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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Nito nodded, "Well i'd prefer us buy matching ones... or rather I could buy them for us with you helping to pick them out of course. Since you seem quite attached to... Momoi, Plus a leash and collar might be a little too... out there" He said deciding to try and think about it all himself that way he would know things better rather than not so much. Since apparently he just signed up to be a familiar so... he might as well try to fit the part right? "If that be your bidding of course.." He said deciding that this would probably be what said... familiar would do? Though as stated before it was his first time being one so it was all new.

@Kira Times
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"Yeah. Just a salad and some tea please. Doesn't matter what kind." she suddenly wasn't feeling as hungry as she had been a few minutes ago. She stared at the table just to avoid eye contact with Lux which might of been childish but she felt awkward doing it. Not the 'bashful butterflies in your stomach awkward' but the 'uncomfortable no room or reason to talk awkward' very different feelings. She stayed silent before she whispered "I'm not upset or anything." that was the only thing she said before going back to being quiet.


"Thanks Evylon." she said before hugging her "I love you! And you're so small and cuddly." she said while petting her head smiling.


"Don't worry. Nobody kidnapped you." he said but didn't look away from the technology he was so intensely staring at. He had clicked around a few times while occasionally typing something into the laptop. He had moved surprisingly quick compared to the Ajax that acted much slower. After a few minutes he closed the laptop and spun around to face her. He was wearing black rimmed glasses, not because he needed them but because he thought they looked cool. That might of sounded wrong but it was true. They weren't medicated so they wouldn't hurt his eyes which was always good.


Noah nodded in agreement with what he just said "Yeah, we're looking for a dvd and we just happened to find you so can you lead us there?" he got straight to the point of the otherwise pointless interaction with Clay.

"Wha!? They're going to put a fragile kid like me in a room with a teacher!?" he said quite panicked acting but the only reason was because he couldn't do as much around a teacher neither could he prank them.

@Safety Hammer

(Night! I'm starting to make five hundred error in my words so I'm getting tired.)
Lux sighed even after hearing her words, they made him think more and more that he'd messed up from saying what he did. "I'm... sorry... I didn't mean to bring down your mood or anything I just... I just... I'm sorry... I can understand the whole not wanting to talk thing, trust me I do. I'll keep from saying stuff like that again" He said now deciding it was probably best to hide his more. Touchy-feely side and rather just show the other front of himself since talking in the way he did seemed to cause conflict. He wasn't ever really meant for poetry he supposed so it was probably just him failing something... as he usually did.

@TaraSobiki (Alright, Sleep well!)
Toriena watched as the boy typed so frequently and fast on the computer. She was quite in awe at his typing etiquette as well, fast and no mistakes? Cool. Then the boy slammed the computer down and spun around in his swingy chair. Toriena immediately noticed the glasses he was wearing. In her opinion, they were quite fashionable, even cute. She knew that the boy didn't need the glasses because her mother was an eye doctor and she'd spent many of her hours in her office. The glasses were just meant for fashion, and it worked quite well, but it was quite silly. Then she noticed it was the boy Ajax from her dorm, then realized that he'd brought her to his dorm room, probably to save her from the sprinklers. She didn't recall anything else from that moment, plausibly from passing out. "Haha, nice glasses." She said with a smirk. Then she immediately scolded herself. "Tori what are you doing?!?! You know your horrible at flirting!" Screamed her conscience.

@TaraSobiki (Accept or reject, anythings good! And good night as well!)
"It is fine by me..." she said and tried to pull him up. "Let''s go buy matching key chains now!" she said before marching out the door with a giddy laugh that she had been holding back for awhile. Not only did that guy listen but he agreed to be her familiar...not that she didn't expect it. He had been polite too despite being a bit weird at first and a demon to boot. She liked him already and only just met him a few minutes before. He was agreeable too if the other things didn't make him appealing enough that should of done it. The deal was put neatly away and she went to find some late night stores selling key chains. It was late so this may of been difficult but she was up to a challenge!

