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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Kaminari sat on the vacant roof of his new school staring at the sky. There was big storm coming. He could sense it. "Just start already I've been needing a good charge lately!". He yelled at the sky ignoring the fact he sounded like a lunatic, sit on a roof, screaming at the sky. As he waited on the roof he began to ponder about his new life here at this academy. So far he knew virtually nothing, just his principal and the classes he was taking, but it was fun to imagine, so he did.

As Kaminari was about give up and go inside, a flash of lightning lit up the sky and soon after a gargantuan roar of thunder. Raindrops the size of bullets began to pour down upon Kami,
"Yeahaha COME ON HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT". As if answering his call, a huge arc of lightning came soaring toward the boy he whooped with pleasure as his body was hit by the bolt. As soon as the bolt had appeared it dispersed, absorbed by the poke-human's ability, volt absorb. Feeling much better than before he decided to go inside, as the rain poured down...

(Did I do good:/)
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Well, I was going to go pick up the pizza, but before I do, I wanted to do this." Sammy said, before gently leaning over and kissing him on the lips.

His eyes widened and a look of surprise crossed his face. He probably shouldn't of been but he wasn't great at this type of stuff. He backed up "Y-You're pretty eager aren't you...That's not a particularly bad thing." he was a little bit pink.
After a bit of searching Kiminari heard a sort of scuffling coming from around the corner. As he peeked around the corner he saw whom he assumed was a teacher here, as she looked more "adult-ish", though she did have a bit of a dopey vibe about her. She was wearing a blue sort of head veil and looked as if she was a water type." A wailord that's what she is!" Exclaimed Kimi, "Oh sorry I guess you heard that. Can you...help me find..uh...I'm hopelessly lost can you help me ma'am?".

Naya was alerted by the sound of someone voice and almost jumped. "Y-You scared me there...You must be a student! Well I'm only guessing since you don't look old enough to be a teacher but then again looks can be deceiving......Anyway you said you needed help. You're lost?" she laughed sheepishly. She waited a few seconds before saying "I am sorry but I probably won't be much help....I am new here myself.....But that doesn't mean I can't assist! It is my job after all!" she seemed to gain some enthusiasm. "What do you need help finding?"

TaraSobiki said:
His eyes widened and a look of surprise crossed his face. He probably shouldn't of been but he wasn't great at this type of stuff. He backed up "Y-You're pretty eager aren't you...That's not a particularly bad thing." he was a little bit pink.
"Eager? No. I'm just tired of waiting for you to make the first move." Sammy said with a cheeky smile.

"Well? Aren't you going to kiss me back, or are you ITC?"
"Everything," Kami replied sheepishly. He looked like an idiot walking around the school soaking wet from the rain. "Preferably a place I can dry off though. I like the thunder from storms, not so much the rain,"
"I will not. Maybe if you get the pizza first." he looked away from Sammy still slightly embarrassed. For revenge he was going to put on the scariest horror movie ever! Or just a really awkward , boring, and cheesy one.

@Safety Hammer

She laughed again "I doubt a water type would have a move to dry you with. But we can maybe look for a place to do so! Come along!" she started to walk in a random direction without much thought. She was pretty much going to wander around until she found something. "While we are wandering let's talk about why you were outside."she suggested with a smile.

Kaminari was not exactly looking forward to telling her that. Most people thought it was weird how he went up to get struck by lightning. He figured he might as well tell her "Well you see I'm quite fond of lightning being that I am a jolteon so I decided to go and...we'll get struck by some," Kami said, embarrassed. "If I might why were you just standing in the hallway like that?"

TaraSobiki said:
"I will not. Maybe if you get the pizza first." he looked away from Sammy still slightly embarrassed. For revenge he was going to put on the scariest horror movie ever! Or just a really awkward , boring, and cheesy one.
@Safety Hammer

She laughed again "I doubt a water type would have a move to dry you with. But we can maybe look for a place to do so! Come along!" she started to walk in a random direction without much thought. She was pretty much going to wander around until she found something. "While we are wandering let's talk about why you were outside."she suggested with a smile.

"Please?! It will make me feel a lot better!"
She nodded "It makes since. Being a water type it would probably hurt me pretty bad." she understood it kind of depended on type what you can stand. She tried to find the right words for his question of why she was standing in the hall like that "Unlike you it's not because I'm fond of standing in hallways. I was just arguing with myself on how I shouldn't blame a book for my lateness." she realized how weird that sounded after she had finished.


"Pizza first. We aren't dating so you don't get anything free." he seemed dead set on that pizza for whatever reason.

@Safety Hammer
TaraSobiki said:
She nodded "It makes since. Being a water type it would probably hurt me pretty bad." she understood it kind of depended on type what you can stand. She tried to find the right words for his question of why she was standing in the hall like that "Unlike you it's not because I'm fond of standing in hallways. I was just arguing with myself on how I shouldn't blame a book for my lateness." she realized how weird that sounded after she had finished.


"Pizza first. We aren't dating so you don't get anything free." he seemed dead set on that pizza for whatever reason.

@Safety Hammer
"It's being delivered. I lied about going to get it. Could I at least snuggle you for a bit?"
Lux nodded at her responses before trying to think of a way to exchange the same feeling across. Then again he had to explain the reason of him saying it. "Well it is fun at times. But it mainly depends on the delivery..." he said before pausing and thinking about how to continue that. "In other words. If you deliver it good. Then it becomes humorous" he said hoping to encourage her that she could do it.

