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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Rosa, unphased by the surprise greeting, smiled. "Hello, Lilly. I'm Rosa, a Gardevoir. I just arrived in Syriac. I hope to become good friends!" She'd say, bowing and enlarging her already big smile. Growing up, she never really had much friends. Syriac was the place it would end. "May I come in? Or are you busy? Did I interrupt something?"

"Water is nice isn't it?" she could agree with him, not that she would of said something if he had said something she couldn't agree on. Her second seemed to have gotten them farther in a conversation which was a achievement. She considered what he had said and nodded "Yes I will try not to rush but...I feel like I was...elaborating too much. I don't want to hold you up or feel like I'm doing so..." she said and added "Also is the word you're going to use for me interesting?" she decided to comment on it, not because she disliked it. Just so she could see if he had found a word for her.


"His ears flattened too! How adorable!" teased Noah as he went over to pat the taller boy's head. Being short he had to stretch a bit to do it. Clay giggled and stuck out his tongue "Only if ya make me!"

@Safety Hammer (Gotcha)

"Aren't you mine every minute?" she asked with a smile and slightly playful tone.

Lux thought on what she said for a moment and took every so single part of it into account.though there was no possible way for him to know fully. "Well interesting could be one word I suppose... but maybe... I would use marvelous possibly." He said putting his hand to his chin going slightly into thought. Maybe it wasn't the right word but it could be... he would probably find a better word sooner or later. "Though even that may not be the right word... I'll get the perfect one to describe you sooner or later... " he stated seeming rather confident in his ability to do so.


Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"Oh, you're like my mum then" she told the Rosa before realising how strange that sounded. "I mean in the sense that you're both gardevoirs" she clarified. " We are actually searching for our own room, we can't seem to find it but we know we are roomed together..."

@DaBabyMasta @AdorkableJihye
Darkri said:
""Well my mom could give us passes"" smiling
"Wait! Your mom works here!" He dashed away as if she were suddenly a danger, "You.. Betrayed me... Your mom could have given me directions." He added in a rather sad manner, "All I wanted was to be where I was supposed to be."
TaraSobiki said:
"Water is nice isn't it?" she could agree with him, not that she would of said something if he had said something she couldn't agree on. Her second seemed to have gotten them farther in a conversation which was a achievement. She considered what he had said and nodded "Yes I will try not to rush but...I feel like I was...elaborating too much. I don't want to hold you up or feel like I'm doing so..." she said and added "Also is the word you're going to use for me interesting?" she decided to comment on it, not because she disliked it. Just so she could see if he had found a word for her.

"His ears flattened too! How adorable!" teased Noah as he went over to pat the taller boy's head. Being short he had to stretch a bit to do it. Clay giggled and stuck out his tongue "Only if ya make me!"

@Safety Hammer (Gotcha)

"Aren't you mine every minute?" she asked with a smile and slightly playful tone.

Sammy started to sound a bit emotional. His voice began to waver as if he was about to cry.

"P-please stop.."
Chaz let Lilly pull him around the hall until she spun him a circle and he span like crazy. "Hheeyy Lliill Hheellpp..." He said as he spun. Then he spun right into a towering gardevoir. "Oof." He said ramming into her stomach.

@Trust @AdorkableJihye
"Ofcourse you aren't..." She said with a laugh. "I hope you actually have the game." She said looking around the room. She was never very scared of ghost's or ghost types. Most of them were wimps anyway. At least the ones she met. @TaraSobiki
"Yes. Of course." she said but kept glancing at him. He seemed embarrassed too which made her feel slightly less embarrassed for whatever reason. "Heh...You get embarrassed too then?" she decided to move a little bit more closer to him. She might of been able to get use to this deal quicker than she had thought. She would of been smirking if she hadn't been embarrassed too.

@ScaraByte (Sorry. You know life can be a pain sometimes.)
Rosa fell down, along with the other Gardevoir with Lilly. She got up and dusted herself off. "Watch where you're going there, mate." She'd say, giving him a deadly glare.

(Sorry if it's short, I can't think of anything.)

@DaBabyMasta @Trust
DaBabyMasta said:
Chaz let Lilly pull him around the hall until she spun him a circle and he span like crazy. "Hheeyy Lliill Hheellpp..." He said as he spun. Then he spun right into a towering gardevoir. "Oof." He said ramming into her stomach.
@Trust @AdorkableJihye
AdorkableJihye said:
Rosa fell down, along with the other Gardevoir with Lilly. She got up and dusted herself off. "Watch where you're going there, mate." She'd say, giving him a deadly glare.
(Sorry if it's short, I can't think of anything.)