Nito had started following her not quite sure where she was going. Though he was planning on waiting till the next day he supposed searching around now may have been a good option. Since the possibility of a crowd was pretty much nothing so he had no worries there, on top of that they would probably be able to find one... hopefully. Though he would need to look more into what exactly a familiar was and if he would be needing to do more things or not. "So what kind of design might you be thinking of for our key chains?" He said somewhat curious as to what she might think or what she might enjoy to have.

@Kira Times
(( I think the problem here, is that you all have too many characters, now that the amount of people actually rping and joining has slowed....It's created an unbalance, you should probably cut down on how much you write or only use different characters every so often... ))

Evylon blushed, she honestly liked being treated like this, but she hadn't had a girlfriend in such a long time she kind of forgot how easy it was to just simply be loved, rather than used. "No, thank you Melody. Your too sweet, I love you too." Evylon said fluffing her fur a bit as she hugged the taller girl's waist.
"Something creepy or witchy looking!" she responded while not even looking behind to face him. She was humming happily and even skipping a bit. She was glad that someone actually listened and believed her and they weren't a kid or a creepy guy selling those dice with a thousand different sides. She was wondering who would buy them though since Momoi had took up quite a few scavenged coins away from her miltank bank as a kid. Since he now served her she could order him to buy them but that would be rude "By the way who's buying?" she slipped in nonchalantly.

Nito looked to her again kind of confused about how she hadn't heard them earlier. "Well I was planning too... since i'm the familiar and all... plus I have enough to spare" He said with a small shrug. He didn't have much of a thought put into it in the slightest so he just went off what he did have. Though he didn't have a problem buying them in the slightest since it wasn't going to financially cripple him or anything. "Oh also... if you need any new supplies for your witchery just ask me and i'll help you get them" He said with a small smile, the reasoning behind that was because he supposed she might need some assistance with her hobby and all so it couldn't be that bad.

@Kira Times
She laughed "Yes of course you're my servant! Getting supplies and helping are also your job." she was getting more and more attached to the guy as they walked around. This guy was completely agreeable! Not only that but he didn't smell, hadn't said anything perverted or creepy, didn't look like the aftermath of someone that got mauled by a bear and ran over on the same day! He was perfectly fit to be her familiar even if she shoved it onto him. But she still had to be cautious since people may of been out for her powers....or he could want to gain her trust and the only way to do that was to play along with her. But she wasn't going to let herself think like that "Demon. Why did you agree so easily to this?"

Nito was kinda happy that she hadn't denied him helping her out. Though her question caught him slightly off guard and he would have to put some thought to tell her the answer to it. Though it did confuse him... not the whole demon part but the agreeing part. "Well I agreed so easily because... well it seemed interesting. A breakthrough to an area of knowledge i'd never known. I mean I didn't realize I was a demon until today and the new world of witchcraft opened my eyes I suppose. For a forward answer I guess it was because I like the idea of learning more and, You were kinda the gateway to the new world" He said as he continued to ponder trying to take everything into account. Though maybe he was looking at it from too much of a scientific perspective.

@Kira Times
(Sorry a bunch of people decided they wanted to reply to other threads I'm in.)

She stared at him blankly because she didn't really understand what he meant. "Oh....Is that the reason...Very well! I understand your motives." she turned away and hoped that he didn't catch she didn't understand what the hell he had just said. She marched away a little less confidently. She wondered if it was bad if you didn't understand what was coming out of a servants mouth. They could of been planning a coup or something along those lines. She had to learn whatever manage of speech he was using so she didn't end up looking really dumb when she stared at him blankly. That would give him doubts about her and that wouldn't have been good.

(It's fine.)

He looked at her for a moment and laughed quietly. "Mistress... would you like me to explain what was stated?" He said with a small smile on his face since he could tell she probably had no idea what he stated there. Though is she did manage to understand he'd need to give credit where credit would be due in that scenario. "I'm not doubting that you'd know... but I speak in a weird way" He said with a smile to tell her that he wasn't attempting to undermine her in any sort of way. Though he just wanted to give off the ability that he could help her perceive anything that was misunderstood.

