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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

DaBabyMasta said:
Chaz hopped up and dusted himself off. "Well, if you think about it... everyone I met at this school iff bang into or made something bang into them..." He said with a smirk. He spun around and looked up at Ms. Ponytails. "Heyo! The names Chanez, Chaz if you like!" He said with a friendly smile.
@Trust @Adorkable

"Huh." He said spinning around in a circle. "Well, theres no room 19 over here eh?" Then he noticed Sir doggy glancing at his butt. He did a little mental arm pumping and screamed "Yay he's gaaaayyyyyyyyy! Scooooorrreee!" It was either that or his awesome butt was too much for him.

@Safety Hammer

"He seems like a nice guy. All the other ghost-types at my old school were all jerks." She said, almost crying again just thinking about. "Anyhow... ready to summon up some spirits?"

"Thanks. I'm Ozzy by the way. And you are...?"
TaraSobiki said:
"You like acting?" she didn't completely expect that from him. She didn't know why she didn't she just couldn't. Maybe if she tried really hard she could......No, she still couldn't imagine it "Something like Phantom of the Opera?" she had no idea why her mind jumped to that. Actually it kind of just popped up suddenly but it didn't matter since either way it popped up in her head and she had said it."I feel as if that's offensive for some reason..."

"Sure....But what do we do if we summon a evil spirit or demon?" he had done this before but he had little to no progress.


"....If you were going to do it anyway why ask?" he said and shifted a little "It's not horrible....I can stand it." he wasn't going to compliment him completely but he was going to give him a little credit.

@Safety Hammer

(I had went out!)
"Oh, this isn't me cuddling you. I'm just hugging you. I don't think a mere grass type could, handle my s snuggling power."
""the Ok just stop crying my mom will be here soon"" picks up the phone ""hey mom can you find us"" @EchoNightwish

""Ok I'll be there"" teleports to her daughter ""what you need honey""
She considered his offer and nodded "That wo������uld be nice of you....But I can't seem to remember any of them." she had a tendency to forget things that weren't important. Everything is important for something but most things are just shoved in the back of her mind like boxes full of junk. She should probably fix that about herself but for now she wouldn't worry about it "If I do remember I'll let you know....You can choose something to act out and I can watch. How does that sound?"


He snickered "Luckily I'm not a grass type. I'm a ground, dragon type, so that means I can escape pretty easily." he wasn't going to try to but he just wanted to point that out.

@Safety Hammer
Lux looked at her and smiled glad that she was seemingly interested in what he said. Though from now he needed to make sure that he was prepared to do one. Since he didn't know exactly what he should do. "Sounds good to me.. though I'll have to think of something to act out" he said as the thought came to his mind.

"Take your time I can wait." she was the tiniest bit excited but she didn't show it emotionally. It was just the words she said that would show some interest but her voice didn't really match her words that well. It might of been strange to some. If asked she could of tried to be more excited sounding.

TaraSobiki said:
She considered his offer and nodded "That wo������uld be nice of you....But I can't seem to remember any of them." she had a tendency to forget things that weren't important. Everything is important for something but most things are just shoved in the back of her mind like boxes full of junk. She should probably fix that about herself but for now she wouldn't worry about it "If I do remember I'll let you know....You can choose something to act out and I can watch. How does that sound?"

He snickered "Luckily I'm not a grass type. I'm a ground, dragon type, so that means I can escape pretty easily." he wasn't going to try to but he just wanted to point that out.

@Safety Hammer
"Is that a challenge I hear?" Sammy said, his arms still wrapped around his midriff.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Is that a challenge I hear?" Sammy said, his arms still wrapped around his midriff.

"Well it's more of a fact...But you can take it as a challenge." he smirked a little.
TaraSobiki said:
"Well it's more of a fact...But you can take it as a challenge." he smirked a little.
"Noah~? Do you think that I am cute?" Sammy said, looking up at him with big eyes.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Noah~? Do you think that I am cute?" Sammy said, looking up at him with big eyes.

He raised his eyebrow "What brought this along." he thought about it for a few seconds "I guess...I'm not completely sure...."
TaraSobiki said:
"Take your time I can wait." she was the tiniest bit excited but she didn't show it emotionally. It was just the words she said that would show some interest but her voice didn't really match her words that well. It might of been strange to some. If asked she could of tried to be more excited sounding.
Lux nodded and thought about it. Though he didn't know for sure if he could think of one from the top of his head, Plus he'd have to imitate it alone and without remembering the exact words of the script probably. So he took it into account for a moment. Though it might take him a short second to think it up. With that he had an idea, "Hamlet" He said before moving over atop a rock and looking up at the sky. "Doubt thou the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love" He said his voice taking on another tone holding one that seemed to be more confident than before and was more powerful as he did. Afterwards he got off the large rock and looked at her, "Good?"

Lux nodded and thought about it. Though he didn't know for sure if he could think of one from the top of his head, Plus he'd have to imitate it alone and without remembering the exact words of the script probably. So he took it into account for a moment. Though it might take him a short second to think it up. With that he had an idea, "Hamlet" He said before moving over atop a rock and looking up at the sky. "Doubt thou the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love" He said his voice taking on another tone holding one that seemed to be more confident than before and was more powerful as he did. Afterwards he got off the large rock and looked at her, "Good?"

TaraSobiki said:
He raised his eyebrow "What brought this along." he thought about it for a few seconds "I guess...I'm not completely sure...."
"Well, I mean you are really cute, hence me giving you hugs. I just want to know if I am considered cute too".
She nodded "Amazing. I can't say I'm not impressed." she couldn't decide if she was more surprised or impressed but either way she thought he did a pretty good job "I might of even fallen for you. I'm guessing that it's.....Hamlet?" she guessed with a little confidence. It was just what she got from his acting that made her think of that. She might of heard that before but she couldn't remember if she actually did, maybe she had a paper with it written somewhere."My siblings always said the type of speech he had was strange and difficult to understand. I agree somewhat but some of his works I like." it was a old dialect so that reaction form kids was understandable.


