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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Addy and Subtrixy noticed a sawsbuck staring at them and they ran to her "oh hello you must....Be are new roommate"they said grinning up at kise "I'm Subtrixy""I'm Addy"

TaraSobiki said:
He shrugged "I like to think of it as a playful hate. None of them actually want me to die....probably." he laughed it off. He was pretty sure they did love him but just had weird ways of showing it or just couldn't show it. He took out his laptop but still kept whatever conversation they had going "Do you have any siblings?" he said while going through his laptop. He hadn't looked up from it as he talked because whatever he was doing was much more interesting than staring at Lux. No offence to the Lux.

"That makes sense..I think." she said before looking around. It was nice for a bar she guessed at least "You've never slept with a guy? Well I did....He was a Oshawott I think...Can't exactly remember because it was so long ago..." she really didn't know how to make good conversation so she just loitered on one subject until it changed somehow. "That guy was a jerk though! I could of went Pirouette form on him!" she pumped her fist to further her point.


Noah already planned quite a few ways to piss of the adults but somehow he had found himself at his dorm room. While he was deep in thought his legs must of taken him back here. He stared at the door and could her some kind of show playing and sighed. His roommate was in there and he felt it would be awkward for some reason. But he opened the door quickly with a slam and walked in without a word. Obviously he wasn't any good with introductions.

@Safety Hammer

Kise was just exiting the dorm and also spotted two girls. She had heard she would be rooming with two others because they had a problem with being separated. Kise felt that it was unhealthy to rely on another person like that but wouldn't say anything. She immediately recognized them and greeted them appropriately "Good evening." she said but was in a slight rush to meet up with Lux.

Sammy, who made it back from Sebastian's room with a plastic bag full of Ramen cups and resumed watching his show, jumped when he heard the door slam. "JESUS CHRIST!" He yelled. The hot broth from the cup splashed onto his head, burning his face.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Sammy yelled, as the hot water hit his face. "OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!" He yelled, sprinting into the bathroom, and dousing his face in the sink.
Evylon just shrugged, "I may be a slut, but I can't stand guys.." She said sighing as two plates of Chicken Tenders and Fries with two Silver Succubus drinks were placed on the table. The waitress whispered in Evylons ear, giving her a wink, causing her to glare at the waitress for a moment before smiling and chuckling to herself. "I can't really say how many people I slept with, though someday I am going to have my own harem, or at least it's an end goal for me," She said shrugging. "I can't really say if I am purely dominant, but hell to I love to micromanage my submissives." She said taking a sip of her drink. "It makes me almost feel like a pet trainer" she said laughing with a slightly sadistic tone, "Though I don't want to be too harsh."

Lux nodded, "I have an older brother and a step-sister.. Thought they're not that interesting" He said with a shrug as he looked at his phone. Noticing the time he stood up and though he was dressed in slightly dressy clothes already he worried slightly. "Erhm... i'm sorry to cut this short but I have something to attend to." He said with a little bow before walking out of the room and closing it behind him. He walked off with a little sigh feeling kinda bad but at the same time he did have a date to attend to. Though his chest felt slightly tight since he was a little worried about stuff. So he had to make sure he was prepared in his mind, he had changed clothes in the time he was walking around. Though he wasn't sure he thought he had asked her out tonight... or didn't he... he couldn't remember since his mind was kind of in a slur at the moment and all over the place.

Toriena was confused. She was going to get help from a boy just behind her but then he just vanished before she could see him... She walked up and down the hallway, looking for at least the library when she found a room with, what looked like teachers maybe or at least... the one with very polished look... she knocked on the door and stepped in the room. "Excuse me, um, do you know where the dorms are... Im a new student."


@Safety Hammer
Oh ok... didn't know if you wanted to continue it or not :P ))

Vein looked at her for a moment a tiny light blush coming to his cheeks though hopefully it wouldn't noticeable. "You look quite cute... I will admit. It definitely accentuates you in a good way" He said nodding still just hoping the blush had went away somewhat.

Rory had noticed the blush and she began laughing her head off before rushing to vein and grabbing his hand "ok then we are ready to swim" she said

A little part of Ajax wanted to follow him but he shrugged it off. Wasn't any of his business what he was going to do this late at night anyway.

Kisetsu nodded "Nice to meet you. I'm Kisetsu but just call Kise." she said and looked around nervously. "I'm sorry but I have...a...business meeting." for some reason she was uncomfortable with the word date. Kise walked past the two quickly but waved to them one time. She only had to walk a little bit before she spotted Lux. She didn't walk up to him but debated on what way to greet him. She wasn't sure if he saw her though and just looked around nervously. She shook her head after finally thinking of a way to say hello and adopted a more confident look "Greetings Lux." she said but felt a little awkward since she was wearing very casual clothes. She also remembered that they didn't plan the location or they did and she couldn't remember it.

