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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Cecilia looked at him and sighed, "Firstly i'm Cecilia... your principal. Second it's quite rude to go through people, and lastly don't do that without asking people first alright?" She said not seeming to show much emotion to her tone. Over all she was quite tired and felt like he was here for some random occurrence. For now she kinda wanted to sleep since it took allot of work to get her stuff out of her old dorm and into one of her void spaces.


Nito looked at her for a moment slightly baffled that she would believe he would do such a thing. Though he couldn't exactly blame her for believing that. "I'm not behind it. The reason i'm calm is because I was forced to walk through here in the past, So I know most things here" he said with a small shrug. Then he had to think about the way to avoid it in any sort of extent though how they would do it would be slightly difficult to do so. "Well you'll have to go through it since the exit is about twelve steps passed it... But if you can find a way to hide your eyes and ears then they can do nothing... or I could go ahead and make them jump out at me alone... either way would work perfectly fine" He said shrugging with almost no care.

@Kira Times
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First, in retrospect and under his breath, "Well I guess that's what it meant by principal." He bowed to her before apologizing nervously, "I am so so so so so so so sorry. I don't even think about it, it just happens, a force of habit." Then sitting down before her he added to himself, "I guess that's why I'm here. To get better." He then looked up at her, hope in his eyes, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know what I'm supposed to-" As a ghost type, he could sense her fatigue, given as a predatory sense, "Hey, you don't feel so hot, and I mean that in a sense of concern. Are you having troubles?"

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Cecilia shook her head, "It's nothing I should worry my students over. But continue what you were going to say before you changed subjects" She requested as she moved into the room and shut the door behind her. Moving over to her desk she sat down in her chair and looked to him unsure what he was wanting. Plus if she could help him then that would enable her to be better as a person for others to rely on for guidance. Since she still had to hire more teachers to be in the school she knew she would need to do her best until they got to the point where each position had a place for the students to go when they had troubles.

Colenso swiveled to her and answered, "Well, I didn't get very much information before coming here, I tried, but other's just get really uncomfortable around me," He started going off on a tangent, "I think I'm pretty likable myself, but-" Realizing again whom he was talking to before shoving his fist into his mouth, removing it with a bit of smoke instead of saliva and continued, "I guess I was unable to prepare properly to come here, which has led me lost on where I am, what I am to do, and what is expected of me." Deep unnecessary breath, "Hoooooowever, with all due respect, I'm a student second and a person first, which means I should do my best to help others, which means in this particular moment," He let his head plop into his folded arms on the other side of her desk, "I wanna help you." Suddenly sitting back in the chair with his arms folded behind his head and slowly rising up into the air, "Anyways, the less stressed you are the better you can perform your job, therefore helping me even more.

(By the way, if you want another teacher, I can make one.)

Cecilia smiled and shook her head, "Just need to sleep tonight is all. As for information though", she said as she reached under her desk and pulled out a few sheets. "These papers hold your dorm number as well as partner, and your class schedule" She said sitting them down near him before thinking about things. She knew she would have to return the memories to Evylon sooner or later though when was the question since she knew already about the new girl and everything so she had to do that later. "Any other things you may need help with though?" She asked wondering about him and his needs since she already knew about the whole fact with him not having many people like him the best.

Super excited about her need of sleep he stood up and slammed his palms onto her desk, slowly passing through it as he sank into the ground, "Sleep! I've got a righteous hypnosis if sleep is your problem." His excitement became a surprise as she handed him the sheets, and he solidified, calfs halfway sunck into the floor aand forearms likewise in the desk. Given his position he took the papers in between his lips and muttered out the side, "Prmfter. Nbmdy sid imnyfthn' bout a prmfter." (Partner. nobody said anything about a partner.) To be honest he was a little nervous about partners. Sports were a bane of his, group projects went south because his partners never could synchronize with his peculiar wavelengths and he always had to check his impulses to lick them.

Cecilia nodded, "As per everyone. You will be getting a partner, also i'll be sleeping just fine. I will need to get you situated and then i'll likely head off to sleep" She said to explain what she was going to do. Though it was difficult for her to understand him with the things in his mouth she was doing her best. "Your partner should be either there or maybe not.. if they aren't feel free to set up your room or head to town either works.. just be back for tomorrow morning when classes start" She made sure to give a fore-warning on the matter.

"Okay!" Papers falling out of his mouth and one sticking precariously to his lip. He climbed out of the ground and pulled himself out of the desk on his way to the dorm. Before he could go, he felt the urge to ask, "Who's my partner?"

Cecilia looked at him, "Well it should be on your paper... You'll probably end up meeting them whenever it happens as well" She said smiling (It's in notes) Though she didn't know entirely if he was able to find the paper.

He hurriedly rushed back into the office and grabbed the papers on the desk, tapping them against the top to neaten the and biting down on the packet's corner before lifting them up to his face and letting them fall flat against his sternum while flipping through them, even though the first page was the only one he could see, "Kery." He then dashed out the door, waving behind him, "Oky schee uh pie!!!"


He sprinted to his dorm for no reason in particular, and passed through the door to his dorm before falling on his knees and shouting to the sky, "Kuroooooooiiiiiii!!!" The papers lazily falling from his mouth Immediately after he forgot about Kuroi and stood, reaching into his body with a smoky effect and pulled out a few things; A folded uniform, purple lava lamp, a backpack with his supplies and a tiny iron maiden statuette.
Chaz laughed as he fell to the ground with Lilly. "Augh!" He grunted as there limbs intertwined. "We're not playing twister are we?" He tried his best to untwist himself from Lilly but just got his leg held high in the air. "Um... A little help..." He said looking up the glaring Gardevoir.

