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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Lux turned his head looking at the two of them. They seemed like twins from what he could tell about them. "Your her brother so you couldn't think that" He said to Ajax before realizing that had asked names. Turning back to them he responded, "I'm Lux. Nice to meet you Addy and Subtrixy.... If I remember correctly?" He said hoping he didn't mess up his names. Though due to how they sounded like math terms they had to be twins mainly since he didn't think two families would have their kids with the same names.

@BeebeTheWarrior @TaraSobiki
They both smiled"nice to......Meet you...Lux!" they said sticking out their hands and grabbing lux's and the girls hand shaking them.

@ScaraByte @TaraSobiki (purple means they say the same thing at the same time)
"Add and Sub." he said putting it in shorter terms. He wouldn't remember if it was there actual first name "Ajax." he said while staring at them. "Twins? Aren't twins supposed to be exactly alike?" he questioned but then he nodded. "I know why...I think..Are you not completely identical so you don't have one of those 'There can only be one.' moments." Ajax had been reading and watching to many horror things obviously.

@ScaraByte @BeebeTheWarrior
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addy and subtrixy giggled "hey addy i guess we now have nicknames""Yep i guess so subtrixy" they both laughed merrily before saying in unison"well we are going to find are room mates,bye" they said before skipping away to their dorm room

@TaraSobiki @ScaraByte
Lux was slightly confused... that was an oddly forward intro compared to what he had been accustomed to. He shook his head for a moment clearing it from the oddness that just occurred. Then he turned back to Ajax, "That was uhm... interesting... Anyways you pick your side of the room and i'll take the other" He said not yet having moved his stuff to one side and instead had his items in a suitcase beside the door slightly. He waited to see now what he had to say and also figure things out. Though at the moment he needed to think about things... like why did two random opposite twin girls out of the blue just come up? He'd probably figure out later.. he had bigger problems right now.

@BeebeTheWarrior @TaraSobiki
Toriena looked up at the humongous school entrance. "How bad could this be? I mean, it's just a school right?" She said under her breath. She walked up to the school door and walked into the school, unsure what was to come..
He turned back to look into the room after the twins left. When Lux asked him what side he wanted he thought for a moment before pointing to the left side "Though I don't think it matters." he said before putting his books and his laptop on his bed. He sat down next to them and sighed "Much better than sharing a bed..." he commented and started to stretch. "Maybe leaving home was a good idea. When I left my siblings gave me the warmest goodbye. They said I hope you never come back or good riddance, there so nice." he chuckled.

(well the twins will fix that :)

The twins giggled happily "what is......your name?"they asked before quickly adding"i'm subtrixy""I'm addy" they said smiling

Lux laughed slightly at that, "You're joking about that right?" He said going to the other side of the room and putting his suitcase on it. He then sighed and looked used his abilities as a ghost to close the door he forgot to while he was standing. He then moved back on his bed a little bit, "If you don't want to speak about them though you don't have to... I-I promise you don't have to if you don't want to it just seems kind of odd for a family to do that" He said with a sort of puzzled or perplexed tone to his voice.

"Ummm so um do you know where the dorms are so I can drop off my stuff?" Toriena looked nervously at the very friendly pair girls in front of her.

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