@ScaraByte @BeebeTheWarrior

She shook her head "There is no way you're a slut!" she yelled but lowered her voice."You just have...interesting goals." she said trying to be as polite as possible. She had no idea how to reply to her harem dream so she sipped the Silver Succubus Drink and ended up gagging a bit. "This is...Anyways..You're a dominatrix girl? I have no idea what I am." she said while sighing a bit. Even if the drink had made her gag she sipped it again and got similar results but not as bad "If you don't mind me asking. What did the waitress tell you?" she was honestly wondering and it bothered her for some reason. She was never one to be nosy but she just wanted to know badly for some reason.


Noah was surprised by the guys reaction and took a defensive pose. After he realized what had happened and the male had went to the bathroom, he couldn't help but to snicker "Oops." he said and looked around the room. Ramen was now on the floor but he didn't really dwell on it since he was the cause. He put his attention on the voices that were talking and saw some blonde guy with glasses talking about a giant hero or something. He was actually pretty annoying to listen too so he blocked the annoying blonde out. He went to the bathroom were the guy was but he had been completely silent when doing so.

@Safety Hammer
Vein nodded, "I know a place nearby and since I kinda mistook my trunks for pajama shorts i'm prepped too" He said before smiling. Paying for her swimsuit he looked back to her. "So now take a pick. We can go to the beach... Or a pool that my buddy owns" He said since both were easy to get into.


Lux looked at her and smiled a slight bit of nervousness came through but he quickly cloaked it. "Afternoon Kise... So uhm.. are you ready?" He asked wanting to make sure he didn't make her feel rushed about things since that was never a good call. He felt himself start to worry but let out a short breath to drain the thought from his mind and instead only focused on her. It was difficult sure but he still decided to attempt his best. He had to go through a plan for tonight in his mind, though he didn't know her very long so interests would be harder to come by in this. With that though he started rifling through his mind for any good ideas on this all.

"I am a slut Melody, but I take no shame in it, don't worry, it's fine. Yes, I guess you could say I'm a Dominitrix, I can be a cute little sub when I want to, though. Also, if you're really wondering what it is, your drink. Mine as well, was spiked with Kick, though I have come quite numb to it. It's a certain drug used in alcoholic beverages." She said taking a big sip of her drink. "Don't worry, it's not addictive, though it's effects sometimes can be." She said smiling with a wide grin.

Chaz watched from the open door the guy that just walked in. He looked very odd. He watched as the figure walked in the bathroom where Sam was, probably washing the ramen off his face. Chaz walked in to the ramen mess and looked at the bag of ramen. Oh god, ramen galore! He silently grabbed the tasty looking treats and ran out the room.


@Safety Hammer
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Vein looked at her for a moment kinda confused before getting slightly closer to her. "So which one is it? Since it's supposedly your first time swimming i'll need to teach you" He said smiling. "Meaning you'll be close to me till you learn the basics." He said having thoughts cross his mind about how she might be in the water.

She nodded "Yes." this date was already starting off with awkward silences...great. She had looked more confident than she was feeling at the moment. She stared at him for a minute before speaking "So what are the plans for today?" she questioned with a small smile. At this moment she wished she was a psychic, so she could know about the thoughts running through his head. She didn't know much about him and they hadn't really talked about their date plans at all. She kind of felt like this was half-baked on both of their parts and wondered if they both were taking this seriously.


Her eyes widened and she started to cough on reflex "Dr-Drugs!? What!" she started to freak out. "Wh-What are the effects!? Are they noticeable!" she wasn't looking to happy about this. Melody had always been a bit of a good girl so this kind of stuff unnerved her very visibly. The girl was stuttering and everything though she wasn't mad with Evylon or anything just a little bit nervous.


(First, sorry this took forever. Second, night!)
"It's a great little special drug you can only get here, it can have slightly permanent effects..Um..As for what it does, well, not sure, it's kind of random. Usually, it just gives people extra fetishes they didn't have before, while sometimes it can make people...Crave things. There's actually a gene in my family line that makes the natural version of it in our bodies, which is why everyone in my family is female." She said shrugging as she started to eat her food.