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"Wow. Not only are you not doing anything but you're lying now? I think not." he shook his head.

@Safety Hammer

She brightened up a little "All I have to do is work on my delivery? Wonder if there's a book for that....Or maybe practice is the answer..." she pondered on how she was going to fix her delivery. There might of been some kind of strategy that she wasn't getting or she just had to find the right moment."Do you think they plan something to lead up to a joke?" she asked.

Lux nodded to her smiling since she seemed to perk up from what he could tell. "Well that's part of it. You gave to plan accordingly. Read the situation and see if it's a good idea to make one. Then watch how you should do it " he said instructing her to his best capability without wanting to come off as a teacher or any sort of weird feelings. So he did his best to focus on things. To make it instead sound like simply friendly advice rather than a full on lesson for her.

"Are you a expert comedian?" she asked. He did sound like he knew quite a bit about this type of stuff. It made her wonder if he was secretly a professional comedian or something. Of course that wasn't a completely serious thought but she would say it was a possibility. "You aren't really fit for the bad one-liners are you....Or is it possible that the best jokers make the best and worse jokes. Is it so bad that it's funny?"

Lux shook his head to show he wasn't. He didn't exactly know why she would nthink. That being he was suite nervous most of the time. "Acting. I do allot in theatre and I find it quite enjoyable personally." He said a gentle smile coming to his lips. Though he could see how she might perceive him as that. Since he did know of a bit about comedic timing as acting had taught him quite well. "That's how I know this kinda thing agreeable" he said with a shrug.

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Chaz hopped up and dusted himself off. "Well, if you think about it... everyone I met at this school iff bang into or made something bang into them..." He said with a smirk. He spun around and looked up at Ms. Ponytails. "Heyo! The names Chanez, Chaz if you like!" He said with a friendly smile.

@Trust @Adorkable

"Huh." He said spinning around in a circle. "Well, theres no room 19 over here eh?" Then he noticed Sir doggy glancing at his butt. He did a little mental arm pumping and screamed "Yay he's gaaaayyyyyyyyy! Scooooorrreee!" It was either that or his awesome butt was too much for him.

@Safety Hammer

"He seems like a nice guy. All the other ghost-types at my old school were all jerks." She said, almost crying again just thinking about. "Anyhow... ready to summon up some spirits?"

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TaraSobiki said:
"Wow. Not only are you not doing anything but you're lying now? I think not." he shook his head.
@Safety Hammer

She brightened up a little "All I have to do is work on my delivery? Wonder if there's a book for that....Or maybe practice is the answer..." she pondered on how she was going to fix her delivery. There might of been some kind of strategy that she wasn't getting or she just had to find the right moment."Do you think they plan something to lead up to a joke?" she asked.

"Hey, I bought the fucking pizza!" Sammy said with a laugh, before hugging him anyways.

"Don't act like you don't like this."
DaBabyMasta said:
Chaz hopped up and dusted himself off. "Well, if you think about it... everyone I met at this school iff bang into or made something bang into them..." He said with a smirk. He spun around and looked up at Ms. Ponytails. "Heyo! The names Chanez, Chaz if you like!" He said with a friendly smile.
@Trust @Adorkable

"Huh." He said spinning around in a circle. "Well, theres no room 19 over here eh?" Then he noticed Sir doggy glancing at his butt. He did a little mental arm pumping and screamed "Yay he's gaaaayyyyyyyyy! Scooooorrreee!" It was either that or his awesome butt was too much for him.

@Safety Hammer

"He seems like a nice guy. All the other ghost-types at my old school were all jerks." She said, almost crying again just thinking about. "Anyhow... ready to summon up some spirits?"

@Safety Hammer
(Stop it, I made a scene laughing at work.)
"You like acting?" she didn't completely expect that from him. She didn't know why she didn't she just couldn't. Maybe if she tried really hard she could......No, she still couldn't imagine it "Something like Phantom of the Opera?" she had no idea why her mind jumped to that. Actually it kind of just popped up suddenly but it didn't matter since either way it popped up in her head and she had said it."I feel as if that's offensive for some reason..."


"Sure....But what do we do if we summon a evil spirit or demon?" he had done this before but he had little to no progress.


"....If you were going to do it anyway why ask?" he said and shifted a little "It's not horrible....I can stand it." he wasn't going to compliment him completely but he was going to give him a little credit.

@Safety Hammer

(I had went out!)
Lux nodded, "I honestly love to act... I can't do it to save my life outside of performances." He said with a little shrug though he didn't want to make it too apparent that he was that way even though it was so blatantly obvious you'd be blind not to see it. He did look forward to finding another play or part he would want to act in, "Phantom of the Opera would be one. Though I haven't done one in that I could try to do a line from one that you know if you'd like" He suggested deciding it may give her more of a proof behind it.

Rory smiled at penny before whispering to vein "see ya i got a diffrent class" she waved goodbye to crescila before leaving the room.

Penny smiled shyly at vein before getting ready to leave also.

"well i um have english" she siad as rory called from across the hall "math"


addy yawned and subtrixy did the same so they approached their dorms

@I forgot who my dorm partner was

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