@Kira Times
She flinched in response ��He did notice... she thought but quickly shook off the comfortableness she had been feeling a few seconds before."Sure! You may explain! But I don't need it!" she said with her arms folded in a 'I'm waiting' manner. She tapped her foot while waiting but her mind kept filling with worries. He just saw a weakness from her which wasn't good at all. He didn't appear to be planning anything or laughing at her ignorance. But she had read that demons were great actors when they wanted to be or the when the situation called for it.

He smiled at that noticing her flinch as well. "I like to learn new things... I didn't know about witchcraft. You're shown me it exists" He said to give the short and sweet of it all just to do his best to keep it as easy to understand as possible. Though the whole thing about her not needing it was likely a lie. Though he wasn't going to call her out on it either since that would probably just be rude to her... since she was the witch in this contract of sorts. "If ever you need something explained. Just ask upon me" He said holding a tone of grandeur in his voice mainly to add to him being a familiar and all.

@Kira Times
She blushed in embarrassment after seeing his smile and hearing his incredibly simple explanation of his own words. She turned away and started to walk away in a huff "I knew that! Also I'm not going to need you to explain things often!" she was moving a lot faster since she was feeling embarrassed and didn't want to look at his face "Stupid demon familiar..." she mumbled while looking straight in front and not even checking to see if he was close. It was clear to most that this was more like angry pouting from a kid more than anything else.

@ScaraByte ( I'm going to ship them together if you don't mind.)
She sighed "I won't lie...I guess I have turned a little moody but I just was thinking over what you said." she looked even more sullen but looked him in his eyes. "Don't stop saying things like that. It's just that a lot of people can't stand being called out. I won't deny that I may be one of those people but....you don't have to stop saying those things...especially if you're right. I guess I was thrown off maybe shocked even." she paused for a few seconds before going on "So...please stop thinking about it that way. You didn't do anything wrong and I shouldn't of hid behind a smile. Can you stop talking in that way now. Nothing has changed at all." she said in conclusion and then went dead silent.


Melody hugged her a little tighter still smiling "You smell nice too! I hope that didn't sound strange..." she started to hum. She let go of Evylon, apparently forgetting about her purple eyes and took out her phone "Let me take a picture of you!" she said looking incredibly eager.

@TerrinX (The thing about the characters is my fault! Sorry about that.)

He looked at her questioningly "Um. Thanks." he wasn't sure if it was a joke or something but he thanked her anyway. He took off the glasses with a calm looking exterior but was kind of feeling nervous at the fact that a girl was in the room and she was on his bed. He sat there looking unfazed but was freaking out on the inside. Staring at her in silence made him look like a creep but he didn't know what to do. The only women that had ever been in his room or on his bed was his sisters and his usual response was to yell at them to get out or turn them all into popsicles. He cleared his throat with a cough and spoke "I didn't do anything to you..." he said but mentally slapped himself for doing so. Because saying that didn't make him look suspicious at all!


(I had to do some things and not to mention I had slept in.)
"Woohoo! But I want your eyes to be normal before I do that." she put the phone away sullenly. She didn't want a silver eyed Evylon she wanted a normal one.

"Whatever do you mean?" She said quite sincerely as her eyes turned back to normal after she blinked.

Evylon obviously had secrets, but there is more to her than anyone knew, more than she herself. As I the narrator- Oh wait, back to the story...

"If you want to gaze upon my cuteness, by all means, go ahead."

Melody just stared for a minute before going off "How do I do that!? Tell me!" she started to bombard her with questions instead of taking pictures like she said she would.

@TerrinX (Yes and I love it!)
She pointed to her eyes "Your eyes aren't that weird silver anymore! I don't want purple eyes!" she started to whine and complain again.

@TerrinX (I haven't but I can marathon it today!)

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