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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Addy and subtrixy walk down the hallway humming together while their ears swing from side to side.as their ears get close lighting is seen connecting them before disappearing again

She nodded "Of course! Why else would I give it to you?" she was confused by his question since she had no idea about the reason behind it. �She had to think up a response to his reply "Interesting...A demon that didn't grow up in the demon realm or how I like to call royaume démon.....It's French if you didn't know." sometimes she would search up different translations just to sound fancier. "Anyways! What are you taking a note about? I need to know since I am your mistress."

@ScaraByte (Sorry. Had slight writers block.)
Nito smiled and began writing quickly filling up a page. "I'm not sure what realm I grew up in. I just know Cecilia helped me out." He said before shrugging not really knowing much to rather any french but he decided he could humor her slightly if he wanted to. "I'm taking note of things you said and that i've observed." He said flipping to the back of the page and writing down thing's he'd figured out about Ami. Though it wasn't that hard to write everything down about. For example some of the things he'd written down were things like, 'She gets embarrassed very easy even when unintentionally flirting' though that was just one example.

@Kira Times
She stared at him writing for a few seconds "What kind of observations?" she asked with a look of suspicion and interest "There are many kind of observations. Such as social observations." she paused and crossed her arms. "And other observations too....Anyway my question still stands!" she had wanted to sound cooler but she kind of failed with that. She added a suggestion before letting him speak "It's a good idea to observe the enemy and people you feel like your close to. That way you can spot differences in them. It might help you avoid trouble too...."

"Thank you for the tip mistress" He said as he continued to write down some information. "But i'm writing down observations on you... for example how if I was to compliment you or flirt slightly to certain minds. Then you blush as though someone had found your diary." He said as he paused once more. "But along with your advice it has told me to know how you act so I can see if I can diagnose you with a sense of emotional instability during any allotment in our future time together" He said smiling and glad that he was taking the advice into his own mind and thoughts. Then it dawned on him she may have no idea what he was saying. "Or in other words, So I can know the difference in how you feel by seeing your actions" He said to make sure she understood it.

@Kira Times
"I don't own a diary." she replied and was now thinking about how she needed to contain whatever emotions she felt. Also she now had to watch her familiar so she could take notes of his behaviors. She didn't want to feel like he had some sort of advantage over her. He might of already such as speed or strength but he hadn't showed anything that related to those two things to make her think that. Since she couldn't think of any other way to do it she would just test him with various things and would watch his reactions. She wanted to try a test on him at that moment "Stay still."as she said that she gently poked his cheek.

Nito stayed completely still as he was instructed to do. Though he didn't move he didn't have entirely what he would need to do so he just tried his best to do as instructed. "As you wish, my Mistress" He said and stared at her not really showing any sort of exterior thing too much but his face warmed a slight bit and became very slightly pink. Though he didn't intend to go against as she had stated though he was slightly curious as to why she was doing it. "If I may ask... and i'm not against your judgment. What exactly is the purpose behind this?" He said since he didn't know if he was supposed to show emotion or hide it like he thought she might want.

@Kira Times
"So...are we just going home after dinner?" she wasn't sure what was going to happen after dinner and she wasn't one to ever get her hopes up, especially if there was no reason for your hopes to be up in the first place. "Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure we both had a decent time." she couldn't recall him ever looking like he wanted to be somewhere else. He never gave off the feeling that he wanted to end the date either. But, again people are tricky and unpredictable sometimes. He might of enjoyed it but may not want to go on another one. Also people can hide their emotions really well. But Lux didn't look like he had mastered the pokerface at all based off of all their previous interactions.

@ScaraByte (It was the Fourth of July so I spent time with my family.)

"You can stay if you want. I'm not gonna stop you." he responded and started to panic in his own mind. Do I stink?I hope I don't. he couldn't help but wonder why he was suddenly worried about that. He stood up and walked to the bathroom "I'm going to take a shower. Don't break anything." he closed the door and sighed in relief. His bag filled with his clothes was already in there so he wouldn't need to go back out. This way he could escape the awkwardness of the situation.


She waited few seconds ".....Y-Yeah kind of....W-When are we going to get to the dorm...."she was getting a little fidgety but she wasn't going nuts like last time.


He shrugged "I'm not telling~" he flew backwards and started to hover in the air "You can guess though." he was challenging Sammy in a way.

"Am I the only one searching over here?!" complained Noah "Come on Sammy! Get your lazy ass over here!" he hadn't found the dvd yet. Clay snickered "Your boyfriend is in distress. You should go help him."