"Thank you," Torvil called back as he left the office before closing the door behind him. After doing that he looked down at the key to his dorm, 'I guess that's where I should go...' he thought before walking twords the dorms. His black and blue wings folded up against his back when he walked, the blue flame at the end of his tail was small, so that it didn't accidentally burn anything. His red eyes scanned his new school, it was surely big and this island has plenty of spots to be alone. "Perfect," Torvil thought aloud as he continued to walk twords his dorm.
Toriena was not on the happiest mood. She still hasn't found her dorm. No one was very helpful. All she wanted to PACK HER STUFF AWAY! She took another stride around the school. "Why am I always lost! Argh!" She walked around by what looked like an office. "Wait whaaaaaaa?" That was not there before... She must be going crazy. She rang the bell that was sitting on the board and waited for a attendant to come by. And she waited... And waited... And waited... "I. Am. About. To. Explode. If no one helps me soon, I will blow up." Then she took a glance cabinet of drawers with names on each of them. One read "Addy + Subtrixy" another read "Torvil" and next to that one read "Tori". "Oh. My. God." Toriena said with her fists clenched, I hate myself. She opened the door to the office silently and tip toes inside. She noticed a fat man with a box of donuts on his stomach snoring. She made sure not to disturb him and slowly opened the drawer with her name. She found a key with her room number on it. She noticed the same number on her drawer, and also on the drawer that said "Torvil" "Hm, must be my roommate" She was hoping to NOT have a roommate, but, a roommate is a roommate. She nervously walked to the dorms to go to her room. Was her roommate already there, she hoped not. She wanted top bunk! With that thought she ran her room as fast as she could.

@Captain Spooks
"Well their something we can improvise on." Lux said then thought of what to say. "We could go out to eat or too a movie so we could learn about on another a bit better if you would like.... what did you have in mind?" He asked trying to push is confidence by pep-talking himself in his mind. He had a little threshold of confidence built up so he didn't know for sure what to ask but decided what he said was probably the best, "Since this way we can compare thought and see which sounds best to us" He said smiling at her showing a bit more of a seemingly casual side about him now.


((Cecilia is currently lost at the beach on the uninhabited side of the island. Forgot why I did this but yeah xD ))


Vein brushed it off like it was nothing. "If you do it'll be alright... worst I can do is faint probably" He said with a shrug strill not knowing about it all.

Rory shruged and cautiously got into the shivering as it touched her making her feel uncomfortable but she didn't say it to vein

@ScaraByte (i applied for your dino roleplay :)
TaraSobiki said:
A little part of Ajax wanted to follow him but he shrugged it off. Wasn't any of his business what he was going to do this late at night anyway.
Kisetsu nodded "Nice to meet you. I'm Kisetsu but just call Kise." she said and looked around nervously. "I'm sorry but I have...a...business meeting." for some reason she was uncomfortable with the word date. Kise walked past the two quickly but waved to them one time. She only had to walk a little bit before she spotted Lux. She didn't walk up to him but debated on what way to greet him. She wasn't sure if he saw her though and just looked around nervously. She shook her head after finally thinking of a way to say hello and adopted a more confident look "Greetings Lux." she said but felt a little awkward since she was wearing very casual clothes. She also remembered that they didn't plan the location or they did and she couldn't remember it.

@ScaraByte @BeebeTheWarrior

She shook her head "There is no way you're a slut!" she yelled but lowered her voice."You just have...interesting goals." she said trying to be as polite as possible. She had no idea how to reply to her harem dream so she sipped the Silver Succubus Drink and ended up gagging a bit. "This is...Anyways..You're a dominatrix girl? I have no idea what I am." she said while sighing a bit. Even if the drink had made her gag she sipped it again and got similar results but not as bad "If you don't mind me asking. What did the waitress tell you?" she was honestly wondering and it bothered her for some reason. She was never one to be nosy but she just wanted to know badly for some reason.


Noah was surprised by the guys reaction and took a defensive pose. After he realized what had happened and the male had went to the bathroom, he couldn't help but to snicker "Oops." he said and looked around the room. Ramen was now on the floor but he didn't really dwell on it since he was the cause. He put his attention on the voices that were talking and saw some blonde guy with glasses talking about a giant hero or something. He was actually pretty annoying to listen too so he blocked the annoying blonde out. He went to the bathroom were the guy was but he had been completely silent when doing so.

@Safety Hammer
After Sammy had finished cooling down his face, he let out a sigh. He turned back around to make another cup of ramen, when he saw Noah.

"Eeep!" Sammy squeaked, before picking up a clothes hanger, and held it in front of him in a poor way of defense.

Vein looked at her seeing the shivering "Hey, take it slow ok... it would probably help" He stated calmly.

@BeebeTheWarrior (I noticed but i'm pretty sure that got shut down xD )
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