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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

"Well it was going to snow, so I would rather not." She said chuckling. Evylon just shrugged at Melody's questioning about marriage.

"Don't worry about the bar, my mom used to work there, nothing sketchy I promise. I never, ever, break promises." She reassured as she squeezed Melody's hand a bit.

"Snows beautiful though." she said and sighed. She nodded "I know you wouldn't ever take me somewhere sketchy on purpose." she looked outside again "What is your mother like anyway? Again, you don't have to answer." she wanted to know a bit more about Evylon's family "Also do you have any siblings? I'm just curious about you as all.."

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"Well my mom is just a generally nice person, though she can be stubborn, like me I guess, and yeah, I have eight older sisters." She said sighing. "Being the youngest I stayed with mom while they went out to do whatever I guess." Evylon looked out the window at the snow covered bridge.

Melody stared at her in awe "E-Eight! I don't know what I would do with all those siblings.." she moved her hair back. After a few minutes she tilted her head "Should of asked this earlier but how long will it take to get there?"

As Melody said that, the tram came to a slowing halt and a ding sounded as the doors opened into the street, there were a good amount of people going about their business, night shops, and stores were open and people seemed to be having a good time despite the few snowflakes that came down. As the temperature dropped Evylons fur fluffed out a bit to keep her warm.

Taking Melody's hand again she led the girl down the street to a bar called "Random Encounters"

He laughed awkwardly "No,no I'm fine. But I wonder why someone would be touring the halls thinking." he looked around and sighed "It appears we're the only ones in the school if there are no teachers wandering around. Wonder if they locked all the exits.." he said casually. He had apparently be locked in places many times before (mostly libraries), somehow the employees almost never noticed he was there...it was almost depressing.


Melody sighed "I should of bought a coat with me.." she said shivering a little bit. She was a fur less Pokemon so she couldn't keep warm all that well without a cover or something. She walked in without a second thought and it was warmer inside than outside. She sighed in satisfaction this time and turned to face Evylon "Let's find a place to sit..Also do bars serve stuff other than alcoholic drinks?" Melody wasn't all that keen with alcohol.

Lux shrugged, "It is after hours... and classes don't start till tomorrow so. It would make sense if they did but. I saw a couple people leave earlier so they kinda have to leave it unlocked." He said as he glanced at the exit all the people had left from. Though this new guy seemed to be pretty cool considering the fact being he hadn't tried to make fun of Lux or anything. So that was always a nice change of pace for him. He smiled though, "Do you need help getting to your dorm?" He asked not sure if the guy might need something. Lux had just been walking around the school for a couple hours so he knew most places.

"Um yes that would be nice." he said before looking around again. "Oh yeah.My name's Ajax." he then went off to the exit. Ajax didn't really move that fast usually so he expected that the other guy could keep up. It was snowing now, Ajax enjoyed weather like this for obvious reasons but he wasn't completely sure if the other guy did "Also.." he didn't turn around and just looked at the sky "I'm a Glaceon...What are you?"

Lux followed quickly, "Well my name's Lux and i'm a Litwick." He said smiling. Then he looked around at the outside area the snow was quite beautiful. He thought about things for a moment ideas coming to mind, maybe this Ajax guy could be a potential friend.. Then he remembered earlier today. He could always just keep from sharing those kinds of interest... though there would probably be word out accusing him of being a loli soon. He shook the thoughts from his mind, "So what dorm are you in?" he asked wondering if the guy knew where or who he was put with.

He turned around in mild surprise "Lux? I feel like I read that name...somewhere." Ajax typically had terrible memory when it came to stuff that were probably important. He could tell you what he ate for breakfast last week but probably couldn't tell you the species of the principal. He shrugged in response to Lux's question "Not completely sure...Sorry but when I got here I instantly went to the library. I probably won't be much assistance..." he said while looking at Lux blankly. He thought that Lux would leave him since he pretty much didn't know where anything was.

Lux thought about it for a moment the whole aspect behind reading coming to his mind. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and looked at it. He nodded and then put it back in his pocket, "Well you probably read it on a paper like that one. Since we're roommates, follow me I'll show you where to go" He said as he began walking in the direction of the dorms. He smiled now since he was able to actually do something good rather than not so much. "I'm guessing you like to read though?" He asked looking over his shoulder at Ajax.

Ajax followed after him and nodded "Yes..Well I guess. Not all things. Just one specific subject actually..." he trailed off in the middle of his sentence. He didn't usually elaborate since he has been told it was childish not that he cared but still he didn't say what the subject was. "Do you enjoy reading, if so it must be easy to read late at night since you have a candlelight of your own." he snickered a little but didn't mean that in a rude way. He stayed silent for a little before speaking again "Since we're roommates. I would like to know your interest..If that's alright." he felt as if you are going to be living with someone it was good to get to know the most you can about them.

Lux smiled at that remark. "It does help for that truthfully... I do enjoy reading though I've done a good bit less of it as of recent days" he said with a small shrug. Then thinking about what else he said came to mind. "Though as for an interest.... I like to act... like in plays and stuff." He said in a quite happy tone. Though he wasn't certain as to if Ajax cared too much for it. "Being a ghost type always has perks." He said happily.

