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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

"Yeah anything!" she replied with her eyes sparkling. She had wanted those stupid purple eyes gone quickly.

@TerrinX (Easy! I'll have it done before you know it. I did watch the whole One Punch Man series and OVAs in a day. Funniest day of my life.)
Nito sighed noticing how she acted. Though he kept up the pace with her as best he could making it his goal not to let her just get lost. Since she didn't seem to know exactly where she was headed to his knowledge. Looking around for a moment he paused deciding to reply to her, "As you wish mistress... also I feel I should forewarn you. There is a vendor selling the items your looking for not far from here" He said still managing to keep in pace though stayed a short distance behind her so she wouldn't feel crowded. "I wonder if all familiars have it like this...." He mumbled to himself quietly.

@Kira Times (Go for it. I'm up for that kind of deal xD )

Lux nodded looking downward and thinking things over in his mind as he heard what she said. Though he was almost in his own dimension the words playing as if in slow motion as the person in the center of the wide open blackish-purple space was only him... glowing in his pale purple light. Though the further it extended the paler it became until it died into that abyss of darkness. His body went still breathing slowing as he just started to think his body shutting down outside primary functions as he just went into nothing though he slowly came back from that almost dead outer exterior and back to a normal one. "Yeah... i'll try to stop doing that.." He said quietly as if he had just reset or something.

"....Yes please do...." that was a eerie silence that she did not want to go through again. It wasn't like the other silences that had just been awkward but more...dead then those ones. Kind of sounded creepy but that's just how she felt, maybe it was just her imagination or something. She strongly doubted that since it was more of a shift in air and the aura going around him. It was kind of like the lights on a house during a storm. One minute they're shining brightly but then lighting strikes and takes them out leaving everyone in complete darkness. Soon enough the lights flick back on but sometimes they never brighten up again. In a way she assumed she was the storm that short-circuited the lights....she was just lucky they came back on. "So um..." she had no idea what to say now that she got that off her chest.


Melody looked happier now that her eyes were back to normal "You're a wizard Eevee! Now what do you want? A kiss or something."

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Lux was still looking down when she said that before looking up at her his eyes glossed over and almost cloudy. Showing what would seem to be nothing but a lavender color filling his eyes. Though after blinking a few times they returned to normal and he breathed quietly. "So.." He said his voice still quiet as he looked at her rather than downwards. The dull purple glow from his head was practically invisible unless you were in the dark where it showed up for people to see. Right now though he was just slightly confused about what all he was thinking though he didn't know what to say... or what he could say. He felt like he was in a boat and waves were carrying him away, the water planning to bring him to the point where no one could reach him and he'd be alone. He just didn't know why he felt like this, "Anything on your mind?" He asked her with a bit of curiosity about things.

Toriena pondered Ajax's last words. What was this? Was he trying to reassure her? Make her feel comfortable? "I'm quite comfortable." She said with a fake smile. She immediately mentally killed herself for saying that. She looked around the room for something to change the topic. Then looked at Ajax's computer. "You sure have nice computer skills." She said with a nervous smile. Again, she wanted to die but she was desperate to change the topic!

"Don't mumble!" she ordered and started to slow a little because she couldn't keep up that pace forever. She hated mumbling, what if people were saying something about her and she couldn't hear them. People would think what they would think but if they had the brass to say it out loud they should of said it louder. "You will not mumble! In my presence at least." she said then realized her familiar's suggestion. It wasn't a direct one but he basically was saying 'We could/should go to that vendor' she nodded slowly but it was barely visible. She whipped around "Good idea Nito!" she patted his head gently as a thank you gift. "Where is it? Not that I don't already know! I just want to test your familiar locating skills!" she truly had no idea where the vendor was but she wasn't going to admit that, especially to her servant.

@ScaraByte (Sorry this took so long.)
"Huh? No, nothing." she responded "What about you..." she went silent after asking .Her eyes had wandered to her lap as if it was more interesting or she was looking for a message of advice to be there. She stared at her at her lap with a blank expression. Now she had moved her attention to her hands that were set in her lap and noticed how nervous she actually was. Her hands had been slightly sweaty which was odd since she never usually was nervous enough to start doing that. She couldn't recall being that nervous a few minutes ago but somewhere in their conversation she guessed that something had stressed her out without her realizing. She started to fiddle with her fingers while avoiding looking at Lux. This date just felt....weird now....for some reason.