@DaBabyMasta @Trust

Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"Chaz! You clumsy person! That's the second person you've run into, or that your way of making friends?" Lucy laughed as the two fell on the ground, entwined with eachother. Lilly
could have stopped them from falling, but she found the whole thing too funny. She held a hand out for Chaz to take considering Rosa had already gotten up
"I hope I can find a word sooner rather than later. Having confidence in what you can do is good....Maybe I should learn to hold your type of confidence..." her mind went somewhere else for a second before returning. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath then opened them again. She looked a bit more determined than she had before."I will make it a goal to have your word sometime this week." she didn't say that with much excitement but had the slightest bit of determination in her voice.

@ScaraByte (You ever been tired and not realize it? That's what happened to me ad I had sorta went to sleep.)

"I thought you had it." he said but stood up and started going through his bag. He did have the game and he had used it more than once but that was by himself. "Actually I'm living with a ghost, fire type at the moment. He's a Litwick and his name is Lux. He's a nice enough person." he pulled out the game and set it on his bed.


Clay looked surprised for a second "I um...Well.." he had no idea how to react and Noah seemed the slightest bit stunned ".....Fine." he said before sitting down on his own bed.

@Safety Hammer
TaraSobiki said:
"I hope I can find a word sooner rather than later. Having confidence in what you can do is good....Maybe I should learn to hold your type of confidence..." her mind went somewhere else for a second before returning. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath then opened them again. She looked a bit more determined than she had before."I will make it a goal to have your word sometime this week." she didn't say that with much excitement but had the slightest bit of determination in her voice.
@ScaraByte (You ever been tired and not realize it? That's what happened to me ad I had sorta went to sleep.)

"I thought you had it." he said but stood up and started going through his bag. He did have the game and he had used it more than once but that was by himself. "Actually I'm living with a ghost, fire type at the moment. He's a Litwick and his name is Lux. He's a nice enough person." he pulled out the game and set it on his bed.


Clay looked surprised for a second "I um...Well.." he had no idea how to react and Noah seemed the slightest bit stunned ".....Fine." he said before sitting down on his own bed.

@Safety Hammer
"I thought the teasing would stop when I changed schools.. looks like I was wrong..." Sammy said under his breath.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"I thought the teasing would stop when I changed schools.. looks like I was wrong..." Sammy said under his breath.

"Can we just do something else? How about a comedy or something?" suggested Clay which was his attempt to lighten the mood a bit. Noah shrugged and glanced at Sammy "Did you..say something?"
Nito looked at her again noting that she had indeed gotten a bit closer to him which wasn't a bad thing in his book. Though if it was in her book he'd need to figure that out sooner or later. Otherwise he may make a mistake "Yeah... I get embarrassed just like any normal creature that has the ability to feel would" he said letting off a small and rather shy looking smile before making himself turn to a normal face. "But I could say the same for you... I mean I've only met one witch... uts nice to know they can get embarrassed too." He said now he was looking away from her though as not to make himself look more embarrassed or flustered.

@Kira Times (I understand that. Everyone has stuff IRL going on)

Lux looked at her turning his head slightly, "You dont have to though... I mean it's not going to kill anyone if you don't... I understand if you want to but like I said.... don't stress yourself out over it ok?" He passed for a moment not entirely sure what he wanted to say next or even what he should say next. "I am happy you want to find a word to describe me somewhat... don't get me wrong there in the slightest.... I'd rather just be able to talk to you than you worry about getting a word that works... alright?" He said hoping to show the true intent behind what he felt.

@TaraSobiki (that feeling is usually a good one since you gain sleep)
TaraSobiki said:
"Can we just do something else? How about a comedy or something?" suggested Clay which was his attempt to lighten the mood a bit. Noah shrugged and glanced at Sammy "Did you..say something?"
"At my old school on the Northwest Islands.. kids weren't as accepting as you two. I wasn't 'Sammy, the kid who liked anime'. I wasn't 'Sammy, the nephew of the English teacher'. I was 'Sammy the f@g'." The Luxray said, as he wiped a small tear from his eye.

"Uncle Seb will tell everyone that the great why we left was because he got hired right out of college, or because he needed a job. But the real reason is because..." Sammy let out a nervous sigh, wondering if he should actually say this. "It started with death threats from other students. We thought that it would stop soon. You know, 'they were just kids'. Then while I was walking home from school, some kids followed me back and... and they attacked me. One week in the hospital, and then we left."
"Demons don't typically feel any emotion....so I am surprised that you do...." she replied then commented on his other words "Witches are basically humans that can use magic and live longer. We are also more durable than the average human...Do your research tonight." she had been running out of things to say so she told him to look it up. "When you have finished report back to me....it doesn't matter what kind of witch. Just don't be funny and lookup the word sandwich!" she decided to say that there were multiple witches because if what he found wasn't what she had said she could just say it was a different type of witch. "Yes there all multiple types of witches! Similar to how there are multiple types of demons."

