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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

"Hmmm. You know me well familiar! But like I said I will not be the only one paying the bill. I don't want to stretch you on the first day." she had to think of more to add to her sentence so she would sound like a mature girl. "It wouldn't be fun either because it would make me feel uncomfortable. What kind of witch can't make her servants feel welcomed on the first day of their new jobs for eternity." she sounded happy when saying that. But the 'eternity' part seemed only a little unsettling to some at least. They had been talking pretty loudly for the entire time and people were giving him and her weird looks. With all the talk about familiars and spells they did look either childish, crazy or a combination of them both. She kind of noticed but took it as people being jealous of her.

@ScaraByte (I'm back and I feel better.)
"Me too. I hope we can have each other's company again." she said and bowed politely with her upper-body since she was sitting down. She sat in silence while looking around for something interesting to talk about and while doing that she had looked at a colorful painting hanging up. "Do you...like fireworks?" it was weird that she didn't say art since that was what she had been looking at. She guessed it reminded her of a firework which was reasonable with the colors of green,purple,white,blue and a whole lot of other colors fireworks could come in.


"Then why would you say you wanted something for changing my eye color back to normal." she was flattered that she said that but was still wondering about the previous signs she was giving off that basically said 'You're going to have to repay me'.


Ajax almost snickered but he held it since it would be rude to do so. He stared at her silently to calm himself down then spoke "Are you alright?" he asked with a unworried tone. He was sure that it probably wouldn't hurt her that much but still needed to check. She had just passed out and now she was hitting her head against things. That was a terrible combination of events.

Nito saw peoples stares but didn't care since he'd been looked at like that his entire life. Apparently people didn't like it when you had naturally green hair and red eye. Though he didn't mind it since it was a part of him not something that he or they could control in the scheme of things. So he didn't really think others opinions mattered on that. "Speaking of eternity... You said if you die I poof... so if I die... you get a new person to poof right?" He said now becoming slightly confused on multiple topics and blending them together to make little to no sense at all.

@Kira Times

Lux thought about it for a moment as he took her question into account. "Well fireworks are pretty cool... when you're not lighting them and have them almost take your head off." He said smiling since he remembered something from his past. Though it probably wasn't a story anyone would be interested in he decided he should take that into his mind for some reason. In a few moments their food and drinks had arrived and the waitress had went off to another table after Lux thanked her. He looked at Kise again, "Do you enjoy them?" He said curious if she had a bigger opinion on them.

She put her finger to her mouth in thought "That's only if I find a way to reincarnate myself before I die. I can't make anyone poof if I'm dead." she said and tilted her head "Why're you asking this question anyway? Are you jealous that a new familiar will be at my side once you poof and I reincarnate?" she said this jokingly and snickered a little under her breath. She patted his head again "Do not fret! If I could I would reincarnate you without a second thought." she smiled brightly at him before snickering some more "If I become attached to you. I would say the level of attachment I feel towards you is.....three point seven out of ten."

Nito shook his head, "I'm not jealous of a new familiar. Since they'd probably be better at the job than I am, Plus why would someone reincarnate a demon? Wouldn't that just bring pain to people in the long run?" He said thinking about the limited knowledge he had about demons from books and a few random things he had found on the internet when he was bored at night. Though as to why he did not know just from what he found he had decided that would be judgment enough to see exactly what had ran through his own mind. Though her next thing said didn't really phase him that much but rather, he came up with a question to figure things out more about this girl and the whole familiar thing. "If you only feel an attachment level of three point seven, then why did you select me to be a familiar rather than someone who you care about on a five point four or something?" He said looking a bit confused about it. Since that would've made more sense about the entire situation as a whole.

@Kira Times
She considered his words for a second "Are they really that dangerous?" she looked surprised by that. She wasn't sure she liked them as much since he just said they could take your head off "I do...or at least I did...Now I'm not so sure since they can remove your head from your body....You didn't ruin it for m I'm just going to be a bit more cautious around them...." she took a sip of her drink and put it back down. "Why do you say that about them? The fireworks is what I mean. Did one almost detach your head before?" she looked calm but was interested in hearing the story behind him, fireworks and why hey didn't mix together well.

