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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Nito looked at her for a moment pulling his head back a little since she got closer and it was odd. "N-no... I uhm... Well I was born this way I suppose. T-though people could call a demon I suppose" He said scratching his cheek gently. He didn't understand how this girl could be a witch tough.. unless she had some dark arts or something. "Maybe I am a demon though... huh... never thought about it like that... I wonder Ms. Upcoming witch. Explain how you would find out that I am a demon?" He asked her curious as to what she meant through calling him a demon.

@Kira Times
Lilac sighed "There she goes leaving me." she giggled "Bet she doesn't even know where it is..." she turned to follow her but paused. "Gotta go cutie! Love your accent!" she walked off quickly but not to find Cecilia. She chose to leave her since she wanted to walk off by herself. Lilac easily found the bar without much effort and noticed one specific person "Hey! Momo!" she said happily. She took out her phone and sent a quick text to Cecilia telling about the direction of the bar and also a quick taunt about her not being able to find her way.

@ScaraByte @TerrinX

"Sure I'd be happy to!" she said while watching Evylon. All of a sudden she stood up "We could do karaoke!" she said with her eyes full of excitement.

(�����(Might go out in a little bit.))
(Im half country I'll try to contact I'm going somewhere tomorrow in the country wish me luck)
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By the time the text had reached Cecilia's phone it was on silent. Hidden in her office, Why she forgot it you may ask? The answer is don't question the god of pokemon. With that being said, in the process of the phone being lost from Cecilia's pocket. Cecilia had gotten lost from the streets, now she was just wandering before coming out of the city showing up at the beach of all places. Main reason of this being was that she hadn't been the one walking... instead someone else was there. She looked around for a moment before hanging her head. "Where the hell am I" She said before letting off another sigh and looking around for any sort of landmark... but sadly seeing nothing near her for a good while.

A teenage girl turned around and looked at Amber though her hair was dyed as obvious it was the same color as Cecilia's "Who are you again... Do I know you?" She asked looking at Amber her tone holding allot of Sass.


@Darkri ((Sorry to do that I had almost all the post typed when I saw you posted and i'm kinda lazy to erase things :P , good luck btw))
She laughed and moved closer again "Never heard of a demon not realizing they were a demon before. By the way it is not upcoming witch! My name is Ami." she obviously had no sense of personal space when it came to this stuff. "While were at it! What is your name demon?" she also tended to ignore the topics she wasn't interested in or questions she couldn't answer.


(Might be jumping off and on. That's why this reply took a little longer.)
And I'm Amber my brother is at your school he sent a message so I came to see him

His name is zero.
(( Going to focus on Ajax and Noah for a bit since I kind of been ignoring them.))
"I'm Nito. Erhm... Nice to meet you Ami" He said though he felt very close to her seeing as she was almost nose to nose with him. He had a slight bit of being startled apparent in his eye or at least from what you could tell in his one eye. The other was hidden thankfully, "Could you please explain why you're in my face... I mean we just met why are you trying to like... attack me with your face?" He asked not sure himself what this girl was up to. He was kind of confused.

@Kira Times (Do as you need to do)

Vein looked at her and smiled, "I'm kidding calm down.. you're pretty good at kissing i'll give you that. But if you want to perfect it" He said as he moved his other hand under her jaw gently angling her head up towards his slightly, and then kissing her gently but with passion behind it.


@TaraSobiki (Do as you need to Lux is open again btw xD )
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"Karaoke sounds fun," She said getting up. "There's a bar nearby that does Karaoke," Evylon said excitedly grabbing Melody's hand and leading her out towards the tram that took a direct route the city.

Rory grinned smirking "hm that was ok"she smirked before climbing back into bed "thanks for helping me go to sleep" she said as she fell asleep

Vein laughed quietly and smiled. "That girl is mischievous... Does that make us friends with benefits?" He whispered to himself quietly before shrugging and laying back on the bed leaving the cover off him since he felt hot right now... usually he'd take off his shirt but Rory was in the room so that'd be indecent so he decided against it and just shut his eyes.

She just stared at him "Why would I do that demon? You are trying to run from me! I'm keeping you cornered!" she said smirking "If I was to attack you I would use magic!" she said with a certain pride in her voice. She starting looking him over and gave a happy hum "You seem like a low level demon. And you don't look all that bad either." she put her hand on his shoulder gently "You have two options! The first is to become my familiar! The second is I can defeat you and harvest your soul! This is not a hard choice!"

Vein sighed and took off his shirt before putting a cover over his chest and falling asleep.

@BeebeTheWarrior ((We can but it'd only happen for us))

Niteo looked at her a bit confused about the whole scenario. "Could you give me a description on what I would be doing as a familiar? Since personally I don't want to sign up for something without knowing what I have to do" He said as he looked at her slightly confused "I'm not running either, I was just talking with you and you began to come up onto me" He said with a slightly rushed tone though he calmed down soon after.

@Kira Times
Noah shrugged of the jump he just did with a bored expression. It wasn't nearly as fun as he expected but it gave him the tiniest of thrills. He dusted himself off and proceeded to walk around the campus with a quest to find something else to do. He thought of what to do but he came across a thrilling idea. The idea was to piss off the teachers. He honestly searched for other things but couldn't find anything more dangerous than pissing off a teacher. But the thing was he had to think up the perfect prank to play on them.

Ajax wandered down the halls carrying a laptop and bag of books. He had been researching in the library and had kind of lost track of time. He had been there most of the day and had been impressed by the amount of books they had concerning mythical creatures and such other stuff. While trying to find the exit he saw some kind of dim light around the corner "Hmm?" he turned the corner to see some other guy. He was a little disappointed it wasn't a ghost but spoke anyway "Excuse me. Are you lost too?" he was hopeful that he might of found someone in the same situation.


"A bar? Aren't we underage?" she questioned skeptically. She was pretty sure they couldn't go but they might of had different rules compared to where she lived.


(Have to go for awhile!)
Lux looked at him slightly confused. "No i'm not lost... i'm just walking around and thinking about things... you need help?" He asked looking at the other guys stuff that he had to deal with. That's why he was asking such a question though he wasn't entirely sure as to what he may need to do in order to help out or if he could help out in the slightest during all of this.Though he was willing to help if he could.

@TaraSobiki (Alright... see ya later)
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"Hm, well I never heard that before...10 years old is the legal adult age, so if you in high school, you can drink." She said laughing, "I was actually hoping to be married by now.." at the tram started moving quite fast over the water this split the school from the mainland, although a large bridge and a few walkways could be seen, Evylon was too lazy to actually walk.

"Married? Aren't you a little young to be making big commitments?" she said and laughed a little bit. She looked at the scenery and sighed "Maybe we should've walked. It would of been fun...Right!" she had a smile on her face as he turned to look at Evylon. She didn't know were this bar was and was a bit anxious even with Evylon's 'okay'.


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