@ScaraByte (Gotta go eat.)

Tassie walked around the school and was basically staring at just about everyone. She had heard there were quite a few legendries at the school. She had no idea there could be so many powerful pokemon in one place. It was pretty cool if you asked her. She had heard the principal was a legendary herself and was on a quest to find her! She had no idea where a principal would reside though .
Nito thought about it for a moment, "That means i'll need to do research on what type I am and what type you are... though that wouldn't explain the best. I'll have to have you explain more to me after I do the research i'm supposed to do. To let me know if I got the right stuff down or if I had messed it up entirely without any sort of chance to come back." He said as he looked to her hoping she would explain that to him. Since he had basically no prior knowledge on demons or witches and would be going off what she'd told him and what brief information he had read up on in books and such. Though past that he was basically an empty shell of zero knowledge towards the matter itself. So he'd be going off of what he could with this all. "I'll do my best to find the information required." He said with a tad bit of determination as he felt quite strongly about things and had no doubt he'd research well.

@Kira Times (Alright)
The determination she had somehow dulled down and she had went back to emotionless Kise. "Alright then...I will only focus on you for the time being. Not the word I'm going to describe you with....Just you." she closed her eyes again and opened them. "Lux is the only person going through my mind right now. Are you happy now?" after meditating a whole lot she had learned to center her mind on one thing. Though when she did go back to her normal state of mind it made her get a slight headache


There was a minute of silence before Clay spoke "Those guys are assholes...." he had no other response apparently. Noah had no response at all."Did ya fight back? You cant just role over! Didn't you use another move like...electric terrain? If you aren't into combat use scary face!" he didn't know all the moves that a Luxray had so he just said the first moves that came to mind. Noah seemed to have went into silent mode which is the mode he goes into when he had no idea what to say. It usually was seen a plain rudeness though.

@Safety Hammer
Lux now looked confused once more, "I didn't mean it like that... I was meaning more focus on things your dealing with. Let the word come naturally. If you think to long on it... and it's the only thing on your mind then it won't be from the heart but from your thought" He said as he started to think of something. He realized that she seemed to just focus on him.... which wasn't the best thing to occur but he didn't state it clearly so it was likely his fault. "Like if I singularly focused on you and nothing but you... then things said wouldn't be from feelings but what you think they want to hear... so just focus on the real of things you have with you everything you feel like you should focus on" He said hoping she didn't mistake this... though it was highly possible.

TaraSobiki said:
The determination she had somehow dulled down and she had went back to emotionless Kise. "Alright then...I will only focus on you for the time being. Not the word I'm going to describe you with....Just you." she closed her eyes again and opened them. "Lux is the only person going through my mind right now. Are you happy now?" after meditating a whole lot she had learned to center her mind on one thing. Though when she did go back to her normal state of mind it made her get a slight headache

There was a minute of silence before Clay spoke "Those guys are assholes...." he had no other response apparently. Noah had no response at all."Did ya fight back? You cant just role over! Didn't you use another move like...electric terrain? If you aren't into combat use scary face!" he didn't know all the moves that a Luxray had so he just said the first moves that came to mind. Noah seemed to have went into silent mode which is the mode he goes into when he had no idea what to say. It usually was seen a plain rudeness though.

@Safety Hammer
"They were ground and ice types. There wasn't much I could do." Sammy said. Then he looked over at Noah.

"So there. Now you know that I have a crush on you. I'm sorry, okay? I'll see if I can get you a new roommate. I understand if you don't want to see me anymore."
"Hey! You! Mr. Panda Man! Can you help me with this?!" Ozzy yelled at Kuroi. He was carrying a pile of suitcases and couldn't fit through the door. "Pretty please?!"

She stopped for a minute then began walking again "Oh...I didn't understand the first time..." she broke whatever amount of focus she had on Lux and her normal flow of thoughts came back swiftly with no headache. If she hadn't been holding her focus for a long time a headache would be less likely to come around."Though I think a loot of things come from your brain....How would you be able to make words?" it was meant to be a joke of sorts. "But jokes aside....I try to only say things that I'm honestly thinking...I feel like it's a lie if I don't...It is similar to one but less....severe?" she wasn't sure if that was the word she was looking but that's the word she used.


"You don't have to go...You can stay...If you want..I'm just...well.." he went silent again and Clay sighed. "Come here." he floated over to him and whispered "I'm only going to tell ya this once in a blue moon. He doesn't real want ya gone. But he's all weird so he won't say it! Got it? So just say ya wanna stay or somethin' okay."he added quickly so he wouldn't think he was lying "I can read minds! And we are friends so I wouldn't lie to you!"

@Safety Hammer

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