@Trust @AdorkableJihye

"If you say so." She looked up at the bunk above them. "That's his bunk?" She guessed pointing at it. Wait, that was stupid. Of course that was his bunk. That's the only other bunk. Obviously...

Kuroi spun to the sound of a boys voice and saw a houndoom in distress. "Gladly, Sir doggy" He said with a smirk. He walked over to the boy and picked up a couple of his cases. "Mr. Panda, at your service." He said with a half bow, nearly dropping one of the bags.

@Safety Hammer
DaBabyMasta said:
Kuroi spun to the sound of a boys voice and saw a houndoom in distress. "Gladly, Sir doggy" He said with a smirk. He walked over to the boy and picked up a couple of his cases. "Mr. Panda, at your service." He said with a half bow, nearly dropping one of the bags.
@Safety Hammer
"Thanks. Now do you know where dorm room 19 is?" Ozzy said, before looking at Kuroi.

Not the worst looking thing, is he? He's got a nice ass, too.
"I can attest to that." she responded while nodding slowly. "I think I understand....Focus on the think part. " she thought she understood what he was saying but her grasp on it might not have been as firm as it had been with other things he had said. Is charming the word for him....No that's too common. she took out that word from the large list of possibilities.

@ScaraByte (Sorry. You know when life calls and all that stuff.)

Clay glared at him "Ask me for advice then kick me out? That's just mean." he sighed and answered the question anyway "I don't know. I've only ever been asked out myself....I've been asked out by so many people I could have a harem and a reverse one!" he paused then shrugged. "Go ahead though!"

@Safety Hammer

"I'd assume so...He was real courteous about it to. He even let me pick first." he seemed pleased by that. "At first I thought he would be....a jerk and start possessing my stuff and reading my mind. But he was nice. He's clean too as far as I can tell."

"Well if you think you can... then maybe over time you'll feel it. After that you'll know" He said smiling to her. He was quite happy at the moment though it was an odd sense of happiness that he couldn't quite describe off the top of his head. He did indeed enjoy it quite a bit though. That was undoubtedly the case in this situation.

@TaraSobiki (I can understand that)
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"Time is important.....The reason why it is varies with the type of situation." she decided that she wouldn't go on and on about time. "I would go on but it's really time consuming..." it was meant to be a joke but it was a very bland one. She didn't really joke a lot so she was rather bad at it ".....I'll leave the bad one-liner jokes to you." she felt a little weird about the joke for whatever reason.


Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


Lilly shuffled away from Chaz, untangling herself from him before standing up. "You could have burnt me again!" She whined, rubbing her still-sore cheek. "What a way to introduce yourself too..." She sighed, motioning slightly towards Rosa with her hand

@DaBabyMasta @AdorkableJihye
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Lux smiled at that and decided he'd try to cheer her up since she sounded kind of upset. "Well if you think about it. Some bad one-liners aren't your thing. So why waste your time on them?" he asked her smiling still. He was not very entertaining but his main intention was to cheer her up as much as he possibly could.

"It seemed fun....That's probably why...." she mumbled then said louder "I really don't know....You always have to try new things....You'll never know if you aren't good at them then." she decided that her actual reason was silly so she changed it a little. She wasn't one to lie often but her last reason was embarrassing to her.

@ScaraByte (I'll be back in a bit.)
TaraSobiki said:
"I can attest to that." she responded while nodding slowly. "I think I understand....Focus on the think part. " she thought she understood what he was saying but her grasp on it might not have been as firm as it had been with other things he had said. Is charming the word for him....No that's too common. she took out that word from the large list of possibilities.
@ScaraByte (Sorry. You know when life calls and all that stuff.)

Clay glared at him "Ask me for advice then kick me out? That's just mean." he sighed and answered the question anyway "I don't know. I've only ever been asked out myself....I've been asked out by so many people I could have a harem and a reverse one!" he paused then shrugged. "Go ahead though!"

@Safety Hammer

"I'd assume so...He was real courteous about it to. He even let me pick first." he seemed pleased by that. "At first I thought he would be....a jerk and start possessing my stuff and reading my mind. But he was nice. He's clean too as far as I can tell."

"You have to leave first."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"You have to leave first."

"Yeah...Whatever! Don't wake up the whole school." with that note he went out the door.
TaraSobiki said:
"Yeah...Whatever! Don't wake up the whole school." with that note he went out the door.
Sammy then turned to Noah. He walked over and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Hey, is something wrong? If you need to talk to me, feel free to do so."
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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Sammy then turned to Noah. He walked over and sat down next to him on the bed.
"Hey, is something wrong? If you need to talk to me, feel free to do so."

He shook his head "Nothing is wrong...I'm just a bit awkward." he said and smiled "So...What are we gonna do?Jump off a building? Fight a crocodile? Watch a movie?" he was sort of serious but he was kind of joking too.
TaraSobiki said:
He shook his head "Nothing is wrong...I'm just a bit awkward." he said and smiled "So...What are we gonna do?Jump off a building? Fight a crocodile? Watch a movie?" he was sort of serious but he was kind of joking too.
"Well, I was going to go pick up the pizza, but before I do, I wanted to do this." Sammy said, before gently leaning over and kissing him on the lips.

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