@Safety Hammer
Lux shrugged, "I don't know... do you want to go somewhere else?" He asked not sure himself as to whether or not she did want to go anywhere. Though if she didn't he wasn't going to make her since he didn't figure that to be right of him self. Though he didn't know exactly how Kise felt either... though he did notice shifts in her talking whenever he felt things, that was either from some sort of psychic abilities or he showed it too much. He was gonna go with the second option though, Which gave him a new idea... what if he used his acting skills from plays and such to hide his emotion. 'That could work... good job me" He thought to himself happily, "I had a decent time and I hope you had one minus all the.. odd moments" He said looking away for a moment.

@TaraSobiki (I understand that entirely so no problem there.)
She sat silently in thought for a minute while staring blankly at the table. When she seemed to get her thoughts together she spoke "I have nothing to do. I also have nothing unique planned for tomorrow except viewing my classes before they've started." she made it her mission to always get somewhere relatively early. Her and her siblings were told that it was better to get a look of a place before others did. She didn't really understand the reason but she always did it anyway. It might've been so they could see what they were getting into or just for the satisfaction of getting to a place before others. Either reason didn't really effect her that much. "So we could go somewhere else if you want. Where would you like to go?"

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She studied his face for a few seconds before answering his question "I'm trying to test how you react to things too. That way you won't have a advantage over me. If you know me better than I know you it would be dangerous." she had a triumphant smile on her face as she turned away from him "Now I know that if I do something like what I just did you won't react much but you do get a little embarrassed." she seemed extremely proud of her 'observation' of Nito.�"So from now on I'm going to test you! So you better be on guard. I might test you in all kinds of ways so be wary." she had no idea why she would warn him but she did. Sometimes her mouth moved faster ������t���������������han her brain did and that sometimes got her into trouble but she never seemed to learn her lesson.

TaraSobiki said:
"So...are we just going home after dinner?" she wasn't sure what was going to happen after dinner and she wasn't one to ever get her hopes up, especially if there was no reason for your hopes to be up in the first place. "Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure we both had a decent time." she couldn't recall him ever looking like he wanted to be somewhere else. He never gave off the feeling that he wanted to end the date either. But, again people are tricky and unpredictable sometimes. He might of enjoyed it but may not want to go on another one. Also people can hide their emotions really well. But Lux didn't look like he had mastered the pokerface at all based off of all their previous interactions.

@ScaraByte (It was the Fourth of July so I spent time with my family.)

"You can stay if you want. I'm not gonna stop you." he responded and started to panic in his own mind. Do I stink?I hope I don't. he couldn't help but wonder why he was suddenly worried about that. He stood up and walked to the bathroom "I'm going to take a shower. Don't break anything." he closed the door and sighed in relief. His bag filled with his clothes was already in there so he wouldn't need to go back out. This way he could escape the awkwardness of the situation.


She waited few seconds ".....Y-Yeah kind of....W-When are we going to get to the dorm...."she was getting a little fidgety but she wasn't going nuts like last time.


He shrugged "I'm not telling~" he flew backwards and started to hover in the air "You can guess though." he was challenging Sammy in a way.

"Am I the only one searching over here?!" complained Noah "Come on Sammy! Get your lazy ass over here!" he hadn't found the dvd yet. Clay snickered "Your boyfriend is in distress. You should go help him."

@Safety Hammer
(Oh shit, maybe he's a hermaphrodite.)

"Sh-shut up!" Sammy whined, before walking over to where Noah was. He reached into his uncle's duffel bag and pulled out the DVD set. "Seriously, Noah?"
Walks around ""I should look for Amber"" starts to run and crying a little

Runs into two twins @BeebeTheWarrior (this post is zero talking my last one was Amber)
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Lux looked at her for a moment, "Kinda defeats the purpose of me asking huh? Kidding of course. It's good to know that your free" He said smiling then paused for a moment once more just to think about things and think of what he should do or say to her. "We could go on a walk if you want... Not really in town but on like a little forest path I know.." He suggested though he didn't know for sure if it would be something that she'd enjoy doing or not and he figured he should just take a chance on it all.


Nito smiled at that since it was something odd, mainly because he didn't expect her to try and do the same as him. "All my observations have come from vocal interaction.. If you want to do physical interaction we can test that too." He said with a small voluntary shrug since he was being honest about his outlook on it. "Thanks for the heads up though" his voice was sort of thankful but also slightly casual. "But if you use physical interaction towards me do you want me to do the same?" He asked knowing that from prior knowledge experimenting with one element could be given the same results but varied in multiple people.

@Kira Times
"It would only be fair!" again she had been talking without much thought. She was still feeling pretty good about her 'win' "Witches always try new things! Also I am not a chicken so I can't just back out." she seemed more focused on her image more than anything. "Vocal interactions can also be used along side physical ones." she was giving suggestions ad ideas on how to make observations. She stopped talking suddenly "I'm just going on and on....Let's cut this short servant!" she seemed to lose interest in the conversation. She was kind of like a cat in terms of attention span. One minute she taken full interest in something then the next minute she's suggesting different things to do because she's bored."It is awkward standing here like a couple of morons let us go to....don't they have a fair or something fun to do?"