TaraSobiki said:
"Yeah. Just a salad and some tea please. Doesn't matter what kind." she suddenly wasn't feeling as hungry as she had been a few minutes ago. She stared at the table just to avoid eye contact with Lux which might of been childish but she felt awkward doing it. Not the 'bashful butterflies in your stomach awkward' but the 'uncomfortable no room or reason to talk awkward' very different feelings. She stayed silent before she whispered "I'm not upset or anything." that was the only thing she said before going back to being quiet.

"Thanks Evylon." she said before hugging her "I love you! And you're so small and cuddly." she said while petting her head smiling.


"Don't worry. Nobody kidnapped you." he said but didn't look away from the technology he was so intensely staring at. He had clicked around a few times while occasionally typing something into the laptop. He had moved surprisingly quick compared to the Ajax that acted much slower. After a few minutes he closed the laptop and spun around to face her. He was wearing black rimmed glasses, not because he needed them but because he thought they looked cool. That might of sounded wrong but it was true. They weren't medicated so they wouldn't hurt his eyes which was always good.


Noah nodded in agreement with what he just said "Yeah, we're looking for a dvd and we just happened to find you so can you lead us there?" he got straight to the point of the otherwise pointless interaction with Clay.

"Wha!? They're going to put a fragile kid like me in a room with a teacher!?" he said quite panicked acting but the only reason was because he couldn't do as much around a teacher neither could he prank them.

@Safety Hammer

(Night! I'm starting to make five hundred error in my words so I'm getting tired.)
"Could you just please tell me where the room is?"
TaraSobiki said:
She considered his words for a second "Are they really that dangerous?" she looked surprised by that. She wasn't sure she liked them as much since he just said they could take your head off "I do...or at least I did...Now I'm not so sure since they can remove your head from your body....You didn't ruin it for m I'm just going to be a bit more cautious around them...." she took a sip of her drink and put it back down. "Why do you say that about them? The fireworks is what I mean. Did one almost detach your head before?" she looked calm but was interested in hearing the story behind him, fireworks and why hey didn't mix together well.

(Oh, and BTW, OPM is the best. I watched it so much that I missed the sale at my supermarket.)
Lux didn't touch his food or drink yet as he bowed his head and the glow from the dark showed faintly around him. He was pretty much thanking the spirits and the ones who guided them for the food. Since he was in quite close ties to the spirit world. With that done he went to normal once more and smiled at her, "Well they can be.. my brother loaded one with some extra... 'kick' to it when I was younger... I was told to go light it and ran over to do so. After lighting it I was supposed to have a few seconds to run back before it shot off..." He paused and held his cup in both hands taking a small sip then putting it back down. "It shot off almost immediately. Though it did this since the stands holding it melted and it flew towards me. It didn't hurt me since the spirits saved me... so I almost lost my head when that happened" He said with a smile as he thought back on the memories. "They're harmless unless you have a crazy brother though" He said with a gentle laugh before taking another sip from his drink.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Could you just please tell me where the room is?"

Clay tilted his head "Sure I can! But ya gotta do me a favor" he said looking pumped. Noah glanced at Sammy "What do you want to do? Comply to this kid?" he was going to let him choose since he didn't care.

(It's a great show isn't it? Who's your favorite character?)
Toriena was very embarrassed. She even thought he smirked. "I sure do like hitting myself a lot don't I..." She said scratching her head. "Did I introduce myself? My names Tori." Trying to change the topic once again.

She laughed "That's my attachment to you as a familiar. If you can raise my attachment to ten then I might do something for you or care enough to bring you back from your disappearing of existence...or poof as I call it. It's different from dying so don't mix it up." she stopped and looked Nito over "Are you taking notes?" she said while getting closer to him. She didn't want to repeat herself "I you aren't have this." she handed him a notebook shaped like a bat's entire body. It was made to look adorable "That is Pepabatto! He's cute isn't he? Anyway take him before I change my mind." she gave the bat notebook to him. After doing that she grabbed his hand "Don't treat Pepabatto any type of way! Misplace him and I'll make you regret it." she looked at him seriously before letting go of his arm.

