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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

"So let's pay are bills and leave to go take a walk." she paid off her own bill which wasn't much since she didn't get a lot of anything. She usually cooked her own food and tried to buy food to cook at home and she attempted to eat in moderation. She needed to stay healthy because she was trying to avoid getting sick. Speaking of getting sick it was winter so it should of been kind of cold "Are you okay with the cold Lux? I'm fine with it since I adapt to the weather naturally but I'm not sure about you..." she didn't want to force him to freeze outside just to make her happy. That wouldn't make her happy at all.


Noah shrugged "I guess since we got what we came for..."

Clay made a fake sad face "You two are leaving already? I'll come with ya!" he brightened up again and jumped on Sammy's back. "Let us go noble steed!"

@Safety Hammer
They walked silently for a few minutes before Ami mumbled to herself "You're sort of creeping out." only hearing footsteps and hearing almost nonexistent breathing as you move was rather creepy. Sounded like a scene in a horror movie or something not like the one with the masked guy since he breathed like he had been running a marathon but more like that other guy that killed people in England....Jack the Ripper! He was creepy since no one ever had caught him but he was probably dead now. Nito was no where as creepy as that guy though. Soon enough they were at the amusement and she awed in amazement"This is actually...kind of nice looking....Not that I haven't seen better."

Lux nodded, "The cold doesn't bother me in the slightest... That's another thing I like about winter. How cold it can be outside" He said as he paid his bill as well. Then they were left to themselves, He stood up and looked at her now kinda wondering if she really did enjoy their date or was just saying so. This had been on his mind for awhile but he didn't know exactly how to figure it out... he'd probably find out later though. He held the thought in his mind that she might dislike this or maybe even just part of it but he supposed you couldn't win them all right?


Nito paused a little to the side of her, "Well it is a pretty nice one... there are better out there it would require a flight to get there though... or a boat" He said with a little pause. That was when he decided he should probably apologize for the things he'd done back there that seemed to weird her out. "Sorry for being kinda creepy back there... I didn't know what to say exactly and... yeah... I'll try to be quieter next time. Like I figure good demons would be" He said as he started to take into account multiple thoughts and actions. Though being a demon might be harder than he thought originally.

@Kira Times
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"Demons can't be good." she replied but didn't take her eyes off of the amusement park for a second. She laughed a little "Also you didn't creep me out...I'm a witch! Don't get cocky!" she went off into the amusement with little to no hesitation. She decided that to avoid embarrassment she would try to stick close to him but also try not to look like she was trying to do that. If she could pull that off she could keep up her proud, know-it-all act. It sounded like a good plan to her! "Do you want to go on a ride, buy some merchandise, get food or play at one of the stands." she decided to let him choose what they would do first.

Nito nodded, "I suppose you're right.." He said before pausing and listening to what else she had to say. "I think it'd be best for you to chose, after all I am the familiar. Serving it my purpose not leading you around" He said remembering what he knew of familiars from... books and stuff. Though he still knew virtually nothing about it so he'd go off what he did. "Plus it's up to you. I'll likely do as instructed of me" He said knowing what his role was somewhat.

@Kira Times
"Let's go on a ride then! How about...The haunted house? It's looks good enough. But we need to get tickets first." she looked around then pointed to the ticket stand or what she thought was the ticket stand. "You go get tickets ad I'll stand patiently here and wait for your return." she said and stood infront of a nearby wall. "Don't mistake that as you can take forever. Please go as quickly as you can." she added so he wouldn't feel rushed but also wouldn't feel like that he could take forever to get back.

She stood there nervously and as soon as she realized that he was looking at her or in her general direction. "Let's go." she said before grabbing his hand and leading him outside. This was a bold move for her at least and she wasn't sure where she was leading him to. He knew the directions to the place but she had dragged him out like she knew where they were going. She stopped and let go of his hand "Sorry about that. I guess I just wanted to take this walk before it got really late....Even later I mean."

@ScaraByte (Sorry. My notifications are so little that I went to look for other rps. I might take some time to reply.)
He nodded and walked over to the ticket booth where he had to wait in line for a few minutes before purchasing the two tickets. Though it took a little bit. With that he walked over to her. "Alright so I have the two tickets.. If you need to or feel like you might get scared you can stay near me ok?" He said just to let her know that. Though if she would need to he highly doubted, "Then again you probably won't need to so feel free to disregard that" He said with a small smile before handing her the ticket meant for her.

@Kira Times

Lux smiled, "Don't worry about it... It was nice to be able to hold hands with a nice girl." He said before blushing a bit but turned his face away. "Anyways this is the way to it" He said as he started walking off towards the edge of town. This was mainly since he path was at the edge of town and this was kind of a short-cut since she wanted to get there before it became too late.

@TaraSobiki (I understand the feeling don't worry bout it)
TaraSobiki said:
"So let's pay are bills and leave to go take a walk." she paid off her own bill which wasn't much since she didn't get a lot of anything. She usually cooked her own food and tried to buy food to cook at home and she attempted to eat in moderation. She needed to stay healthy because she was trying to avoid getting sick. Speaking of getting sick it was winter so it should of been kind of cold "Are you okay with the cold Lux? I'm fine with it since I adapt to the weather naturally but I'm not sure about you..." she didn't want to force him to freeze outside just to make her happy. That wouldn't make her happy at all.

Noah shrugged "I guess since we got what we came for..."

Clay made a fake sad face "You two are leaving already? I'll come with ya!" he brightened up again and jumped on Sammy's back. "Let us go noble steed!"

