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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Lux shook one finger side to side in the air and made a light clicking sound with his tongue. "Not exactly... you see... If I think someone is pretty... but I don't feel that they truly are... Then are they really?" He said deciding to make a pause and try to think about what he could use as his next comparison then it hit him. This one should hopefully have a better impact on her though.. at least he hoped this one would. "For example. When we met, I thought you were a trustworthy person... now that we've grown closer to one another. I feel that you're trustworthy and I know you are" He said making sure she might be able to get the example on what he was going for there. Though then again, his words were taken oddly quite often.

TaraSobiki said:
She stopped for a minute then began walking again "Oh...I didn't understand the first time..." she broke whatever amount of focus she had on Lux and her normal flow of thoughts came back swiftly with no headache. If she hadn't been holding her focus for a long time a headache would be less likely to come around."Though I think a loot of things come from your brain....How would you be able to make words?" it was meant to be a joke of sorts. "But jokes aside....I try to only say things that I'm honestly thinking...I feel like it's a lie if I don't...It is similar to one but less....severe?" she wasn't sure if that was the word she was looking but that's the word she used.

"You don't have to go...You can stay...If you want..I'm just...well.." he went silent again and Clay sighed. "Come here." he floated over to him and whispered "I'm only going to tell ya this once in a blue moon. He doesn't real want ya gone. But he's all weird so he won't say it! Got it? So just say ya wanna stay or somethin' okay."he added quickly so he wouldn't think he was lying "I can read minds! And we are friends so I wouldn't lie to you!"

@Safety Hammer
"Oh." Sammy said. He looked over at Noah. "Okay, I'll stay. Do you want to talk? I can ask Clay to leave for a bit."
"So it's...first impressions?" that's what she had took it as anyway. She could of just of been misinterpreting but that's what it sounded like or sounded similar to. "I'm sorry if that's incorrect. I'm trying to understand...But what I am getting is that it was your first impression of me. Like if someone seems sweet and kind but when you get to know them they are very....different than what you first thought. Unlike this situation where I first thought that you were nice enough and pretty smart. I was correct about that." she stated her outlook on his words with a non confident voice but it was timid either. It was more neutral if anything.


"Hey! I'm your wing man! Don't kick me out!" he whined while Noah seemed to be thinking it over. "If you want. His voice makes my ears bleed anyway."

@Safety Hammer

"How would I do that?" she said flatly.


(Gotta go!)
TaraSobiki said:
"So it's...first impressions?" that's what she had took it as anyway. She could of just of been misinterpreting but that's what it sounded like or sounded similar to. "I'm sorry if that's incorrect. I'm trying to understand...But what I am getting is that it was your first impression of me. Like if someone seems sweet and kind but when you get to know them they are very....different than what you first thought. Unlike this situation where I first thought that you were nice enough and pretty smart. I was correct about that." she stated her outlook on his words with a non confident voice but it was timid either. It was more neutral if anything.

"Hey! I'm your wing man! Don't kick me out!" he whined while Noah seemed to be thinking it over. "If you want. His voice makes my ears bleed anyway."

@Safety Hammer

"How would I do that?" she said flatly.


(Gotta go!)
Sammy walked over to Clay and whispered in his ear.

"Do you think I should make my move? I mean, I'm not really good at this. Usually people ask me out."
Lux nodded, "That would be kind of like a way to explain it. People seem like one thing then aren't. But impressions are your thoughts the way they turn out is your feelings on them. You need both to go anywhere" He stated thinking that she got somewhat along the lines of what he was saying. As to if she truly did way beyond him but he'd just have to go with the assumption that she did and hope for the very best that he could.

"Of course! I have to check just to make sure you didn't just put down a pie recipe or something." she was sure he wouldn't but she had to make sure. It might of been a joke but she looked really serious while saying it....well as serious as a embarrassed, scared witch girl with superiority complex could look. "Also I would recommend you not to get too cocky. I'm hard to impress....." it mostly because she had a difficult time giving compliments to anyone even if they weren't honest ones."How best is your best demon? What if your best is a notch away from a witch level best or farther? Then what?" she looked around to see if she saw anything creeping out of the darkness. Monsters and things were attracted to sound probably.

@ScaraByte (Got dragged out by family.)
"Well I don't know for sure... I couldn't tell you what my best is." He said with a brief pause as he thought about it for a moment taking it into account, "I suppose my best might b-" He started to say before the sound of a shriek echoed through the hall. Haunted house specialties after-all. They always had some cheap way to try to terrify you whether it be from a chainsaw maniac or a shrieking demon.

@Kira Times (Did you have fun at least?)

TerrinX said:
(That would be something to promote in the OOC)
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She instantly clung onto Nito "Wh-What's that?" she got startled by such a cheap trick so easily."That's a sign that we should start going! Come on Nito!" she wasn't moving without him apparently because she didn't move a inch at all. It was kind of funny since she always claimed to be a strong witch but got scared by the smallest things. "Y-You can tell me about your best later..." she tried calming down but she didn't seem to stop shaking.