"Well there's quite a few things. Closest thing to a fair would probably be the amusement park... though they never seem to close either" He said taking into account everything that he had to think on. Though many thoughts did come into mind on how to test her with her reactions. He smiled as one idea crossed his mind but he would keep that idea on the back burner for the moment. So in the accordance of that he let his interest follow where hers may lie. Though as to where it would go in the following of his Mistress... that was something completely and utterly beyond him. "Though I don't know if you want to go there"

@Kira Times
She thought about it for a few seconds before replying loudly "Amusement park it is!" she started to walk off in a unknown direction. She started humming the enchantment song that she spoke about earlier as she walked blindly down the street, pretending to know where she was going. She didn't want to indirectly ask for help like last time and it hasn't even crossed her mind to do so. Sometimes she got too cocky for her own good. If one thing goes her way or if he wins something she becomes even more unwilling to ask or help, even if it's indirect.

She nodded "A forest path sounds fine to me. The town is always a little too bustling." she preferred nature and it's peacefulness more than the suburbs and it's rowdiness. It's not that she disliked the town it was just that she felt more at home in a forest. It made since because of where she grew up. Which was a quiet serene place surrounded by a lot of trees, some rivers, lakes and waterfall were nearby. She had really enjoyed it there when she had been a kid but now she still enjoyed it.


(I'll say it like that Tootsie Pop commercial said it : The world may never know.)

Clay laughed a little "Sh-Shut up baka!" he repeated in a attempted mimic of Sammy's voice.

Noah glared at him "Shut it. How was I supposed. It might of been a dead animal or something worse."

@Safety Hammer
TaraSobiki said:
She nodded "A forest path sounds fine to me. The town is always a little too bustling." she preferred nature and it's peacefulness more than the suburbs and it's rowdiness. It's not that she disliked the town it was just that she felt more at home in a forest. It made since because of where she grew up. Which was a quiet serene place surrounded by a lot of trees, some rivers, lakes and waterfall were nearby. She had really enjoyed it there when she had been a kid but now she still enjoyed it.

(I'll say it like that Tootsie Pop commercial said it : The world may never know.)

Clay laughed a little "Sh-Shut up baka!" he repeated in a attempted mimic of Sammy's voice.

Noah glared at him "Shut it. How was I supposed. It might of been a dead animal or something worse."

@Safety Hammer
(I was about to write that, but I didn't want to look like a doof.)
Nito walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders gently turning her to the right. "It's that way just to inform you... the colorful lights in the sky show you so" He said pointing up into the sky where some colors glowed from the amusement park's rides and lights itself. Though he knew she may not need it. "Though you were likely taking another path there this one is a shorter one Mistress" He said since he'd also found out she didn't seem to enjoy being proven wrong.

@Kira Times

Lux nodded and smiled, "That's very true... town usually has quite a bit of people after-all and they all seem to have their own direction to go." He said as he thought about the forest for a moment. The path he had in mind was quite nice, a little dark from the trees blocking out the moon in some places but a creek ran by it so it was over all a rather nice place. Though he just hoped she would like it, the waitress came back over with two separate checks since she had over heard their predicament from earlier on.

TaraSobiki said:
She nodded "A forest path sounds fine to me. The town is always a little too bustling." she preferred nature and it's peacefulness more than the suburbs and it's rowdiness. It's not that she disliked the town it was just that she felt more at home in a forest. It made since because of where she grew up. Which was a quiet serene place surrounded by a lot of trees, some rivers, lakes and waterfall were nearby. She had really enjoyed it there when she had been a kid but now she still enjoyed it.

(I'll say it like that Tootsie Pop commercial said it : The world may never know.)

Clay laughed a little "Sh-Shut up baka!" he repeated in a attempted mimic of Sammy's voice.

Noah glared at him "Shut it. How was I supposed. It might of been a dead animal or something worse."

@Safety Hammer
"Can we get back to our room now please?!?!?!"
She blushed and nodded "It seems it is. Let's go that way then." she started to walk in the direction of the lights. Her face may of been pink because she was basically told she was going the wrong way or because of the sudden physical contact. Either way she wasn't looking all that enthusiastic anymore. It was funny how she could change emotions so fast if one thing changes or something goes not as planned. She had kind of gave off the vibe of someone who didn't want to be talked to.

Nito noticed how she seemed to be quiet after that so he just stopped talking thinking it was probably best. So he just followed in silence though he took down a few notes on her again just to make sure he had them. On the paper the newest note said, 'Mistress hates to be touched and pointed out as being wrong... WARNING: Do not do it again.' that was the note he'd written before closing the book. With that though his only sound was footsteps since his breathing was close to silent at the moment.

@Kira Times

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