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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

She closed her eyes and opened them a moment later "That is true. I trust you quite a bit already." she did trust him after only just meeting him. It was't a overwhelming amount but it was a fair bit. He hadn't done anything to make her not trust him...yet. The date wasn't over though so anything could happen but she wasn't going to be serious and cautious through the whole time they're together "Do you trust me?" she asked while letting the littlest bit of interest show in her voice. She was told being to inquisitive could be good but coming off as too interested might make them nervous.


He shook his head "Zero clue." he said while shaking his head "Also you were. It was kind of like this." he tried to copy the grin he had before but removed it from his face after a few seconds "I feel weird doing it but you get what it looked liked." he said and let go of Sammy's sleeve.

@Safety Hammer
TaraSobiki said:
She closed her eyes and opened them a moment later "That is true. I trust you quite a bit already." she did trust him after only just meeting him. It was't a overwhelming amount but it was a fair bit. He hadn't done anything to make her not trust him...yet. The date wasn't over though so anything could happen but she wasn't going to be serious and cautious through the whole time they're together "Do you trust me?" she asked while letting the littlest bit of interest show in her voice. She was told being to inquisitive could be good but coming off as too interested might make them nervous.

He shook his head "Zero clue." he said while shaking his head "Also you were. It was kind of like this." he tried to copy the grin he had before but removed it from his face after a few seconds "I feel weird doing it but you get what it looked liked." he said and let go of Sammy's sleeve.

@Safety Hammer
"I-I was?" Sammy squeaked. God dammit, his face felt hot.
Lux smiled at her question, "Well I do trust you.. and from what I can tell I don't have a reason as of why not to trust you" He said gently. He hadn't known this girl for more than a day though he trusted her enough that he didn't think she'd mislead him. Though everyone could change in the blink of an eye so he wasn't for sure about it all. "Did you think that I wouldn't trust you?" He asked looking at her a bit curious as to that fact he didn't know if that was really a question he should ask but the answer would be good to know

She shook her head "No...Well, I wasn't sure. People are hard to read and it's difficult to tell how they will respond or react to a scenario. So I was trying to figure you out." she said then looked around "Any idea if were close to the restaurant?" she was getting hungry but didn't want to alert him. She hadn't wanted him to rush since she just noticed how hungry she was getting. She must of been so engrossed in their talk that she kind of was ignoring� everything else...including her stomach and where she was walking. She could of easily tripped or gotten lost somehow. Though she doubted that would happen after remembering she was just following him without much though behind it. I guess I trust him more than I thought...


He smirked "I won't dwell on it but you know I could of easily took a picture." he said but now wondered why he didn't. It had been the perfect moment and all he had to do was take out his phone and click the dumb button. "Well I still can." he mumbled before taking a picture. "Well I got something. Let's go search now or you can call him." he said before walking off. He looked at the picture At least I got this stupidly cu- Wait what kind of thought is that? he shook his head to remove whatever he was just thinking and gestured for Sammy to follow.

@Safety Hammer
"Yeah, If you look right here" He said pointing to a rather new looking restaurant. It had a couple windows in the front where you could see some tables with people at them. "This place is called Vertigo. I've been here a few times before. It's not a place where you can only enter with a suit and tie. But at the same time it's got a bit of price on it, Plus it goes with what you said you liked to eat since they have a selection of veggie based dishes." He said hoping he did indeed remember that correctly. He walked up to the door and held it open for her since he was raised with chivalry by his family.

TaraSobiki said:
She shook her head "No...Well, I wasn't sure. People are hard to read and it's difficult to tell how they will respond or react to a scenario. So I was trying to figure you out." she said then looked around "Any idea if were close to the restaurant?" she was getting hungry but didn't want to alert him. She hadn't wanted him to rush since she just noticed how hungry she was getting. She must of been so engrossed in their talk that she kind of was ignoring� everything else...including her stomach and where she was walking. She could of easily tripped or gotten lost somehow. Though she doubted that would happen after remembering she was just following him without much though behind it. I guess I trust him more than I thought...

He smirked "I won't dwell on it but you know I could of easily took a picture." he said but now wondered why he didn't. It had been the perfect moment and all he had to do was take out his phone and click the dumb button. "Well I still can." he mumbled before taking a picture. "Well I got something. Let's go search now or you can call him." he said before walking off. He looked at the picture At least I got this stupidly cu- Wait what kind of thought is that? he shook his head to remove whatever he was just thinking and gestured for Sammy to follow.