Nito nodded, "Well you know... I might not try to raise your attachment... because honestly if I... poof. Then it's just how it was meant to happen. No harm no foul right?" He said before looking at the bat notebook. While he got a few weird looks and some people laughed at him he didn't care. They were probably just amused he was taking orders and holding something like that. Though he'd need to be careful and take care of.. Pepabatto? "I'll make sure to keep him safe." He said before looking at her once more though thinking about the whole taking notes part of the matter. "Though technically i'm able to remember well." He said then noticed that he had this notebook but nothing to write with. On that note he moved his index finger to his mouth and bit it making a little spot of blood from it. "I can write if I need to though" He said smiling not showing any pain from doing that.

@Kira Times
TaraSobiki said:
Clay tilted his head "Sure I can! But ya gotta do me a favor" he said looking pumped. Noah glanced at Sammy "What do you want to do? Comply to this kid?" he was going to let him choose since he didn't care.
(It's a great show isn't it? Who's your favorite character?)
(Atomic Samurai or Dr. Genus)
She just stared at him in surprised "Y-You didn't need to do that." she pulled out a just as cute bat pen named Penbatto. He was the assistant of Pepabatto and they happened to be siblings too. They had come in a set "If you craved blood I could of gave you something to dull the craving." she said, looking at her finger. She grabbed his hand and started to examine it "Does it hurt? You need a bandage?" she realized how worried she seemed and let go of his hand quickly "I knew you were a low level demon! You can't even heal a wound like that?" she laughed and turned away from him "Let's find somewhere for you to take care of that wound!" she marched off into a random direction without any thought of where she was going.

TaraSobiki said:
Clay tilted his head "Sure I can! But ya gotta do me a favor" he said looking pumped. Noah glanced at Sammy "What do you want to do? Comply to this kid?" he was going to let him choose since he didn't care.
(It's a great show isn't it? Who's your favorite character?)
"As long it is reasonable."
He wiped the blood clean and looked at his finger which was going back to normal quickly. "Technically I can... you just doubt my abilities. Though I suppose I could see why a witch couldn't see that" He said smirking. He had decided to do a little bit of playing around to show off slightly. He moved his hands and stared at her with his one visible eye, "Though i'd be careful... might want to stay close to me if you don't want other demons to come sweep you away" He said still acting completely before returning to how he normally would be. That's when his normal less 'demon' self acted in to an effect even though he barely tried that earlier. "What would you give me sate a taste for blood though?" He said slightly confused himself at the moment.

@Kira Times
She stared at him with a blank, dumbfounded look "That's really..." she didn't say anymore after that but she was thinking that was kind of horrible. He didn't seem that scarred by it so she assumed it wasn't as terrible as it sounded to her. She ate her salad placidly while thinking of another thing to add to their conversation. She swallowed her food and glanced up from her plate slowly "I never set off any fireworks before but I do have some nutty siblings." she didn't giggle or anything and just went on without a pause "One time my slightly younger sister tried to cook a can of tomato paste...It's didn't end well as you may guess. She put the can on the stove and....You can guess what happened next." she remembered it as something horrifying.


He couldn't recall if she did or not "Well if you didn't nice too meet you Tori. You already know my name." he didn't feel like he had to say his name again. "Also you do seem to enjoy hitting yourself....Are you a masochist?" she didn't seem like one but you couldn't judge a book by it's covered....or a internet site's title.


He giggled "Great! Follow me." he floated off to lead them to his dorm room. He was humming happily and Noah followed behind Clay silently. He wondered if it was even worth it.

@Safety Hammer
TaraSobiki said:
She stared at him with a blank, dumbfounded look "That's really..." she didn't say anymore after that but she was thinking that was kind of horrible. He didn't seem that scarred by it so she assumed it wasn't as terrible as it sounded to her. She ate her salad placidly while thinking of another thing to add to their conversation. She swallowed her food and glanced up from her plate slowly "I never set off any fireworks before but I do have some nutty siblings." she didn't giggle or anything and just went on without a pause "One time my slightly younger sister tried to cook a can of tomato paste...It's didn't end well as you may guess. She put the can on the stove and....You can guess what happened next." she remembered it as something horrifying.