Melody backed up "Hehe..A h-hug and kiss is what you mean. R-right." she was feeling a little nervous hearing Evylon snicker like that. It made her rethink her 'I'll do anything' choice.


"I'm glad you comfortable." he thought it would be rude if he just ignored what she said previously. He nodded "Yeah, thanks. It's basically all I do with my time." he wondered if that made him look pathetic. He didn't go out much since he didn't have any friends at the island (except Lux) and the friends he did have were all computer nerds like him so they also hardly went out. His older brother always complained about that while his younger siblings didn't care in the least.

Nito smiled at her noticing she disliked him mumbling from both what she said and how it seemed she caught it. "My apologies Mistress. I shall not partake in said activity in your presence" he said with a small bow. "As you are aware of its forward two blocks from here. I do hope my observations are well" he said kindly not showing any sign of belittlement or judgement.

@Kira Times (Same here... had to go places.)

Lux smiled gently and thought about it. "Sorry for going weird there for a moment... in truth when I feel close to people that words have a greater impact upon me." He said with a nervous tone slightly creeping into his voice. Though this was kind of just him so he didn't know how she would perceive it and if she would take it differently about how he was sending to act around her. "So... what's your favorite one of all the seasons?" He asked taking her liking nature into account in order to try and improve how the awkwardness and silence around were.

"You have studied your locations! Let's go to this place of magical charms!" she exclaimed and marched off confidently. She was humming some kind of song and explained what it was "Are you interested in my tune? I'll explain what it is!" she waited for a few seconds then continued "It is a incantation of sorts. But I have to say the words for it to work. Music just helps me remember the words to it. Yes, even a great witch like myself needs assistance....But rarely!" she wanted to make sure that he didn't get the idea that she was weak.

Kise became slightly flustered by his words "Thanks....I appreciate that you feel like we're close." she was even more nervous but not in that eerie way more like a warm feeling way...it's hard to explain. She tried to shake off her embarrassment "Favorite season?" she kept staring at her lap then looked up suddenly "All of them. I don't prefer any over the others and they all have good qualities." she responded and looked back downwards "What's your's? If I may ask."

Nito smiled laughing quietly before deciding to talk. "Well I didn't suppose such a great witch as yourself would need help often. Much less need a familiar , after all you do soon quite powerful." He said hoping to avoid the reason he was laughing as best possible and instead see how she would respond in that. Though he didn't plan to undermine get in anyway. "It is quite an interesting tune though I shall admit." He said quite glad that she would share this odd incantation as she had called it.

@Kira Times

Lux noticed her moving her head in what seemed like an uneasy way as though she may not want to speak to him too much. Though he may have been wrong there, "Personally... I enjoy winter since its the time nature gets to rest and gets the ability to store it's energy for then renewal that's soon to appear." He said putting how he saw the world in that way. "Plus it's clean and quiet" he said looking to treasure before back to her. "You should look up more... your face is nicer than the top of your head... I'm not complaining either way though!" He said deciding he my have just made conflict.

"....Why are you laughing?" she said but didn't turn around. She hadn't said it with her usual obnoxious yelling either but in a calm annoyed tone of voice. She didn't want to think that he was laughing at her but if he was then....she would do something about it but wasn't sure what. Had he meant stupid when he said interesting? She could be a little....imaginative at times but she disliked feeling like someone was laughing at her.

"Well, I don't think I need anything now...I mean your already drugged, and I am Oh so curious to what your going to get.."

She said smiling maliciously. "Your so innocent, it's adorable."

Nito smiled still, "Well the way your acting it's... cute. I mean that may be weird sure .... but I find it cute to me... sorry if that's out if the way for me to be saying though... I'll stop laughing now." He said looking away a tiny bit of pink tint to his cheeks as he looked act things they passed. He just didn't want to make bad things occur so he didn't think he should talk about it more. "Then again... a demons opinion on that shouldn't matter to a witch if such power.... since you're probably bewitching the hearts of others everywhere you go." He said with a peaceful tone.

@Kira Times
She stopped and her face turned completely red "C-Cute, bewitching!?" she shook her head quickly "N-No! You're the cute bewitching one!" her face turned even redder. She laughed weakly "Hehe...I-It's y-your job after all!" she was trying to gain her composure but looked like she was having a break down. She was shaking, her eyes looked swirly, and she was completely red "I-I-I didn't mean it like that! Shut up! Stop trying to seduce me!" even though he wasn't saying anything to go along with what she was saying she still panicked. She stormed off quickly to the vendor place without turning around.

