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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Vein smiled and looked at her, "Then that brings me to my next question. Can you dance?" He said still laying down as he asked this. It was interesting to learn more about people. Though he needed to remember his rule and hold back from branching himself out too much.

"oh come on" she cried lifting vein to his feet "lets do a dance everyone can do, the macarana!" she cried and began moving veins arms to make him to do the macarana


(Ahhh macaran!)
Vein looked at her with a sigh and laughed slightly. "Alright alright... You want me to do that dance then you have to do it too. Deal?" He asked her knowing that it'd be weird to just do that and have someone control you to do it.


( xD that of all dances)
(That is very true)

Vein shook his head, "You're definitely a silly girl that's for sure" he said still following through with it though it was kinda odd to have to dance on request.

Blushing Rory said"aww thanks I try my best" She said "hey want to limbo now!" she cried dissembling her bed and using a pole to limbo under "come on it'll be fun" she said smiling happily and determind to become to best friend ever

Vein smiled, "That was different... never had girl from a compliment from me" He said before looking at her. "I thought limbo was a party game though... when did it become a dance?" He said looking at her confused now.

He looked at her, "Never had her blush. I just realized that I forgot a word..." He said with a shrug. On that he noticed that she seemed to be done with it to his knowledge. So he moved back onto his bed though he didn't know if she was done with him or not he just went off assumption there.

"oh" she said and began blushing more until she noticed he got back into bed. she assumed that he was tired so she put her bed back together and sat on it

her eyes widened and her cheeks turned scarlet "um no most people just ignore me because of my pranks" she said not looking vein in the eyes

@ScaraByte (i am making vein her crush ok)
Vein nodded understanding, "Well one aspect doesn't define a person. They just haven't seen the cute side of you... they've only seen the mischievous girl that you showed them in pranks" He said before thinking for a moment and looking at her. He saw how embarrassed she looked and smiled.

@BeebeTheWarrior (Go for it. Everyone can have a crush it's just a step for both people if they have a relationship with them)
""Laying on the bed what to do I ruined my friendship with Rory because of the prank I pulled""

""I should go applogize to Rory"" standing up going to Rory's dorm @BeebeTheWarrior
Rory blushed again "Aww thanks your making my cheeks red" she said smiling back and feeling embarrassed.suddenly there was a knock on the door and Rory quickly tried to get rid of the blush before opening the door."oh hello zero" she sighed "how did the prank go" she asked half heartedly


Vein watched their interaction from the bed just to see what happened plus he didn't have anything else to do and it was rude to just walk through a conversation... then again. He turned looking at the window.
""Heh it went good I'm sorry if I made you stressed out earlier we don't have to be friends I'm really sorry Rory""
Rory shook her heads "its ok i'll still be your friend" she said smiling at zero showing a bit of a shy side."thanks for your apology" she said smiling an shutting the door to look back at vein.



(oh and darkri reply to digimon and we can contiune)
Vein was halfway out the window from his plan to go and do something. Mainly since he thought their conversation would go on longer. He looked back inside when he heard the door shut. "Oh you already finished?" He said tottering on the window-sil slightly, from the fact he was halfway out. "So what do you wanna do?" He asked sitting there.

((Sorry had to do a lot of stuff today! I'll start to write my reply now.))

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