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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Lux turned his head slightly at her, "Well if you need a landmark there's a rock a little ways up that has three scratch marks in it." He suggested as landmarks of this place came into his mind. Though he'd been through here allot so it was virtually impossible for him to loose the pathway unless he got amnesia.


Nito heard her, "Well... the only way out is to go through the final place... which isn't that scary." He said before pausing and thinking about things to keep them into account. Though he did realize she was freaked out by a vine brushing by her. "You can stay close to me if you want to... i'll keep you safe life a familiar is supposed to" He said with a gentle smile.

@Kira Times
She looked at him with a slightly confused look "Why three scratch marks? Is there a story behind that?" she was curious about scratch marks. It was a weird thing to be inquisitive about but she wondered why was it only three. There was nothing really behind her question it was just her being curious.

the twins skipped along before noticing someone who appeared to be lost . a they approached they recognized it as the person who keep calling them sugerplums they smiled and said "Hello!"

Lux smiled, "Well you see... there was this odd creature in these woods at one point... It chased someone down and after swatting at him lef those" He said with a shrug. It was just a story he'd came up with in the end so nothing too serious about it all. Though he knew she probably wouldn't believe the story and on top of that no one knew if it was true or not.

""Hello you two"" looks behind the twin ""Zero there you are i missed you as much as how ever big the city is?"" ""This is my lil brother zero"" @BeebeTheWarrior

""Huh Amber what are you doing here"" zero says
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"A creature? Maybe it was a Snorlax...Those guys get grumpy when woken up." she knew from experience. She woke one snorlax kid when she was younger and she ended up in a river somewhere. It wasn't cold that day and she wasn't very worried about the state of her clothes and hair so everything turned out alright.

Lux nodded, "That is possible... though do they have three claws or four" He said as he was perplexed and thinking about it in the best he could. Though to be honest he couldn't quite place his finger on it though it was highly probably for a Snorlax to do so. "Regardless I have no idea what it was.. maybe you'll know" He said shrugging at the thought.

"Maybe but I'm no expert." she had a certain limit of confidence to everything she did but she thought everyone had a limit. "I think they have fourteen claws in total. Four on their paws and three on each foot." she stayed quiet so he could have a chance to work it out. ".....That means the creature is a Snorlax and used it's feet or it's a different Pokémon."

Lux nodded for a moment as he took the thoughts into account.. but why would a Snorlax use it's feet? "That wouldn't make sense... maybe it was a Blaziken with it's kicks?" He suggested remembering a Blazikens feet. Though to be entirely sure on what he would be doing with them was beyond him. Soon they arrived at the rock at he walked over to it placing his hand on it, thankfully he gave off his dim purple light from being a Litwick. "Here you go" He said pointing to the rather deep scratches.

"Well it's your job so I won't be stopping you." she replied then hooked arms with him silently. She looked away with her face all red. She had thought this was the best way to keep close eachother "This is a better way for you to protect me. Do you not agree?" she examined his face for any kind of emotion to see what he thought about her dong this.

TaraSobiki said:
"I ain't doing any snuggling! Put me down gramps!" he started hitting him but it didn't really do much since he wasn't all that strong.
"Oh yes you do!"
He blushed a bit though his face didn't go red but a light pink. "Y-yeah... I suppose this would be a better way for me to do so... hehe..." He said a slight embarrassment obviously showing. Though he was only showing this much since he promised to show her emotion though he normally was great at hiding things. "A-anyways.. you want to get out of here right?" He asked before looking away from her.

@Kira Times
She stared at the scratches for a few seconds then bended down to touch them. She felt the scratches and glanced up to Lux "Do you think that this scratch would do a lot of damage if it hit you?" the scratches were pretty deep and she could only image what it would do to human flesh.


"You can't tell me!Try it and I will smack you so hard that Noah, your siblings and future lovers with feel it!" it was a strange threat to say the least.