He couldn't recall if she did or not "Well if you didn't nice too meet you Tori. You already know my name." he didn't feel like he had to say his name again. "Also you do seem to enjoy hitting yourself....Are you a masochist?" she didn't seem like one but you couldn't judge a book by it's covered....or a internet site's title.


He giggled "Great! Follow me." he floated off to lead them to his dorm room. He was humming happily and Noah followed behind Clay silently. He wondered if it was even worth it.

@Safety Hammer
"This isn't going to be one of those kinky sex things that happen on shitty pornos, right?" Sammy said, rather nervously.
Lux looked at her making note of what she said just then. He had taken a few bites of his pasta and swallowed it down with a sip of tea. Though the story or short part of the story he heard was interesting to say the least, "Did anyone get hurt from the can or just a mess?" He asked not sure if it was a good idea to be humored by the story or if it was something serious and detrimental. Though he wasn't going to question further than he felt he should be allowed to so he just thought about things as best he could and hoped no one had been hurt from the tomato paste.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"This isn't going to be one of those kinky sex things that happen on shitty pornos, right?" Sammy said, rather nervously.

Noah stared at him suspiciously "What?"he felt that was random. Clay on the other hand shrugged "I don't know.You two aren't my type. " he said still smiling. "I don't know what I want you to do for me yet so I'm just going to hang with you two until I figure it out." they arrived and he opened the door with a slam "Welcome to my room! Ignore the magazines! Just find your disk."
She paused for a second, she had troubling registering before it hit her like a truck. her face turned a little pink "I-I already know! I just wanted to se if you thought I was stupid enough to fall for my dumb act. Guess I was right..." she laughed weakly and turned around to face him. "Lower level demons won't go after me. Since I already have this key chain that marks you're mine or vice a versa." she stated and then replied to his last question "Simple...But I'm not tellin' you! My affection for you just lowered a little when you attempted to tease me!" she was a little thrown off since she didn't expect that from him.

She sighed then took another sip of her drink and sat it down "Do the walls and carpets count? Also my mom was devastated..." she shook her head "But if you mean any person physically then no. Accept my sister...She had to do extra chores....She did deserved it kind of." she fiddled with her food for a few seconds with her fork. "It just kind of scared me since I was younger. I was in my room and the first thing I heard was a scream and on impulse I went to check it out. I saw it everywhere and my first thought was that it was blood. I started obbing like the kid I was until my mom calmed me down." it was much more scarring than it would of been if she had been older.


"I'll drop it...But could you give me a hint? Then I won't talk about it anymore." she crossed her heart to show she was serious.

Nito shrugged, "Wasn't exactly planning to return from poofing anyways so" He said as though he didn't have much input towards it though he didn't know for sure what poofing was like. Seeing as it seemed like a one time deal of sorts rather than other things. Though the drop in affection didn't seem like it would be a positive for anyone. "Though I don't know where i'm teasing" He said sighing gently not paying much attention. "You also never answered my question about blood... It kind of confused me... I mean i'm pretty sure you can't just walk into a blood bank and say your friend needs a drink" He said still going through the hundreds of possibilities he could think of about it. Though none really stuck out to him in the slightest.

@Kira Times

Lux nodded, "Well be glad it wasn't blood... Tomato paste is allot easier to get outta carpets. Plus it's better to have your family be ok rather than... not so much" He said as he thought about it an how that might've been for her. It seemed Kise had a highly active imagination due to how she described thinking it was blood... then again though it could resemble it. "Technically... it kinda would be blood... if tomato's could bleed they're likely bleed tomato paste" He said as he tried to use his own imagination for it the idea of tomatoes being cut apart and tomato paste coming out as their blood, which was kinda weird. "The somber red of a tomato holds much more to it then the appearance of the crimson blood. One holds beauty a freed nature.. the other pain, Likely from danger" He said before realizing what he just did.


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