@Safety Hammer
Sammy was just kind of standing there until he snapped out of it and ran towards Noah. "Uh, I'm pretty sure that He has the Dragon Ball DVDs in his bag."
"Thanks." she said walking inside. She looked around the place "It's nice isn't it. I might have to come back later." she said and turned around "Thanks for taking me. I really appreciate it." she assumed they didn't need reservations and walked right up. She asked for a seat for two and luckily enough they still had one left. The place had been filled with people all day, mostly because it was a good looking restaurant but the food seem to be delicious too. She had seen nice restaurants before but a lot of them had more presentation than taste.


"Does he usually carry his bag with him?" he questioned and looked around "If he has it then all we have to do is find his classroom. Right?"

@Safety Hammer
Evylon chuckled "I don't think that's going to work." she stated holding up a small mirror, showing Melody's eyes change to purple." Her own were bright silver. "Don't worry, if it makes you feel better we can go back to the school."

@TaraSobiki (( Nah, just looking for something else to do ))
Lux followed after her smiling kinda glad that this had worked out rather well. Though the fact she might want to come back here told him that he had found a rather good place to bring her. Though he wasn't entirely sure that she was being truthful about it all. "Well my brother recommended it to me back when he still lived close... That's how I found it. But there's no need to thank me, I should thank you for actually coming with me" He said his tone kinda normal not holding more of anything than another.

Rorys eyes widened as she began blushing "thanks?" she said and trying to avoid any more embarrasment she ran inside the school and tossed a water balloon at someone to make her feel better

TaraSobiki said:
"Thanks." she said walking inside. She looked around the place "It's nice isn't it. I might have to come back later." she said and turned around "Thanks for taking me. I really appreciate it." she assumed they didn't need reservations and walked right up. She asked for a seat for two and luckily enough they still had one left. The place had been filled with people all day, mostly because it was a good looking restaurant but the food seem to be delicious too. She had seen nice restaurants before but a lot of them had more presentation than taste.

"Does he usually carry his bag with him?" he questioned and looked around "If he has it then all we have to do is find his classroom. Right?"

@Safety Hammer
"Nope. It's in his dorm."
"Sure. I had no reason to refuse." she said while sitting down in a seat. Two menus had already been set on the table and she started to look through one of them with a serious expression. She was trying to find anything that wasn't meat while also keeping her eyes on the prices of each one. After awhile of searching she put the menu back on the table with closed eyes. She opened them and looked at Lux seriously "I will pay for my own food." she stated in a 'that's a fact' way of speaking. Her mother had told her if you're not sure about the person you should do whatever it is yourself, that way you won't feel you owe them anything.


"The same door that we don't know the location of?" he said sighing.

"What ya guys doing?" questioned Clay as he rounded a corner only to see two guys doing nothing. He had no idea what to do so he wandered around blindly.

@Safety Hammer

"My eyes are purple!" she said looking at the mirror completely horrified again. She stood up and started walking to the exit but before she left she turned to look at Evylon "Are we going to get in trouble for this?" she said looking stressed again.

@TerrinX (Oh. The way you two were putting it sounded like you were quitting.)
Lux had sat down and was slightly confused about the outburst of what she said. He was somewhat surprised since he didn't know what she was planning with that and he didn't know why she would just pay for it without a forewarning. "I can get it, it wouldn't be a problem trust me" He said with a neutral tone not really expecting anything from it. "Besides I dragged you out here pretty much... it's the least I can do to pay you back for it" He said deciding to give a reason to support his argument about it.

She shook her head "No. I came of my own free will. I insist that I will pay for myself." it was grossly apparent that she wasn't going to give up easily. "I would hate for you to spend a lot of cash on me." she said and folded her arms to show that she was going to stand strong by what she said. "No need for anymore debate please. It's final or we could just sit here going back and forth about who pays." she said and stopped talking so he could decide what choice he wanted.

Lux sighed, "It wouldn't be a problem to be honest with you... but if that's what you want to do then I have no right to stop you" He said stating it quietly before looking at the menu. He decided he wasn't going to argue since it wasn't his place to do that. If she wanted to pay for her meal as much as she seemed to be stubborn about that decision he had no room to try and stop her from it since everyone should have the freedom they deserve in their lives. Plus he wasn't very slow to back down from things as if had seemed at the moment.

