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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Chaz had a sigh of relief and, was this disappointment? Oh god. He tried his best to shake the thought out of his head. "Hehe, i wish." He said "Actually most of the girls at my old school thought I was quite annoying." He said with a fake smile. "Anyway, It seems the train has stopped!" He said trying to change the subject. "Time to get off I suppose?"


@Safety Hammer (Walking to his dorm)
"I made it worst..."he mumbled and let her cry on him. He wasn't the cuddliest person since he was so used to smaller kids getting over on him. He didn't really think she would do that but he kept imagining his cursed little sisters. "You don't have to apologize since I don't know what it's for."

TaraSobiki said:
He shook his head "Powers should be used for good not evil...Long speech, long speech." he was too lazy to go on so he just said long speech.
@Safety Hammer

"What do you have in mind?" she said and started to move her face closer while her hand went a bit lower.

"To my dorm then!"
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Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"Really?! I for one think you're a little... Cute" she mumbled, not looking at him as she finished her sentence. "Not annoying in the slightest" Lilly continued. "Train? I'm on a train? I thought this was a school..." she mumbled, rubbing her chin slightly as she looked at his face in curiosity. "Where are we headed then train driver?" she said with a grin

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"To my dorm then!"

"Yeah I'm tired of floating in the halls. Also you can't use tickle for a little bit."
Tori backed away from Ajax a bit to wipe her face."Ya know, your the nicest person I've ever met, excluding my brother." She said with a smile. Looking at his face. "Everyone else at my old school either called me a creep, or a Klutz." She said with a sigh. "And thats where ya Kock a Klutz a Doo."


"To the city of office of course!" He said in a deep voice. "Hop a board madam." He said offering to help her up the imaginary stairs, to an imaginary train. As they road the imaginary train to the city of office, Chaz said looking at the crumpled paper. "It appears so that you and I are roomates! Ain't that great eh?" Then the train stopped and they were outside the office.


Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"Well that's wonderful!" she laughed "just don't trip over my legs again and we should get along well enough" she joked, putting an arm around his shoulder and leaned into him while still facing forward. "So Chaz! What do you do for
fun" she asked with a happy smile, contented that she wouldn't be put into a room with some bully. "I personally like to mess around with my telekinesis, Mum says I shouldn't but she's just mad because I usually play tricks on her" she said with a bit of a trickster's smile.

"Well, I guess I like play video games or roleplay!" He said with a smile. He sat up and helped Lilly up aswell, then he walked over to the office desk to get there keys. "C'mon m' lady!" He said skipping over to the window.


Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"So I'm yours now am I?" she laughed, walking after him towards the window. "Hey... Why did we move to the window? I don't suppose you're going to fly us to our room, are you?" she said with a giggle, finding the thought strangely amusing. "So... What do you think of me so far?" she asked out of the blue with a small twirl. "I haven't exactly been the most sociable person ever, and you are the first person I've met, excluding the receptionist of course"

"Well, I did trip over you and burn your face, so you could call me the Klutz!" He said with a giggle. "But you, well I guess your cutein your own, trickster way eh?" Chaz opened the window and jumped through it. "Cmon now!" He said

"Thanks...I don't know why they would call you that since you seem nice enough. You didn't try to peep on me when I was in the shower and nothing appears to be broken." he said and patted her head awkwardly. He wasn't sure how he felt about the hugging but other than that one moment she seemed like a cool enough person. She hadn't freaked out when she ended up in his room so that was some extra points.


"....Course not!" he responded and looked around "Which one is your dorm room?"

@Safety Hammer

Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"So my dear Klutz, why are we jumping out the window exactly?" she called out into the gentle wind before looking down, searching for him before hopping out after him, hoping she wouldn't die in such a silly way. Lilly Squealed as she fell, a high-pitched noise but it seemed to be a type of laughter at the same time.

As Chaz hit the ground, he made sure that he was under Lilly to cushion her fall. "Oof!" As she fell on him. He stood up and dusted hiself off, then helped her up. "Okay, now theres something here, like, a brick, thats a darker shade of white." He said looking around the wall.


Tori smirked when he patted her head. "Soooooooo, now what?" She said looking around. Then she focused on him. "Wanna go out to eat? Get a drink? Or just stay here..." She said.

"Whatever you want to do. We can stay here but there's nothing to do." he said before another thought came along They probably wouldn't want a girl and boy in the same room anyhow. he shook the thought away and leaned against a wall. He was slightly too tired to be supporting himself so he used the wall.

""I kinda just roll with it""

""Wanna go some where You decide where to go if you do""

Touches your hand but doesn't notice

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Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"What?" Lilly asked, not having a clue as to what Chaz was talking about "a brick that is a darker shade of white? you mean a grey brick?" she asked with a laugh

Cecilia noticed what Mosey was saying but sighed, "As I stated before you're seeing the situation from one half of it. If you go through like that always then you'll never get anywhere. Besides.... even with her being happy about that. Do you know the pain of having people around you die.... all of them slowly growing older as you don't age a bit. That's the true hell... but you wouldn't understand.... since you continue to refuse to" She said her voice slightly less calm.


"I suppose that's true." He said then heard as she had instructed and nodded. With that he shifted the illusion away and then became his human form once more. Since that form let him move around a bit easier even if it might seem flawed to do so. "Maybe you're right though... extravagant may not be the word. I don't want to be like every other guy and say you're so cute or, The most beautiful thing in the world" He said smiling since he knew allot of guys would say that to girls and he didn't which was always good to be diverse. Though he had to think of a word that would describe her.

@TaraSobiki (I kinda fell asleep, Sleeping pills don't work till the day after apparently xD )
"Um, yah." Chaz said, realizing that what he said was stupid. He felt around and pushed a brick that was sticking out. "Ta-Da!" When the brick was pushed, a hole opened in the ground. "After you!" He said


"You look tired, maybe we should stay here then, get some shut eye hm?" Tori said, ignoring the fact that it sounded creepy.


Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"I'm fairly certain this isn't the way to our dorms..." She told him, feeling a little worried as to where he was leading her. "You wouldn't really jump into holes in the ground to find rooms...". Her eyes were a little afraid, a small thing that had been passed on from mother to daughter was a fear of
ghosts and ghost-types. "Do we have to go down..?"

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Chaz could see the fear in her eyes. "C'mon Lil, would I lead you to your doom?" He asked. "Okay, if it makes you more comfortable, i'll go first eh?" And with that, he hopped down the hole. "Coast is clear!" He yelled.

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Lilly Lucatiel - Kirlia


"Okay..." She mumbled as she jumped down, slowing down her fall. "Don't look up" she said as she floated down gracefully rather than falling ontop of him again. She landed next to him and looked around, Chaz's tail seeming to light up the area

Mosey huffed. "I wont say anything to her...But you need to tell Evylon the truth.." She said looking kind of lost as she went to her dorm in the teachers hall.


"Well I think its your turn to surprise me.." She said moving from Melody's face, laying on the bed.

Cecilia sighed, "Some people will never understand I suppose... though it can't be helped in the end can it?" She said then closed the door once more and laid her head down on her desk once more to think about it.

Chaz set fire in his hand and lit the nearby torch. Which simultaneously lit the other ones. "Voila." He said, as light filled the room. There were multiple caves on the sides of the hallway. "Follow me!" He said as he walked over to one of them. He looked up at a sign hanging above that had a door on it. "This one here will work." He said pointing to the cave.


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