"Acting? Plays? Never tried those out before but I assume they're fun.." he wasn't too confident when it came to walking on stage but he thinks he could do it without a problem. He raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner "What kind of perks? You can faze through walls or something? The only 'perk' of being a ice type is that the cold doesn't bother us." he said but that was just all of the perks he could think of at the moment. He laughed "I wish there was a ghost type eeveelution I would of taken it without a second thought..."

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Vein was asleep at the moment though he was still in the cover so that he was warm from that and cool from having no shirt on.


Lux laughed a little under his breath, "I can't phase through walls... though that would be cool to learn. I can see almost perfectly in darkness and can control things... or rather posses then if you would.." he then thought about the other thing stated. "Plays are fun... you should audition for one in the future.. it requires quite a bit of reading so you might like it." He suggested happily.

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Rory quietly got out of bed and got into her orange hoddie sticking a few water balloons in her pockets and some fake barf.She quietly got out of their dorm and began walking down the halls.


Pat smiled at its new room mate who appeared to be a sawsbuck."well see you later" pat said smiling happily as it left the room.

"Yeah of course they do." She said giggling a bit before raising her hand at a bartender, he was a large Quelava who nodded at her with a smile..

Taking her que Evylon led Melody to booth 13, her usual seating.

Just as they sat down a ruff looking Luxray, some Luxor's and two Purrloin girls walked up to the booth. The Luxray spoke first. "Well look at what we have here. It's the slut, oh and a friend." He said chuckling "If I can recall right, you had some fun with my girls, so I gotta know why I wasn't invited."

He spat harshly. "I think it's time you repaid me you fucking whore." She said growling as he reached for Evylon when a large hand blocked him and quite literally pushed him back.

"I would infer you to keep your hands off Lady Evylon." The Hariyama said in a deep voice.

"What are you going to do about it fuck face?" The Luxray challenged, electricity sparked in his fur.

Just then a few other Pokemon stood up, A Machamp, Lucario, Tryanitar, etc. All glaring at the group of Ruffians with clear intent.

A simple nod to the door was all they needed from the bartender to scramble out of the bar in a hurry.

"Thank you David," Evylon said to the Hariyama who smiled and walked back to his seat. "Thank you to Charles," She said to the bartender who nodded

"It's nothing Lady Evylon, your well-being our priority," he said before helping out some customers with their orders.

Unknownst sit to Evylon her mother was passed out drunk two booths over.

"So what do you want? They have soda and juice if you prefer." Evylon said to Melody as a Cincinno waitress came to their booth.

"Tenders and Fries with a Silver Succubus Lady Evylon?" The waitress asked politely smiling."

"Yup." She responded as the girl wrote it down.

"Possession?That sounds extremely awesome.." he responded and sighed. "I really wish there was a ghost eeveelution..Fairy but not ghost? Who wants to be pink.." he said and chuckled a bit "Actually my brother got stuck with the fairy evolution. My sister said that it was stupid and then she took the fire one. Other sister took the leaf one, other brother to the electric stone and I took the ice stone because it was.....cool." he stared at Lux for a minute before looking away. "I'll shut up now." he said but continued to laugh at his bad joke in silence.


Melody had no idea what any of that was about. Some asshole comes up to them, calls her girlfriend a whore, talks about prostitutes then tries to fight her. After some other guy stepped in and somehow got those jerks to leave. She was having a bit of a hard time comprehending but Evylon didn't seem to affected. "I..uh..I'll have the same thing as her." she said to there server and started to question Evylon "Who were those guys? What was that about?Why do you seem alright with this!?" she was talking so fast that she wasn't giving Evylon a chance to answer.

Addy and subtrixy walked into school holding each others hands and whistling merrily. "This is such...""...A great day!" they said skipping Along.

(blue is subtrixy speaking and addys red)

@ScaraByte @TaraSobiki
"Well if there was a ghost type wouldn't you end up being purple?" Lux said before getting his joke and snickering slightly. "I see the pun there, But wouldn't that mean your sister would be kinda hot?" He said making a bad pun himself. Though at the same time he came up on the door to their dorm. "Alright then, here we are" He said as he opened the door and showed Ajax inside the rather tidy room.

Addy and subtrixy noticed a ligtwhit and a glaceon standing by each near the dorms. getting closer they said "Oh hello...... You two" they said smiling happily."I'm addy!""I'm subtrixy!" they said together

@ScaraByte @TaraSobiki
Ajax snickered at his joke "That's funny though I don't like the thought of my sis being hot or attractive in any way." he shuddered for emphasis. He looked around the room "Man...This is much cleaner than me and my siblings room." he said with a amazed look on his face but his his staring was cut short by two voices. He looked at the two pokemon and greeted them "Hi. You two." he wasn't all that fast to register stuff anyway but he didn't catch there names since they talked at the same time.

@ScaraByte @BeebeTheWarrior

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