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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

TaraSobiki said:
"Sure. I had no reason to refuse." she said while sitting down in a seat. Two menus had already been set on the table and she started to look through one of them with a serious expression. She was trying to find anything that wasn't meat while also keeping her eyes on the prices of each one. After awhile of searching she put the menu back on the table with closed eyes. She opened them and looked at Lux seriously "I will pay for my own food." she stated in a 'that's a fact' way of speaking. Her mother had told her if you're not sure about the person you should do whatever it is yourself, that way you won't feel you owe them anything.

"The same door that we don't know the location of?" he said sighing.

"What ya guys doing?" questioned Clay as he rounded a corner only to see two guys doing nothing. He had no idea what to do so he wandered around blindly.

@Safety Hammer

"My eyes are purple!" she said looking at the mirror completely horrified again. She stood up and started walking to the exit but before she left she turned to look at Evylon "Are we going to get in trouble for this?" she said looking stressed again.

@TerrinX (Oh. The way you two were putting it sounded like you were quitting.)
"Hi, we're a bit lost. Do you know where Mr. Kirkland's room is?"
He shook his head, "It's fine... everyone has stuff to do you just happened to have homework to do." He said shrugging. Then moving over to his bed he grabbed some clothes, "Oh... but next time you have an excuse for it... make sure that you don't say homework before we've even gone to out first class, k?" He said with a smirk.

Vein smirked, "That would've been more believable... Since I could see that working rather than you 'doing homework'... if you don't like talking to me then just tell me so next time" He said and looked closely at her.

"no no i was just really embarrassed"she whispered the last part looking at her feet before covering herself with a blanket and changing into her sweater

He sighed, "Sure you were" He said then went invisible as he shifted to the ghost dimension. (This is a thing sshshshsh) With that he'd shifted back to the normal dimension visible once more in a casual hoodie and black pants.

She snickered "You have fancy technology so...Use it!" she said while laughing obnoxiously as usual. "But I am feeling generous today so I'll tell you! A familiar is the servant, spy,and companion of a witch! So you'll be serving me, spying for me, giving me information and bewitching enemies!" she said and patted his head. "Do not fret either! You're a minor demon so you qualify!" she said and backed off of him with a confident smile like she was sure he was going to agree to becoming her familiar creature. You couldn't tell but she was giddy with excitement since no one listened to her this long.


Nito paused for a moment to think it over, "Well that doesn't sound like such a bad job description... though i'd have to work on my bewitching ability. I don't think i'd mind being a servant might even be kinda fun for all I know." He said with a smile. Then he started to think about the spying on enemies. He'd need to be notified on who the enemies were so he'd know who to look at for the first point. "I'd be glad to be your familiar then. Do we need to preform some sort of ritual or something to follow up with this or do we just automatically make a pact or something?" He said unsure on how this all worked since it was his first time being a familiar... and a demon for that matter.

@Kira Times
She passed, thinking his question over "Well...It's something like marriage...Only without rings or kissing...But it can include those things!" she had no idea how to make a pact with a demon. She would have to look it up later "Don't worry about it right now! Come along!" she said while grabbing his hand to pull him up. Her grin was now Cheshire cat wide and she was most obviously pumped. She couldn't help but think how much fun she would have with this "Also if I die you poof into dust like this." she made a popping sound which sounded more like her puckering her lips.

@ScaraByte (Sorry I went away for a bit.)
After what Lux said she stayed quiet. He had made her at a lost of words. She wasn't sure what he said that made her mute. Maybe the fact that he called her fake cheerfulness or the speech he just gave was a bit mesmerizing to hear. She didn't answer the question with words but instead shook her head slowly. When the waitress came over she had told her order and watched silently as Lux talked to her. While he talked she kind of blocked them out and thought over what he just said. Was she hiding behind a smile or was she just trying to please the person she's conversing with and was it really so wrong to do so?

She scratched the back of her head sheepishly "It's a...bad habit of mine...I guess." she wondered if being nervous was a Pokémon nature and if so it must of been her's."I-I could try to be more like you...Personality and confidence wise."

Ajax looked up at the sprinkler that just doused him with a passive, unfazed expression. "Rain? Inside?" it was a stupid thing he just said and it was unclear if that was a serious comment. He used icy wind to freeze the sprinklers so they would no longer be doused in it's water. On the downside it made everything much cooler which Ajax didn't mind since it didn't faze him. He was cold by type so it was still kind of warm for him.

"You don't just ask random people that." he said in a passively hostile manner. Noah wouldn't just ask other people questions like that.

Clay on the other hand smiled "Yo! That's my roommate actually." he replied but wondered why they called him Mr.Kirkland. "Clays my name! But why you calling my roomie Mister? He's a student like you isn't he?" Clay started to think they were nuts. He giggled "Are you going to call me Ms or Mr Pumpka!" he needed to remember he needed to avoid revealing his gender.

(Sorry it took five billion years!)
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Toriena noticed Ajax freezing the sprinkler system. Thank god for that. If the sprinkler stayed on for a bit longer she probably would've fainted. But she'd been doused, then frozen, and that was healthy for a fire type. "Th-th-thank-ks A-a-aj-jax." She said. Then her eyes rolled into her head and passed out into Ajax.

