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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Lilac winked "Maybe~" she giggled and looked around "Well...You want one that is close?" she thought for a moment before shrugging "There is one called Cams or something but I'm pretty sure there are prostitutes there...Another one that's farther down is Forest Green, they have good food too so let's go there." she started walking in the direction of the bar. She looked back to Cecilia "Hope you're ready to get hit on." she laughed and began to walk again.


Kise walked in and closed the door behind her slowly. "I'm Kisetsu...Or just Kise if you feel friendly." she didn't know what to say at all so she just started with introductions.



Melody sat facing away from Evylon. After what just happened she shouldn't of been nervous but she was again "That... happened." she mumbled as she started gathering up her clothes quickly.

""Walks By lilac geez that's a total mess up ""snickers ""do you know someone named zero maybe"" ""I'm his sister Amber nice to meet you and whose that big barrel of pie"" not knowing that's the principal @ScaraByte @TaraSobiki
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Evylon slipped on s t-shirt and her skirt with nothing else and chuckled a bit, "I hope you had as much fun as I did. Though I would love to go out to the city with you after classes tomorrow." she said cheerfully.


Mosey breathed a relaxed sigh as she sat down in the teachers lounge. She was finally here and ready to teach classes again, not to mention seeing her wonderful little girl. "I wonder how she and Cecilia are doing?" She asked herself smiling. If anything they were probably out getting busy if she knew her daughter.

Darkri said:
""Walks By lilac geez that's a total mess up ""snickers ""do you know someone named zero maybe"" ""I'm his sister Amber nice to meet you and whose that big barrel of pie"" not knowing that's the principal
((<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/arceus_by_the_silent_angel-d5uyq7w.png.d0fcf40bbc24186ee68c310dc3df2e4a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/arceus_by_the_silent_angel-d5uyq7w.png.d0fcf40bbc24186ee68c310dc3df2e4a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <--- Were you saying she was fat? ))



  • arceus_by_the_silent_angel-d5uyq7w.png
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Cecilia laughed, "As if... No body hits on me. People are usually scared to mess with me. That's why I run the high-school, bacause kids are ballsy enough to try something" She said with a little giggle. "Besides I think the only girl who's hit on me recently was you..." she said thinking about it now. Then she heard Amber's words, "Well... That isn't the least flattering things i've been called..." she said quietly.

@TaraSobiki @Darkri

Vein smiled and leaned his head against hers gently. She was quite warm and it almost made him blush. "S-so about earlier today when I... talked about actually kissing you. Not just on the hand or cheek" He said as if he was going to continue from it though he paused there to see what her response was.

Vein looked slightly shocked at that, then smirked soon after. "Well that wasn't bad... then again i'm sure that I could do better than that" He said before looking at her. "Then again though... i'm glad to see you taking some initiative there... very impressive if I do say so myself" He said with a little wink to her.


((She's thinking about her in secret. though She isn't going to be impolite and just burst in on them)) @TerrinX
Well aw shucks darling blushing a little I'm kinda from the county side so this place is the only thing that's the same did you sweet patches of pumpkin pie get splattered with paint that was zero he loves to paint bomb its tradional in the country so he might do it a lot
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"I wasn't flirting." she whispered before turning her attention to Amber. "Barrel of pie? She's not all that sweet." she looked at Cecilia and smirked "Then again..I haven't had a taste yet." she snickered and started to look over Amber. "So you're a country kid? I dated some other girl that was country. I find them especially cute." Lilac might of had a thing for people with a accent. People with a country accent always came across a adorable to her, she had no idea if it counted as a fetish though.

@ScaraByte @Darkri

"Nice to meet you Pat." she smiled kindly and sat on a different bed quietly.


Melody saw how quickly Evylon was putting on her clothes and rushed to change as well. When she got all her stuff on she nodded shyly "Y-Yeah...Let's do it again sometime.." she blushed even more after realizing what she just said.

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"Well if you want, we don't have to split now. We can just talk and hang out if you want." She said falling back onto some pillows.


((@ScaraByte - Maybe they could stop by the Teachers lounge and invite Mr.Dodge out for drinks. Shes a fun drunk ;) ))
Cecilia looked at her confused for a moment about the whole taste thing. Though she didn't know exactly why Lilac would want a taste, on that she shrugged and began quietly walking off in the direction of the bar. Or at least the direction they were headed, all she had to do was find the place and then wait for Lilac right... couldn't be that hard, could it? She thought about it on the way swiftly and stealthily moving though she hadn't gone far yet.

@TaraSobiki @Darkri

A single light came from inside the computer lab as Nito typed up his report. Though it wasn't one for school or anything but rather on an experiment he had been conducting. Though he looked kind of odd now his normal clothes traded out for a white lab coat and some black slacks. He was exhausted so he took another sip of his coffee before going right back to work, it was odd though how a guy his age wasn't exactly a student or a teacher yet he was still working with the school. His eyes plastered to the screen as he wasn't really focused on much outside of the report he had to type up. He muttered quietly to himself, "Specimen 08... signs of aggression.... weak to..." As he typed away at the report pages upon pages flooding onto the screen in mere minutes.

((@TerrinX They were out headed into the street last I checked... She could find them or other characters if she'd like though..))
(.Sorry for disappearing yesterday.Since my characters are doing jack all. I'm either going to have Ami walk in on Nito if that's okay with you or create a teacher if that's okay.)
((Ami can walk in on him if you'd like. He's not really doing anything he can't finish later. So go for it (^.^))) @Kira Times

((Oh... she will conveniently be at the same one then Wonderful!))
Ami was wandering through the school with a smile of sorts on her face. She had decided to look around the school just for fun. Already she had examined half the classrooms and the gym. Now she was walking to the computer lab whistling . She hadn't expected to see a light when she got there though. Ami opened the door without a second thought "Hello mortal! Why are you here at this time?"

Nito paused his typing, "Well truthfully immortality doesn't exist their bodies are just rapidly healing to decrease the rate in which one ages." He said before pausing and smiling. "I'm just finishing up a report for the boss... What are you doing here. I didn't think students were allowed to be out at this hour" He said saving the document to his flash-drive and then taking the flash-drive out. He then turned his head to look at her slightly better, "If I may inquire that is" He said smiling at her calmly. One of his eyes were hidden still behind his leaf green hair. His visible red eye looked at her though.

@Kira Times
Ami didn't understand a thing that just came out of this guys except something about decreasing...healing or something. She just stared at him and shook her head "Anyway! I am no normal student! I am a witch to be exact." she twirled around. When she stopped she noticed how...creepy this guy was "Why are your eyes red? A demon maybe!" she walked up to the creepy dude to look at his unusual red eyes.

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