Evylon picked up a bag of their food and walked over to Melody and held her hand tightly, taking her out of the bar and back to the tram.

"No, you're overreacting." She said annoyed.

Toriena jumped to the sound of a boys voice. In reflex she threw her book at the source of the voice, causing her to fall off the top bunk face first into the ground. "Owwwww..."

@TaraSobiki ((Sorry for the late response, had to take a ride to my grandmothers house, no internet there :/ ))
"Thank you for understanding." she said while dropping her arms to her side, then putting her hands on her lap. After a moment of awkward silence, well it was at least from her "I hope I didn't come off as rude." she said quietly while looking at the table. She wasn't sure if she angered him somehow but he seemed sort of yielding. He might of just dropped the issue because he was annoyed by her "If you're annoyed I understand...I didn't take your offer because I didn't want to owe you anything." she said still looking away from him.


"Sorry if you're mad! I can't help it.." she said but tried to calm herself still. She didn't want to annoy Evylon but she was waiting for the affects and was thinking about if getting in trouble. Then poof would go her perfect records in school and life.


The book hit him right in the face and he sighed "Ow. Why would you throw a book at he?" she grabbed the book that was on the floor. He saw the girl face plant and flinched slightly "Are..You alright?" he knew the answer but asked the girl anyway. It was only polite of him after coming to her door unannounced.


(I had to leave!)
Lux looked at her confused, "Why would you owe me something? It would just be paying for a meal. If I pulled you up off a cliff side from your death... if that happened you would owe me. But paying for a meal doesn't mean you'll owe me... just means I bought a meal for you" He said shrugging before deciding to hit his next point, "You didn't annoy me either, I just thought I shouldn't argue more..." He said with a small shrug as he didn't know too much himself why he would seem annoyed.

Toriena became angry at the sound of the boys voice. He came into her room uninvited, he made her fall face first into the wood floor, and now he was asking if she was okay? She crawled up to her knees and faced the other side of the room, not noticing her hair a flame. "Seriously? SERIOUSLY!?!? I come to this school, okay? I wander around for 3O MINUTES! Then I finally notice the office after walking aimlessly, FOREVER. I come here, and TRY to calm myself down with my favorite book, its quite good actualy. BUT, you come around and come in here without even knocking?!?!" She turned around to face the boy, then stopped. The flame wisped away and she stood there, staring at the boy. A few moments later, she snapped back to reality and looked away. Scratching her head she picked up the pillow that was on the floor. "Errr... Um... ... ... Heh." She said with a lobsided smile.

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She looked surprised "It's that I....nevermind. Order please." she stopped herself before she could go on. Two misunderstandings with by on my side...Great .she looked sullen and felt stupid. She didn't want Lux to know that so she put on a cheery smile that should of been suspicious by itself. One thing she was terrible at was knowing her own personality. She usually didn't smile, and if she did smile it would be a small one. So a big happy one was odd and anyone that knew her long enough would know that."

@ScaraByte (Sorry! I was on a pizza run and they took awhile.)

Ajax stared at her and scratched the back of his head "Sorry...But the door was opened." he had came in to warn her but it seemed his attempt had only resulted in bad things happening. She didn't seem to be in the best of moods either so he no longer knew what to say. "My names Ajax...just in case you want to report me to the principal or something." he had no idea why he said something so dumb but it was too late to take it back now.

Lux looked at her for a moment kinda confused on what she asked that. "Your smile is nice and all but... make it real?" He said finding her suspicious since the entire time of today that he knew her. Not once did he see her smile... Plus he kinda knew no one liked it when he disproved what they thought so he didn't think she'd be the first to enjoy it. "I do enjoy seeing people smile but.... Faking a smile is the same as holding back tears. It hides the things such as ones darkest fears. If ever an hour of pain was to pass, the eyes will cover it with their tear stained glass." He said slowly accentuating each word before looking away from her feeling kinda cheesy for quoting part of one of his poems. Though maybe it would explain things while making questions. With that he let out an awkward smiled back to her, "Sorry that probably did sound stupid" He said as he saw a waitress coming over towards their table.

Toriena realized that the boy felt guilty and was apologizing. Why was she always fool! "No! It's okay! I'm the one who should be apologizing! I'm so very sorry! I'm just a stupid klutz..." She said kicking a flaming blanket. Which then set her bottom drawers a flame. "Oh god!" The sprinklers set off dousing everything in water, including Ajax and Tori.

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