@ScaraByte (Kinda. We saw a movie but I didn't like it much. We went to a crab place. And last but not least we went to my sister's house. We're still there actually.)
Nito laughed but hid it his best, though he wasn't entirely sure he should laugh. He held it back as much as possible before putting a hand atop her head. "Hey hey... it's not something scary alright... I'm betting when we move forward someone jumps out at us. The shriek was someone hired to yell through an intercom." He said as he moved wrapping his arms around her to try and calm her shaking. "Is there something I can do to help you through the rest of here?" He asked still holding her.

@Kira Times (Well doesn't sound the worst)
"I-I'm not a child..." despite what she had said she didn't move his hand or move away from him."I'm fine...It's just a noise made by some person....With your future telling powers I can't be taken while I'm off-guard so that's reassuring..." she laughed weakly. "I already know you'll protect me since if I die you go poof too..." she stared at him for a second then her face turned bright red again "Is this really the time for this? We're in the middle of a challenge of sorts....." she mumbled.

@ScaraByte (It wasn't except my brother is complaining about being here.)
Nito nodded and let her go making sure they were separated. "Well come along then... oh and you'll have a person jump out at you in about fifteen steps" He said as he made sure of the distance they were and everything that was to occur. This being him making the basic prediction from the distance and the fact he had been through here before. Though that was just his two sense on the matter after all.

@Kira Times
"Fifteen steps? In my steps or yours? My legs might be shorter or I might take smaller steps..." she was wary about any scares and was planning to avoid them the best she could. That's why she was asking for more specific things. Usually she wouldn't ask for that kind of stuff and found it annoying anyway but this was a completely different set of rules that were laid out. She had to stop looking like a scaredy-cat infront of Nito!...Just for the reason it made her look bad and nothing else. That's what she told herself anyway.

@ScaraByte (I'm being dragged out again. But this time I'm going home. See you in a bit.)
Nito smiled at that regard, "Well let's think about it... If i'm talking about you and the fact of the matter being fifteen steps i'd likely be talking about you. Or at least to an extent, so that would be the reason behind why I would predict in your steps" He said seeming to make it overly complicated to the point she may or may not have understood it. "Anyways... as you stated you're not a child. Meaning you don't need me here. So on that remark i'll see you at the end" He said as he began to walk away.

@Kira Times (Alright. See ya soon!)
Colenso, as oblivious of the emotions and norms of the social as he was, wandered away from Sala. He decided to wander through the walls aimlessly and call out, "Hello?"
She seemed alerted by that and followed after him quickly "Stop going off on your own! What kind of familiar leaves their mistress behind....." she said and suddenly felt like she was following him around the place. "I might be a child compared to you but I'm considered old enough by most in human years....Also you have magic future reading powers so you're useful to me right now. You aren't allowed to leave my side." she said and grabbed his arm to keep him from moving.

@ScaraByte (I'm back. If that wasn't obvious.)
He looked at her and smiled, "Well we're pretty much the same age minus a short bit due to your record." He said with a shrug not showing too much of a worry about it. Though he knew that was true to the fact that he worked with Cecilia and when she got tired of reading files to know the students he had to. "By the way." He said pausing and stopping right there. "Four more of yours steps till it happens... so if you want to close your eyes and cover your ears feel free to do so now" He said as a forewarning since she had mentioned the supposed magical future sight powers.

@Kira Times (Welcome back)

Eventually, during his walk around he spotted some kind of office. On it was a name he couldn't be bothered to remember and the word, "Principal." He thought aloud, "What kind of principle. Respect.... Good work ethic?" Suddenly becoming infuriated by the confusion he was suffering, "How come the only key to this door is an unspecified generalization of an intangible concept!" Shouting as loud as he could.
Cecilia heard someone... yelling? With that she walked over to the unlocked door and opened it. Upon opening it he spotted a male student. This was definitely one of the new ones and on top of that they seemed confused. "Hello there... Is something the matter?" she asked before the name came to her mind and she snapped her fingers. "You're Colenso right?" she said able to match the face with the file. Or rather the face to the picture in the file.

He froze the moment the door opened and grew a tad cocky after the fact, adding, "Heh, it must've been the principal behind confused rage." He phased past Cecilia and looked into the room, continuing, "There doesn't seem like there's anything here for a locking mechanism that complex." It took twelve second before turning around, registering someone had said his name, "Colenso. That's me right?...." Then with a proud smile like he figure out the secret behind perpetual motion, "Yeah, that's me!" More curiously then, pointing at her, "But whom is her... Hmmm."

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"Thanks for the warning....Is there a way to avoid it.....Not that I can't take someone jumping out at me...." she had stopped moving, deciding that they should stop and talk about this. "Tell me...Aren't you slightly nervous? You seem to have kept calm for awhile....Could it be....You're behind all this! For whatever demon motive you have?" she seemed to be considering the possibility. She looked at him seriously "You've haven't been planning anything have you?"


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