.
ScaraByte said:
Sean fell out of the second story window when some force knocked him out of the glass as he went spiraling towards the ground. "I fucking hate that thing" He yelled out as he looked at the near approaching ground and readied to use his mega stone.
Megan looked up to see Sean and leaped upwards to catch him which she did and landed on her feet holding him bridal style. "Sean! What the hell is going on with you! First you try to commit suicide last night then you jump out of the second story window!" She looked furious now.

Sean moved out of Megans arms and looked at her confused. "Last night yes that was a rather stupid attempt but I didn't jump from that window that damned Shuppet pushed me out" He said looking at her hoping she'd believe him as the Little Shuppet girl stuck her tongue out from where she was behind the broken window with the Sean's body shape on the outside.

"So you want me to get into that suit." Psychi's voice was tight as he looked up to stare at the suit of armor. "You want me to be a Mewtwo again."

If there was anything redeemable about that metal case it was that it made him stronger. His concentration became sharper, and it was limited to his mind than it was to his emotions. He remembered that he controlled his psychic power with ease.

He loathed it. He absolutely despised it, but he needed to face the facts.

Logic. Rationality. Sense.

This is what he needed now. This what he needed now to save her.

"I'm ready," he said slowly, turning to Cecilia.
Cecilia smirked at him "Well then. You don't need to become you Mew-two form simply touch the suit and it should glow. Then it will develop to your body and form a suit" She said before the ivory creature lowered its head and she patted it the same with her ebony one which copied the behavior soon after. He must care more about her than I thought She said before sensing another presence she had sensed before. She snarled at the thought of it but removed the brandished behaviour from her mind.
"Yes, this is one of my acquaintances from the other....Darker dimensions. He will help make you perfect."

The strange pokemon flew twords the confused girl "I was called into to help with miss Solques new toy. I do say, this dimension is quite bright." He said in an accent akin to Russian.
Des just nodded as Sil spoke then was surprised when the Celebi called Sil by a different name and called her a toy really the Celebi she knew she was sure was female but this was not the same being it had almost said so itself. While Des might have cared all she cared about right now was that it could help make her prefect she was willing to accept being a toy if it made her prefect.

" You can make me prefect?" Des asked her voice showing her surprise but her desire to be prefect as well.

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