@Safety Hammer
Sammy let out a small squeak as Clay jumped on his back. He wasn't that strong to begin with, but Clay was kinda light. So, he carried him.

"Why are you following us anyways?"
"Witches don't get scared...Strong witches don't anyway." she seemed extremely confident. She began to walk in but stopped just before entering "But if you feel scared. Feel free to stay close to me." she walked in without another word. It was kind of strange to see a dark ghost type be afraid of a haunted house. She walked through quietly but kept checking if Nito was there. "Don't worry servant! Being a ghost type has it's advantages." she seemed to be nervous herself though.

Nito smirked, "That's true.. every type has it's advantage." He said as he made a vine brush past the back of her leg to see her reaction. Though he was a little ways back he wanted to see what this would do. His red eye had a certain glow to it from the light that did hit it in the haunted house. Though he didn't talk and rather now you could hear his breathing quite gently and his slightly echoey footsteps.

@Kira Times
"Ack!" she was alerted by the feeling f something touching her. She ran back and hid behind Nito "S-Something just touched me."she peeked from over his shoulder "D-Do you see anything?" she was war of coming out from behind Nito since she had no idea what had brushed past her leg and no idea where whatever it was came from. After a few seconds she laughed nervously and smile "Servant...You go ahead....If I die you're going to go poof....So this is for your sake." she was trying to think of a explanation that wouldn't make her look scared.

Nito smiled and shrugged, "Fine i'll go ahead... I don't think anything here is that scary anyways." He said moving ahead a bit. With that he controlled another vine and did the same thing once more. The darkness was a very nice shroud for this and being a 'demon' he was having quite a bit of fun doing so. Maybe he just enjoyed mischief though. "Since after-all there's nothing to fear in a staged place" He said still smiling and walking casually.

@Kira Times
"Me neither." she mumbled before something brushed past her leg. "Eeek!" she dashed to Nito's side like some kind of mouse avoiding a cat. "S-Something did it again..." she said while looking around for what could of possibly done that. She kept up the same pace as Nito and not any slower or faster. After a few seconds she spoke "A-Actually it's a better idea to stay together like this....That way something can't get me from behind either...." she was probably standing a little too close than needed but she didn't care about that at the moment.

Nito smiled at her, "Don't worry. You're a strong witch so nothing can hurt you" he said positively. Though he showed nothing of a descriptive thing to show that he was doing this. Though the vines didn't come back now he had a plan sooner or later. "Do you want to hold my hand to make sure nothing drags you away?" He said looking at her with a false look of confusion.

@Kira Times
She stared at him for a few seconds then her face turned slightly red "N-No! Of course not! Like you said I'm a strong witch. I can easily get through this." she didn't move from beside him though and just stood there with her attention on everything infront of her. She did glance at Nito a few times to see if he was at least nervous which he didn't appear to be.

Nito continued walking and soon enough had two more vines slide past her legs to make her fear more. If that was possible though she seemed kinda freaked out as it was. "I suppose you're right about that. Though it's probably just a breeze that's blowing by" He suggested with a small shrug. Though he knew the true reason this was what it was he wanted to make it seem as if he had nothing going on.

@Kira Times
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She didn't scream or shriek this time after two more things touched her. She looked around then back at him "Does a breeze go past your legs four times?" she was ready to get out of that haunted house but she didn't want to just run off without warning or else he could say she was scared. She walked a little more before giving up her tough girl act and grabbing his hesitantly. She kept looking away from him though since her face was getting progressively redder.

At that moment the tram arrived back at school grounds and Evylon only smiled as she took Melodys hand and leading her back to her own dorm, though something was off, the dorm was...half empty as if someone had moved out, but who?
Nito looked at her for a moment if he told her about this he was going to get punched for sure... no doubts about it. But he didn't mind that idea too awful much. Since it was just one thing that could occur after all nothing that could say that'd be what it was. "You uhm.... frightened there?" He asked blushing slightly as he looked at her.

@Kira Times
She didn't respond immediately but after a few se�conds of awkwardness she spoke "No. I'm just cold." she responded but it was a lie and not a very good one at that. She continued to look away "You looked nervous anyway...So I was trying to help out...But I wonder what kind of demon is afraid of the dark." she had still remained stubborn despite the evidence she was scared being overwhelming.

He smiled and stopped, "Well i'm not afraid of the dark but if you're cold" He said as he pulled her into a hug having her quite close to him though he knew everything. He knew exactly what was up and that she was probably fearful of the fact that he had been scaring her. Though he didn't exactly know if it was. Maybe it was the haunted house that did it, "I'll keep you warm and here until you're ready to progress" He said smiling at her gently.

@Kira Times
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Her face turned even redder "Um....You..I..." she attempted to hide her face buy putting it on his chest. she stood there in utter confusion and embarrassment. "You know....You're not much warmer." she may of said that to mask her embarrassment and slight panic. She could feel her heart beating quickly and to stop it from doing that she started to hold her breath.

He looked at her and let her go walking back a little. "Well if you say so... I won't stay near you since i'm not warm enough for that" He said with a shrug as he managed to get out of her grip. He continued walking through the haunted house slightly since she didn't seem to want to be near him. "Sorry for being a pest to you in that regard" He said with a little bow though he wasn't that far ahead of her.

@Kira Times
She looked panicked and quickly dashed beside him again "I didn't mean it! Y-You're not a pest! So please don't leave me...." she had a slip of the tongue and now it was grossly apparent that she did not want to be left alone in that haunted house. Or another way of looking at it was that she didn't want him to leave her. If she had been with a group of people would she of still wanted to be with him or would she be fine without him? She might of been more attached to him then she originally thought.


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