@TaraSobiki (Lol, thats okay)
Ajax had caught her but he had a confused expression on. He had tried to do something helpful and only ended up in more of a problem. He had just realized something when he caught her "She's a....fire type." he paused and face palmed with his other hand. If he had realized that she had been a fire type he wouldn't of done what he did. He looked around and sighed "It's too cold in here...Come on. We're going to a warmer place." he said and sat her down on the bed. He then picked her up and carried her to his room. He saw absolutely nothing wrong with it.

After maybe an hour or so, Toriena came through. She tried to sit up, but hit her head hard on the top bunk of a bed. *Thump "Wh-wha?" Toriena opened her eyes and looked around. She noticed a clean... tidy... dorm... Well, she knew this wasnt her dorm. Even if she tried, she probably couldn't even place a bowl in the center of a table. She just guessed her eye coordination was off. She slid onto the right side of the bed and sat up. She looked around again. Then she noticed a blue haired boy hunched over a computer. Had she been kidnapped? She heard many cases on the news, maybe she herself had been. "Wh-where am I?" She nervously said to the boy.

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TaraSobiki said:
After what Lux said she stayed quiet. He had made her at a lost of words. She wasn't sure what he said that made her mute. Maybe the fact that he called her fake cheerfulness or the speech he just gave was a bit mesmerizing to hear. She didn't answer the question with words but instead shook her head slowly. When the waitress came over she had told her order and watched silently as Lux talked to her. While he talked she kind of blocked them out and thought over what he just said. Was she hiding behind a smile or was she just trying to please the person she's conversing with and was it really so wrong to do so?

She scratched the back of her head sheepishly "It's a...bad habit of mine...I guess." she wondered if being nervous was a Pokémon nature and if so it must of been her's."I-I could try to be more like you...Personality and confidence wise."


Ajax looked up at the sprinkler that just doused him with a passive, unfazed expression. "Rain? Inside?" it was a stupid thing he just said and it was unclear if that was a serious comment. He used icy wind to freeze the sprinklers so they would no longer be doused in it's water. On the downside it made everything much cooler which Ajax didn't mind since it didn't faze him. He was cold by type so it was still kind of warm for him.


"You don't just asked random people that." he said in a passively hostile manner. Noah wouldn't just ask other people questions like that.

Clay on the other hand smiled "Yo! That's my roommate actually." he replied but wondered why they called him Mr.Kirkland. "Clays my name! But why you calling my roomie Mister? He's a student like you isn't he?" Clay started to think they were nuts. He giggled "Are you going to call me Ms or Mr Pumpka!" he needed to remember he needed to avoid revealing his gender.

@Safety Hammer

(Sorry it took five billion years!)
"Because he's the new English teacher. And my uncle."
Nito looked a bit surprised and nervously laughed, "Well... i'd prefer not to poof if it's ok with you... So I guess that means i'll be laying down my life for you right?" He asked analyzing what was stated to his best ability. Though whatever he was doing seemed to be making her happy so he knew that he did something correctly. "Though i'm pretty sure we don't have to kiss... since I don't think you'd want to waste a kiss on a demon... or rather a familiar" He said as he tried to take things into account. Truthfully he was trying to save her from an embarrassing thing though he didn't know how familiar things worked entirely so he'd just have to go with what she said and how things would play out.

@Kira Times

Lux had ordered an herbal tea which was pretty good here, and a pasta dish which didn't include any meat... since he didn't eat bulk of meat a little here and there but other than that he kind of just ate pastas and such... since he was pretty good at making them himself. After ordering that he turned to look at Kise, "You know what you want?" He asked her wondering if she would need a few more minutes or if she would be ready about it. Though he was also slightly worried that he might've said too much and planned to apologize for doing such if he did after the waitress left.

She waved it off "A witch does what she must! But for now let's start with a contract." she pulled out a scroll thing that she bought on eBay and a classy feather pen. A jar of ink was also presented and she set it on a table then handed him the feather pen happily. "Write your first and last name on this ancient scroll to seal the deal for now." she shoved the scroll towards him and stood there, tapping her foot impatiently. She was still wondering what they could do to complete their contract and stopped tapping her foot when she got a idea "Different demons have different ways so that means you may choose the method of completing this thing. Being with a ring, kiss or anything else!" this was just to avoid all the pressure on her and she just made it up as she went along.

@ScaraByte (I had to go somewhere.)
Nito wrote his name as neatly as possible but also attempted to make it look fancy which came out quite nicely to say so himself. Then he looked at her slightly confused about what she meant by different demons had different methods. "Well being the fact it says here that you're the master. You should be the one to chose what is done to make the ritual complete. Otherwise it would place me as the master and you as the familiar" He said possibly overanalyzing the situation a little bit but not in his mind so he just went with what he had thought about everything and hoped for the best.

@Kira Times (It's fine, I had left earlier)
She frowned up "You're thinking about this too much." she said and mulled over the options of sealing methods she could use. She had no money for rings, a kiss was... a interesting choice, a handshake would be dumb. She continued on the list until a smile appeared again "Idea! Here you go." she took out a key chain with a proud looking expression. The key chain was a cute purplish black bat "Her names Momoi! She's terrifyingly cute isn't she?" she looked happy talking about her bat key chain. She shook her head "Anyway! We could either exchange key chains or get matching ones. So everyone knows your mine." she snickered. "Or we could just get you a collar and leash." it was a joke but it may of not sounded like it. With her personality it may of been hard to tell.


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