".....I'm not cute. It all from perspective if you're considered cute or not."

@Safety Hammer
He smiled at her glad she thought so though the other part wasn't intentional. "Well I didnt mean to try and attract you. But I'm not gonna argue with results." He said giving a little laugh. Though he thought about it for a moment taking things into account. "I can see his his language confuses some Shakespearean isn't the easiest of languages to understand. Though when you learn the language.... it speaks to you... most of the time." He said giving a curious look as to her opinion to continue that.

She stared off into space for a few second before nodding "Agreed. Though I think I only partially learnt it." she considered it to be a bit complex, especially if you didn't often look into things closely. "I think some of the words and phrases I still have difficulty understanding all the way. I'm still trying to despite the difficulties." she paused to think over her own words. Since he talked that way she had another thing to ask "Do you understand it well? I assume you would learn if you wanted to act it out."

TaraSobiki said:
She nodded "Amazing. I can't say I'm not impressed." she couldn't decide if she was more surprised or impressed but either way she thought he did a pretty good job "I might of even fallen for you. I'm guessing that it's.....Hamlet?" she guessed with a little confidence. It was just what she got from his acting that made her think of that. She might of heard that before but she couldn't remember if she actually did, maybe she had a paper with it written somewhere."My siblings always said the type of speech he had was strange and difficult to understand. I agree somewhat but some of his works I like." it was a old dialect so that reaction form kids was understandable.

".....I'm not cute. It all from perspective if you're considered cute or not."

@Safety Hammer
(I just realized that if anything, Noah = Romano.)

"What?! You are the cutest person I know!"
Lux nodded in agreement with her words he realized maybe he focussed on part earlier too much.. or maybe not enough? "Well I understand some of it. Though not all of it. If you can get the gist of it that's about all you need. Or at least for acting" he said sigh a cheerful tone. "Maybe the school will have a play and then I could explain better" he said offering a small shrug.

"I am not. So stop saying that." he started to glared at him.

@Safety Hammer (I could see that.)

"Would god type Pokemon even enjoy a play?" she wasn't sure if that would be interesting to a god in the first place. She would guess that it would be boring to someone that could do basically whatever they wanted."You can't really know unless you try. Maybe we should suggest it to the principal and see what she thinks. She might like the idea of it."

He nodded once more taking the entire thoughts on what she said into account she was probably right about that. Why would a god want to just watch a play she was likely around to see the true story. Though maybe approaching her on it wouldn't be a bad sign. Since she might do it for others. "Maybe approaching her would be a good thing." He said with a little pause. "Maybe some other people would be up to try it out as well" he suggested as he thought about it.

ScaraByte said:
Lux nodded in agreement with her words he realized maybe he focussed on part earlier too much.. or maybe not enough? "Well I understand some of it. Though not all of it. If you can get the gist of it that's about all you need. Or at least for acting" he said sigh a cheerful tone. "Maybe the school will have a play and then I could explain better" he said offering a small shrug.
"Well, what do you want me to call you? Sexy? Beautiful? Handsome? Because you are all of those."
"Maybe....but I most likely won't participate." she didn't know if she was ready for a crowd of people. She had no idea if a lot of people would even show up but she rather be safe than sorry. Then again it would probably being a interesting experience and she could probably take it off of her nonexistent bucket list. It probably wouldn't be on the list anyway "I could do something else....You have to set up things and make costumes right? I could maybe do one of those..." she kind of wanted to help but not with acting.


".....Let go of me." he started to try to escape his hug "Where's the pizza? I'm hungry.....Let go of me."

@Safety Hammer
TaraSobiki said:
"Maybe....but I most likely won't participate." she didn't know if she was ready for a crowd of people. She had no idea if a lot of people would even show up but she rather be safe than sorry. Then again it would probably being a interesting experience and she could probably take it off of her nonexistent bucket list. It probably wouldn't be on the list anyway "I could do something else....You have to set up things and make costumes right? I could maybe do one of those..." she kind of wanted to help but not with acting.

".....Let go of me." he started to try to escape his hug "Where's the pizza? I'm hungry.....Let go of me."

@Safety Hammer
Then it hit him. Something that made him let go of Noah and scoot away.

  • Why he didn't want to kiss him back.
  • Why he didn't like the hugging.
  • Why he didn't like Sammy complimenting his figure.
  • Why he tried to change the subject to pizza.
  • Why he stayed silent after his confession.

"Oh... you-you're straight, aren't you?" Sammy said, embarrassment and shame welling up in his throat, choking his words as they came out. "I... it will be here soon. Money is on the table. I'll excuse myself." Sammy said, as he stood up from the bed, holding up tears of embarrassment, and walked to the door.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Then it hit him. Something that made him let go of Noah and scoot away.
  • Why he didn't want to kiss him back.
  • Why he didn't like the hugging.
  • Why he didn't like Sammy complimenting his figure.
  • Why he tried to change the subject to pizza.
  • Why he stayed silent after his confession.

"Oh... you-you're straight, aren't you?" Sammy said, embarrassment and shame welling up in his throat, choking his words as they came out. "I... it will be here soon. Money is on the table. I'll excuse myself." Sammy said, as he stood up from the bed, holding up tears of embarrassment, and walked to the door.

He seemed slightly confused for a second before he processed what happened "Wait....What made you jump to that?" he stood up and followed after him "Where are you going anyway?" he wondered where he could be possibly going at this time. This was his room after all, was he just going to stand outside or something.

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