"Huh? Oh....I like your face too..." it was a odd response but she looked up anyway. She just stared at him for a few seconds before adding to her previous sentence "Not just your face of course. Your personality is nice...Your eyes look...cool...All of you is pleasant." she ended it with that because if she had kept going on and on it would get annoying or creepy...maybe both.


"I think I was tricked..." she mumbled. She shook her head "Before the effects take place I'll turn myself invisible or fly away somewhere!" she was considering escaping before anything could possibly happen. She sighed knowing that she wouldn't do that "Can't you just tell me whatever you want before I go under the effects of it?"

Nito looked a bit shocked as he rubbed a finger against his cheek. Afterwards he quickly followed after her to make sure that she didn't get hurt since her face was red. Though he did as instructed and stayed silent minus footsteps and breathing which he attempted to quiet as best possible to make sure that she wouldn't get angry at him more so than she seemed to be. That was at least his main reason before trying to say anything though what she said kind of struck a chord in his mind. How exactly would he be accounted for as cute or bewitching that was slightly beyond him in all honesty.

@Kira Times

Lux smiled and helping his laugh as vestige could though it amused him. The fact it seemed somewhat confused, or as though she didn't know what to say so he decided to just go off that. "Thank you.. I'm glad that you think of my face, eyes, and the rest of me that way. I think you're quite nice as well... so I'm glad we've been in one anothers company." He said cheerfully as well as attempting to reassure her. He did enjoy being with her... and she made him smile. So maybe they could become good friends in his hope... or maybe more than that.

"Cool, well my computer skills suck in the least..." She said "I pretty much bad at everything." She tried to lean back and look, well, cool? Instead she hit her head on the top bed. "Stop hitting yourself!" She said in her head.

She walked past the vendor but backed up when she realized. She calmed herself down but her face was still slightly red. She ended up buying six key chains for herself and let Nito pay for the two matching ones they were getting. Sadly the only one they had two of was some kind of serpent. She examined it "I'll name it....Locky!" after her key chain shopping spree she apparently forgot her previous embarrassment from only a few minutes ago. "This will bound us together for eternity! I hope you're ready!" she was extremely eager. So eager that she hugged him and started to bounce around "We will feast to celebrate! Come along servant!" she had forgotten the incident from earlier...for now.

Nito was kind of surprised by the hug that just happened as if the incident from before hadn't occurred. He almost got embarrassed but after hearing servant calmed himself and relaxed. "As you wish mistress.. Where might we be going to do so though?" He asked her wondering exactly what her 'feast' idea was. Since he didn't completely understand the whole familiar thing he would just have to go off what he could from what he said... though it seemed like a marriage of friendship. As if he had just gotten married... but not like normal marriage with the whole bound for life for love... but rather bound for life for service." He didn't know if that was the right way of putting it either though that was just what he could think about the possibility of it being. He looked at the serpent and smiled happily glad that he had made a friend besides staff and people like that.

@Kira Times
She snickered "That's for you to figure out!" she winked jokingly "You are the familiar so you set up things for me. I will judge and if I like your idea I will dress accordingly." she said and was still smiling. Again this was another way to avoid choosing herself but it was much easier to say it was a test. She started imagining their celebration dinner with a less cocky smile on. She tried to hype herself down so she wouldn't appear too eager but also didn't want to look too bored. It was a difficult balance to keep which is why she was having trouble keeping it. She never really hid her emotions so they were hard to contain "So what's it going to be? We're sharing the bill since this is a celebration. It would be messed up if one of us had to pay everything. Not to mention a terrible celebration of are new contract." she tried to sound suave and mature but wasn't sure if it was working.

@ScaraByte (Taking a shower than going outside. It's really hot where I am and stuffy.)
Nito thought about it, "I can pay for it without a problem though just to forewarn you on that. Though I suppose we should go to somewhere more... refined. Since you are a young lady of seemingly high etiquette, I suppose we should go somewhere to mirror that no?" He asked her noticing how she seemed to be trying to seem more mature. He smiled though and thought about things for a moment, "Besides wouldn't you prefer it for your familiar to pay? Since then you could focus less on financial predicaments and focus more on your.. spells" He said trying to think on what all she'd be working with though it was hard in a way. Since he didn't know exactly what a witch did... seeing as he was from what he was told, a low level demon. Though this was something he was currently accustomed to or at least he was used to the idea of it for now at the very least.

@Kira Times ((Alright. I understand the whole heat and stuffiness things too. Have fun))

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