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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

TaraSobiki said:
She shook her head slowly "I did but I don't want to see it anymore." suddenly she was uncomfortable with the thought of Lx being chopped up into waxy pieces. Even if it was just a illusion it made her feel strange just thinking of a chopped up Lux on the ground. She felt squeamish about it and she kept thinking it would hurt him "Oh..I will. Please do the same for me. Even if you hadn't seen my Pokemon form yet. I think you know what it looks like though." she snapped out of her imagination after she noticed what Lux had said.

He stared at him and tilted his head "Hentai and Ecchi anime or boring stuff?" he asked before laughing a little "You're a virgin? Didn't you have boyfriends before coming to this school?"

@Safety Hammer

(Have to go guys!)
"Well, I mean I read a bit of yaoi." Sammy said, blushing. "And I have had boyfriends. It's just that I want my first time to be with someone that I think deserves it."
""Nice to meet you I guess I'm Sala Storm"" putting the arm cannon ""down sorry about that 'this is not a regular arm cannon by the way it part of me it fused into me""starts blushing (you can't see it because She covered in armor)
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Darkri said:
""Nice to meet you I guess I'm Sala Storm"" putting the arm cannon ""down sorry about that 'this is not a regular arm cannon by the way it part of me it fused into me""starts blushing (you can't see it because I'm covered in armor)
He suddenly became intensely uncomfortable and nervous, shrinking away as he groaned in discomfort, "Uhhhh.... I didn't know that was a cannon... You should've just let me stay ignorant..." Then his eyes flashed open and he stood, looking at her as if he already knew her, "Sala... Oh.. Now I know a salamence I guess."
""Well I got were a while ago as well I'm glad I met you"" Sala says

Thinking He's kinda cute too like him
Darkri said:
""Well I got were a while ago as well I'm glad I met you"" Sala says
Thinking He's kinda cute too like him
"Well" Shrugging, he continued past Sala saying in a fake boston accent, "You've got spunk kid, come, walk with me talk with me." Suddenly whispering to her, getting uncomfortably close, "I'm lost." He had to natural Haunter urge to lick her and steal her life essence, but that never turned out well before.
""Sure you seem nice enough for me to trust"" walks with him ""your kinda cute"" blushing a ton
Darkri said:
""Sure you seem nice enough for me to trust"" walks with him ""your kinda cute"" blushing a ton
He stopped in mid stride and asked in a rather offended matter, "And what supposed to mean?"
Darkri said:
Just keep walking ""it's nothing you would not want to know what I did before I came here""
More civilized tone he caught up with her, "Oh... No, I meant about the cute comment, but I guess the more important question is...." A bit sad, "Where should I be going."
Darkri said:
""I have no clue and sorry about that if it affended you""
"Oh, I don't. I'm just having fun with a new acquaintance" Arms folded behind head, "You know, this place is pretty nice. But why would you know where my dorm is, and not yours"
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Darkri said:
""I don't know where mine or yours is really""
He swiveled next to a staircase and sat down on a staircase, patting the space next to him saying, "Well, since we are hopefully lost, why don't you take a seat with me and we can get to know one another."

Lucy Lucatiel - Gardevoir

"Now... Where are the teachers so I may aquaint myself with my fellow staff..." The green-haired woman pondered as she finally made it to the staff room. She gave it a knock to check if anyome was in, she also thought it would be more polite for someone to let her into the room rather than her barging in. "Hello! I'm Lucy Lucatiel, the new battling and english teacher" she smiled as she was allowed in

@any one!

Trust said:

Lucy Lucatiel - Gardevoir

"Now... Where are the teachers so I may aquaint myself with my fellow staff..." The green-haired woman pondered as she finally made it to the staff room. She gave it a knock to check if anyome was in, she also thought it would be more polite for someone to let her into the room rather than her barging in. "Hello! I'm Lucy Lucatiel, the new battling and english teacher" she smiled as she was allowed in

@any one!

Sebastian was just making a cup of tea when he heard someone knocking on the door. He walked over and opened the door with a smile.

"Ah, you must be the other English teacher, right?"

(Seb looks a wee bit like this, but he has cat ears and a poofy tail)

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Lucy Lucatiel - Gardevoir


"Thank you, and yes, I am the new english teacher, Miss Lucatiel, a wonder to meet you mister...?" Lucy trailed off, meaning for him to finish it. "I don't suppose I could have a cup of tea if you're making one?" She asked with a friendly smile, her sword in a hilt under her dress so she didn't frighten anyone

@Safety Hammer
"I know that....I just think something so small getting cut up looks....cruel." she didn't know how to put it into words so she said just about anything that came to mind "It's still cruel looking when you show it in your human form but when I think of it in your Pokemon form you're chopped up like sushi to put bluntly." she wasn't sure if she was being clear enough but that was probably as good as it would get.


Clay nodded "Oooooh! Well I'm nothing like you!" he said and laughed "Actually some lolicon guy I met was talking about that finding the right one. No idea were he is but I could probably tell you if it's him if I see him."

@Safety Hammer
Trust said:

Lucy Lucatiel - Gardevoir


"Thank you, and yes, I am the new english teacher, Miss Lucatiel, a wonder to meet you mister...?" Lucy trailed off, meaning for him to finish it. "I don't suppose I could have a cup of tea if you're making one?" She asked with a friendly smile, her sword in a hilt under her dress so she didn't frighten anyone

@Safety Hammer

"Mr. Kirkland. But you may call me Sebastian. I'm the other new English Teacher." He said, his ears perking up through his bright red hair. "And since it appears that you don't have a mug, you can just have mine. The cup of tea that is. I would like to keep the mug."
TaraSobiki said:
"I know that....I just think something so small getting cut up looks....cruel." she didn't know how to put it into words so she said just about anything that came to mind "It's still cruel looking when you show it in your human form but when I think of it in your Pokemon form you're chopped up like sushi to put bluntly." she wasn't sure if she was being clear enough but that was probably as good as it would get.


Clay nodded "Oooooh! Well I'm nothing like you!" he said and laughed "Actually some lolicon guy I met was talking about that finding the right one. No idea were he is but I could probably tell you if it's him if I see him."

@Safety Hammer
"Um, oh.. okay then." Sammy said, blushing a bit darker. "Uh, Clay? Can I ask you a question?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Um, oh.. okay then." Sammy said, blushing a bit darker. "Uh, Clay? Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. But if it's about my gender I will slap you." he joked with a slightly creepy smile.

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