@Safety Hammer

(Might go to bed soon. For whatever reason I feel sleepy.)
Lux looked at it for a moment, "I could use an illusion on myself to show you what they'd do... they look like it would leave a pretty serious impact... the person would probably bleed out.." He said as he looked at the scratches himself once more. He surrounded his body in a darker purple haze, "Would you like me to show you how deep they'd go? It wouldn't show damage just the imprint on where it would be"

@TaraSobiki (Go ahead and sleep if you need to)
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TaraSobiki said:
She stared at the scratches for a few seconds then bended down to touch them. She felt the scratches and glanced up to Lux "Do you think that this scratch would do a lot of damage if it hit you?" the scratches were pretty deep and she could only image what it would do to human flesh.

"You can't tell me!Try it and I will smack you so hard that Noah, your siblings and future lovers with feel it!" it was a strange threat to say the least.

@Safety Hammer

(Might go to bed soon. For whatever reason I feel sleepy.)
"Clay, tell me the names of all of your other friends that give you ramen, piggyback rides, and snuggles."
"Yeah..." She said sitting down feeling...Loss, like something, was missing.

"So uh..." She laid down on her pink bed. "

@TaraSobiki (( Watch Hyperdimension Neptunia yet? ))

@ScaraByte (( May bring Cecilia back into this... ))
Cecilia had wandered around for a few hours before making it back to the school, "Guess i'm not going out drinking then huh?" She sighed as she walked back into the school and to her office where she sat down on her chair before laying her head on her desk.

@TerrinX (( I brought her back. As per request xD ))
A half drunk Evylons Mom walked into Cecilia's office without so much of a knock.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with my daughter!" She yelled loud enough to wake anyone nearby. Obviously angry and drunk and slightly confused she walked over to the desk and looked down at the small goddess.

Cecilia looked at her for a moment before using air to shut the door then surrounding them in a soundproof bubble. "What do you mean by that?" She asked noticing how she was drunk. "Are you having delusions again?" She asked feeling as though this was repeated for some odd reason that struck a cord in her mind.

"Shut up, it has nothing to do with that. I followed Evylon since she was at the bar with some OTHER girl. What did you do!? She was wanted to marry you. She spent months just picking out the dress and even longer to get the money and you just...I don't care if your a "god", if you did something to harm my daughter so help me I will fucking kill you." She steamed, her love for Evylon, a catalyst of rage.

Cecilia sighed, "Not sure how you'd manage to do that but ok... I didn't technically do anything. She wanted to make a bet that she'd never have feelings for another girl as she did for me... so we wagered and now her memories are safe while she fulfills her end of the bet... that's all it is so there's no reason to become so angry alright?" she said calmly. Though in all honesty what she was being told chipped away at her heart more and more so. She already felt awful for doing it but... this just piled onto the pain in the end.

"Fuck you." She hissed, her face hidden under a shadow of hate, "How do you think this going to play out, huh? To someone immortal, she's just a game piece for you to toy with. You're a monster."

Mosey fell to her knees crying into her dress. "Why would you do this to her? Did you ever think it wouldn't hurt? That everything would just be fine in the end?!"

(( What if whenever Cecilia resets the world, she simply makes a copy and shit that went down before is still happening there...So...The Sil Saga would still be in serious shit right now... )) @ScaraByte
Cecilia looked at her a bit surprised, "Well I suppose I am a monster aren't I... If you think about it, did she seem happier with the new girl or no? You're her mother so you should know. Besides... what I've done... It's an entirely different story. You wouldn't even understand the half of it" She stated standing up and moving behind her chair.

@TerrinX ((Well technically it is. Though Cecilia being god and all.... plus my lack of usage in that during the Sil Saga. She has moved to this new world and That world the 'Sil' world is occurring. Just nothing from that one can enter the new one. Though Cecilia can bring things to the old one if wanted.))
"She seemed lost, confused and scared. I know my babygirl better than anyone and especially you...For a fucking bet? You stole my little girls love.."

She sobbed on the floor crying.


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